class Float

Public Instance Methods

to_fixed16_8() click to toggle source

Converts a float to a 16-bit fixed point twos complement number formatted: iiiiiiiiffffffff where i represents the absolute integer part bits and f represents the fractional part bits.

# File lib/z80lib3d/fixed_float.rb, line 5
def to_fixed16_8
  n = (self * 256.0).round
  raise ArgumentError if n >= 32768 || n <= -32768
  n & 0xffff
to_z80bin(simplified_int=true) click to toggle source

Converts Float to a ZX-Spectrum's real number encoded as a 5-byte binary string.

Suitable to be used with ZXLib::Math::ZXReal struct for data.

simplified_int indicates if integers in the range of -65535..65535 should be stored in a simplified integer form.

Returns binary string.

# File lib/zxlib/math.rb, line 13
def to_z80bin(simplified_int=true)
    ::ZXLib::Math.pack_number self, simplified_int