use core::convert::TryInto;
use core::mem;
use std::io::{self, Read, Seek, SeekFrom};
use log::warn;
use delharc::*;
use super::*;
const YM2_SAMPLES_4BIT: &[u8] = include_bytes!("../../resources/ym2_samples4bit.bin");
pub const YM2_SAMPLE_ENDS: [usize; 40] = [
631, 1262, 1752, 2242, 2941, 3446, 4173, 4653,
6761, 10992, 11370, 12897, 13155, 13413, 13864, 15659,
15930, 16563, 17942, 18089, 18228, 18313, 18463, 18970,
19200, 19320, 19591, 19884, 20275, 20666, 21057, 21464,
21871, 22278, 22595, 23002, 23313, 23772, 24101, 24757
impl YmSong {
pub fn parse_any<R, S>(
mut rd: R,
file_name: S
) -> io::Result<YmSong>
where R: Read + Seek, S: Into<String>
let pos =;
let mut rd = match LhaDecodeReader::new(rd) {
Ok(lha) if lha.is_decoder_supported() => {
return Self::parse_lha_reader(lha)
Ok(lha) => lha.into_inner(),
Err(e) => e.into_inner()
let file_len =;;
let mut buf_rd = io::BufReader::new(rd);
parse_ym(&mut buf_rd, file_len, file_name.into(), None)
pub fn parse_unpacked<R, S>(
mut rd: R,
file_name: S
) -> io::Result<YmSong>
where R: Read + Seek, S: Into<String>
let pos =;
let file_len =;;
let mut buf_rd = io::BufReader::new(rd);
parse_ym(&mut buf_rd, file_len, file_name.into(), None)
pub fn parse<R: Read>(rd: R) -> io::Result<YmSong> {
fn parse_lha_reader<R: Read>(lha_reader: LhaDecodeReader<R>) -> io::Result<YmSong> {
let title = lha_reader.header().parse_pathname().file_name()
.map(|s| s.to_string_lossy().into_owned())
.unwrap_or_else(|| String::new());
let created = lha_reader.header().parse_last_modified().to_naive_utc();
let file_len = lha_reader.len();
let mut buf_rd = io::BufReader::new(lha_reader);
parse_ym(&mut buf_rd, file_len, title, created)
fn parse_ym(
rd: &mut dyn io::BufRead,
file_len: u64,
title: String,
created: Option<NaiveDateTime>
) -> io::Result<YmSong>
let mut ident = [0u8;4];
rd.read_exact(&mut ident)?;
match &ident {
b"YM2!" => parse_ym2(rd, file_len - mem::size_of_val(&ident) as u64, title, created),
b"YM3b" => parse_ym3(YmVersion::Ym3, rd, file_len - mem::size_of_val(&ident) as u64, title, created),
b"YM4!" => parse_ym4(rd, created),
b"YM5!" => parse_ym5(YmVersion::Ym5, rd, created),
b"YM6!" => parse_ym5(YmVersion::Ym6, rd, created),
_ => {
Err(io::Error::new(io::ErrorKind::InvalidData, "unrecognized file signature"))
fn parse_ym2<R: io::BufRead>(
rd: R,
size: u64,
title: String,
created: Option<NaiveDateTime>
) -> io::Result<YmSong>
parse_ym3(YmVersion::Ym2, rd, size, title, created).map(|mut ym_song| {
let mut dd_samples = Vec::with_capacity(2 * YM2_SAMPLES_4BIT.len());
for smp in YM2_SAMPLES_4BIT.iter().copied() {
dd_samples.push(smp >> 4);
dd_samples.push(smp & 0x0F);
ym_song.dd_samples = dd_samples.into_boxed_slice();
fn parse_ym3<R: io::BufRead>(
version: YmVersion,
mut rd: R,
size: u64,
title: String,
created: Option<NaiveDateTime>
) -> io::Result<YmSong>
let includes_loop = match size % 14 {
0 => false,
4 => true,
_ => return Err(io::Error::new(io::ErrorKind::InvalidData, "wrong file size"))
let nframes = (size / 14).try_into().map_err(|e| io::Error::new(io::ErrorKind::InvalidData, e))?;
if nframes == 0 {
return Err(io::Error::new(io::ErrorKind::InvalidData, "no YM data"))
let frames = read_interleaved_frames(nframes, 14, &mut rd)?;
let loop_frame = if includes_loop {
else { 0 };
Ok(YmSong::new(version, frames, loop_frame, title, created))
fn parse_ym4<R: io::BufRead>(mut rd: R, created: Option<NaiveDateTime>) -> io::Result<YmSong> {
let (nframes, song_attrs, dd_nsamples) = parse_ym4_common(rd.by_ref())?;
let loop_frame = read_dword(rd.by_ref())?;
let (dd_samples, dd_samples_ends) = read_digidrum_samples(rd.by_ref(), dd_nsamples, song_attrs)?;
let (title, author, comments) = read_song_meta(rd.by_ref())?;
let frames = if song_attrs.is_interleaved() {
read_interleaved_frames(nframes, 16, rd.by_ref())
else {
read_non_interleaved_frames(nframes, 16, rd.by_ref())
Ok(YmSong::new(YmVersion::Ym4, frames, loop_frame, title, created)
.with_samples(song_attrs, dd_samples, dd_samples_ends)
.with_meta(author, comments))
fn parse_ym5<R: io::BufRead>(
version: YmVersion,
mut rd: R,
created: Option<NaiveDateTime>
) -> io::Result<YmSong>
let (nframes, song_attrs, dd_nsamples) = parse_ym4_common(rd.by_ref())?;
let chipset_frequency = read_dword(rd.by_ref())?;
let frame_frequency = read_word(rd.by_ref())?;
if chipset_frequency == 0 {
return Err(io::Error::new(io::ErrorKind::InvalidData, "chipset period must not be 0"))
if frame_frequency == 0 {
return Err(io::Error::new(io::ErrorKind::InvalidData, "frame period must not be 0"))
let loop_frame = read_dword(rd.by_ref())?;
if 0 != read_word(rd.by_ref())? {
return Err(io::Error::new(io::ErrorKind::InvalidData, "unknown additional header data"))
let (dd_samples, dd_samples_ends) = read_digidrum_samples(rd.by_ref(), dd_nsamples, song_attrs)?;
let (title, author, comments) = read_song_meta(rd.by_ref())?;
let frames = if song_attrs.is_interleaved() {
read_interleaved_frames(nframes, 16, rd.by_ref())
else {
read_non_interleaved_frames(nframes, 16, rd.by_ref())
Ok(YmSong::new(version, frames, loop_frame, title, created)
.with_samples(song_attrs, dd_samples, dd_samples_ends)
.with_meta(author, comments)
.with_frequency(chipset_frequency, frame_frequency))
fn parse_ym4_common<R: Read>(mut rd: R) -> io::Result<(usize, SongAttributes, u16)> {
let mut leonard = [0u8;8];
rd.read_exact(&mut leonard)?;
if &leonard != b"LeOnArD!" {
return Err(io::Error::new(io::ErrorKind::InvalidData, "unrecognized file verify signature"))
let nframes = read_dword(rd.by_ref())?
.try_into().map_err(|e| io::Error::new(io::ErrorKind::InvalidData, e))?;
if nframes == 0 {
return Err(io::Error::new(io::ErrorKind::InvalidData, "no YM data"))
let attrs = SongAttributes::from_bits_truncate(read_dword(rd.by_ref())?);
let dd_nsamples = read_word(rd.by_ref())?;
if (dd_nsamples as usize) > MAX_DD_SAMPLES {
return Err(io::Error::new(io::ErrorKind::InvalidData, "too many digi-drum samples"))
Ok((nframes, attrs, dd_nsamples))
fn read_digidrum_samples<R: Read>(
mut rd: R,
nsamples: u16,
song_attrs: SongAttributes,
) -> io::Result<(Box<[u8]>, [usize;MAX_DD_SAMPLES as usize])>
assert!((nsamples as usize) <= MAX_DD_SAMPLES);
let mut sample_data = Vec::new();
let mut sample_ends = [0usize;MAX_DD_SAMPLES as usize];
for sep in sample_ends[0..nsamples as usize].iter_mut() {
let nbytes = read_dword(rd.by_ref())?;
sample_data.reserve(nbytes as usize);
if nbytes as usize != rd.by_ref().take(nbytes as u64).read_to_end(&mut sample_data)? {
return Err(io::Error::new(io::ErrorKind::UnexpectedEof, "file ended prematurely"))
*sep = sample_data.len();
if !song_attrs.is_4bit() {
if song_attrs.is_signed() {
for t in sample_data.iter_mut() {
*t = t.wrapping_add(0x80) >> 4;
else {
for t in sample_data.iter_mut() {
*t = *t >> 4;
Ok((sample_data.into_boxed_slice(), sample_ends))
fn read_song_meta<R: io::BufRead>(
mut rd: R
) -> io::Result<(String, String, String)>
let title = read_cstr(rd.by_ref())?;
let author = read_cstr(rd.by_ref())?;
let comments = read_cstr(rd.by_ref())?;
Ok((title, author, comments))
fn read_interleaved_frames<R: Read>(nframes: usize, regs: usize, mut rd: R) -> io::Result<Box<[YmFrame]>> {
let mut frames = vec![YmFrame::default();nframes].into_boxed_slice();
for r in 0..regs {
for (fp, res) in frames.iter_mut().zip(rd.by_ref().bytes()) {[r] = res?;
fn read_non_interleaved_frames<R: Read>(nframes: usize, regs: usize, mut rd: R) -> io::Result<Box<[YmFrame]>> {
let mut frames = vec![YmFrame::default();nframes].into_boxed_slice();
for fp in frames.iter_mut() {
fn read_song_end_tag<R: Read>(mut rd: R) -> io::Result<()> {
let mut end_mark = [0u8;4];
match rd.read_exact(&mut end_mark) {
Ok(..) => {
if &end_mark != b"End!" {
warn!("WARNING: invalid End! tag");
Err(..) => {
warn!("WARNING: no End! tag");
fn read_dword<R: Read>(mut rd: R) -> io::Result<u32> {
let mut dword = [0u8;4];
rd.read_exact(&mut dword)?;
fn read_word<R: Read>(mut rd: R) -> io::Result<u16> {
let mut word = [0u8;2];
rd.read_exact(&mut word)?;
fn read_cstr<R: io::BufRead>(mut rd: R) -> io::Result<String> {
let mut vec = Vec::with_capacity(128);
if 0 == rd.read_until(0, &mut vec)? {
return Err(io::Error::new(io::ErrorKind::UnexpectedEof, "file ended prematurely"))
match String::from_utf8(vec) {
Ok(mut s) => {
Err(e) => {