module Z80::MathInt::Macros

Z80::MathInt Macros

Public Instance Methods

add24_16(th8=c, tl16=hl, tt=de, signed:true) click to toggle source

Creates a routine that adds a 16-bit integer in tt to a 24-bit integer in th8|tl16. Returns the result in a|tl16.


An 8-bit register holding the highest 8 bits of the value to be added to, must not be the accumulator.


A 16-bit register holding the lowest 16 bits of the value to be added to (hl, ix or iy).


A 16-bit register holding the value to be added (bc, de or sp).


  • signed

    true if the 16-bit value being added is a twos complement signed integer.

Modifies: af, tl16, preserves: th8.

T-states: 27 signed / 19 unsigned

# File lib/z80/math_i.rb, line 440
def add24_16(th8=c, tl16=hl, tt=de, signed:true)
    th, tl = tt.split
    tlh, tll = tl16.split
    if ![bc, de, sp].include?(tt) or ![hl, ix, iy].include?(tl16) or [tlh, tll, th, tl, a].include?(th8)
        raise ArgumentError, "add24_16: invalid arguments!"
    ns do
        if signed
            ld   a, th
            add  a
            sbc  a
            sub  a
            add  tl16, tt
            adc  th8
adda_to(th, tl) click to toggle source

Creates a routine that adds an 8-bit accumulator value to a 16-bit th|tl register pair.


A target MSB 8-bit register.


A target LSB 8-bit register.

As a side effect: a equals to th when the routine ends.


Although this method is often a more convenient way to add an 8-bit unsigned integer to a 16-bit pair of registers, it sets flags in the following way:

ZF: (tt + a) & 0xFF00 == 0
CF: (((tt + a) & 0xFF) + (((tt + a) & 0xFF00) >> 8)) > 0xFF

Uses: af, th, tl.

T-states: 20

# File lib/z80/math_i.rb, line 384
def adda_to(th, tl)
    if th == tl or [th,tl].include?(a)
        raise ArgumentError, "adda_to: invalid arguments!"
    ns do
            add  tl
            ld   tl, a
            adc  th
            sub  tl
            ld   th, a
bcdtoa(buffer=hl, size=b, skip_leading0:false, preserve_in:nil, &block) click to toggle source

Creates a routine that reads BCD digits from the memory buffer, one at a time, into the accumulator.

As a side effect the buffer will be zeroed after execution of this routine unless preserve_in is set.

Provide a block of code which will receive digits. The block will be inserted twice. On the first digit CF=1, on subsequent CF=0. Alternatively set skip_leading0: to true. In this instance CF will be always 0 and the block will not be evaluated if the first digit is 0. The block should produce a relatively small code (< 60 bytes).


A memory address of the beginning of the BCD data as an integer, a label, a pointer or hl.


The size in bytes of the BCD data as an integer, a label, a pointer or an 8-bit register.


  • skip_leading0

    If true the block will not be executed on the first digit if it's 0.

  • preserve_in

    An optional register: c, d or e which will preserve the current value of the processed byte of the buffer.


The code in block must preserve hl, b and preserve_in registers if set.

Modifies: af, hl, b and optionally preserve_in.


    bcdtoa hl, b do |eoc|
      jr  NC, pr1  # skip zero check if not first
      jr  Z, eoc   # skip leading 0
pr1   add ?0.ord
      rst 0x10     # print a character
    # or
    bcdtoa(hl, b, skip_leading0: true) do |eoc|
      add ?0.ord
      rst 0x10     # print a character
# File lib/z80/math_i.rb, line 2926
def bcdtoa(buffer=hl, size=b, skip_leading0:false, preserve_in:nil, &block)
    raise ArgumentError unless (address?(buffer) or buffer == hl) and
                               (address?(size) or (register?(size) and size.bit8?)) and
                               (!preserve_in or [c,d,e].include?(preserve_in))
    isolate do
        if pointer?(size)
                ld   a, size
                ld   b, a
        elsif size != b
                ld   b, size
                ld   hl, buffer unless buffer == hl
                xor  a
        if skip_leading0
                ld   preserve_in, [hl] if preserve_in
                jr   NZ, noskip0
                jr   skip0
    loop_a      label
                ld   preserve_in, [hl] if preserve_in
    noskip0     ns(&block)
                xor  a
    skip0       rld
                ld   [hl], preserve_in if preserve_in
                inc  hl
                xor  a
                djnz loop_a
cmp_i16n(th, tl, value, lt:nil, gt:nil, eq:nil, jump_rel:false) click to toggle source

Compares a bitwise concatenated pair of 8-bit values th|tl with a value as twos complement signed 16-bit integers.

Provide value as an integer or a label.


  • lt: provide a label to jump to or :ret when th|tl < value.

  • gt: provide a label to jump to or :ret when th|tl > value.

  • eq: provide a label to jump to or :ret when th|tl = value.

  • jump_rel: set to true to use relative jumps wherever applicable.


At least lt or gt must be provided. Only two of: lt, gt and eq may be specified.

Modifies: af.

# File lib/z80/math_i.rb, line 168
def cmp_i16n(th, tl, value, lt:nil, gt:nil, eq:nil, jump_rel:false)
    cmp_i16r(th, tl, value>>8, value, lt:lt, gt:gt, eq:eq, jump_rel:jump_rel)
cmp_i16r(th, tl, sh, sl, lt:nil, gt:nil, eq:nil, jump_rel:false) click to toggle source

Compares a bitwise concatenated pair of 8-bit values th|tl with another pair sh|sl as twos complement signed 16-bit integers.


  • lt: provide a label to jump to or :ret when th|tl < sh|sl.

  • gt: provide a label to jump to or :ret when th|tl > sh|sl.

  • eq: provide a label to jump to or :ret when th|tl = sh|sl.

  • jump_rel: set to true to use relative jumps wherever applicable.


At least lt or gt must be provided. Only two of: lt, gt and eq may be specified.

Modifies: af.

# File lib/z80/math_i.rb, line 184
def cmp_i16r(th, tl, sh, sl, lt:nil, gt:nil, eq:nil, jump_rel:false)
    raise ArgumentError, "only th can be the accumulator" if [tl, sh, sl].include?(a)
    raise ArgumentError, "lt, gt or eq should be labels if specified" unless (lt.nil? or lt == :ret or (address?(lt) and !pointer?(lt))) and
                                                                             (gt.nil? or gt == :ret or (address?(gt) and !pointer?(gt))) and
                                                                             (eq.nil? or eq == :ret or (address?(eq) and !pointer?(eq)))
    raise ArgumentError, "specify at least one of: lt or gt" if lt == gt or (!lt and !gt)
    raise ArgumentError, "specify at most two of: lt, gt or eq" if lt and gt and eq
    gte = gt if gt == eq
    jump = proc do |cond, target|
        if target == :ret
                    ret  cond
        elsif jump_rel && (cond.nil? || cond.jr_ok?)
                    jr   cond, target
                    jp   cond, target
    isolate do |eoc|
                    ld   a, th unless th == a
        if sh == 0                          # 8bit optimization
                    ora  a
                    sub  sh
           Z, equal_msb
        unless sh == 0                      # 8bit optimization
                    jp   NV, no_xor         # VF: 0, no XORing
                    xor  0x80               # SF: SF ^ VF
            no_xor  label
           M, lt if lt
           P, gt if gt
           nil, eoc if !lt or !gt
        equal_msb   ld   a, tl
                    cp   sl
        if gte
           NC, gte
        elsif gt
            if lt
           C, lt
           NZ, gt
           Z, eq || eoc
           NC, gt
           Z, eq if eq
           C, lt
cmp_i8(va, vb, lt:nil, gt:nil, eq:nil, jump_rel:false) click to toggle source

Compares va with vb as twos complement signed 8-bit integers.

Provide va and vb as an 8-bit registers, integers or labels.


  • lt: provide a label to jump to or :ret when va < vb.

  • gt: provide a label to jump to or :ret when va > vb.

  • eq: provide a label to jump to or :ret when va = vb.

  • jump_rel: set to true to use relative jumps wherever applicable.


At least lt or gt must be provided. Only two of: lt, gt and eq may be specified.

Modifies: af.

# File lib/z80/math_i.rb, line 121
def cmp_i8(va, vb, lt:nil, gt:nil, eq:nil, jump_rel:false)
    raise ArgumentError, "only va can be the accumulator" if vb == a
    raise ArgumentError, "lt, gt or eq should be labels if specified" unless (lt.nil? or lt == :ret or (address?(lt) and !pointer?(lt))) and
                                                                             (gt.nil? or gt == :ret or (address?(gt) and !pointer?(gt))) and
                                                                             (eq.nil? or eq == :ret or (address?(eq) and !pointer?(eq)))
    raise ArgumentError, "specify at least one of: lt or gt" if lt == gt or (!lt and !gt)
    raise ArgumentError, "specify at most two of: lt, gt or eq" if lt and gt and eq
    isolate do |eoc|
                    ld   a, va unless va == a
                    sub  vb
        if eq == :ret
                    ret  Z
        elsif jump_rel
                    jr   Z, eq || eoc
                    jp   Z, eq || eoc
                    jp   NV, skip_xor       # VF: 0, no XORing
                    xor  0x80               # SF: SF ^ VF
        skip_xor    label
        if lt == :ret
                    ret  M
        elsif lt
                    jp   M, lt
        if gt == :ret
                    ret  P
        elsif gt
                    jp   P, gt
divmod(k, m, clrrem:true, check0:true, check0_far:false, check1:true, k_leq_m:nil, modulo:false, ignore_cf:false, optimize: :time) click to toggle source

Creates a routine that performs an euclidean division of unsigned: k / m. Returns a quotient in k and a remainder in accumulator.

This routine can be chained one after another to divide arbitrary size dividends. Just preserve the a and m registers and pass false to clrrem: on subsequent routines. Start with the most significant byte of the dividend:

ns :divide24_8 do |eoc| # divide (l|de)/c
  divmod l, c, check0:eoc, check1:eoc, ignore_cf:true
  divmod d, c, clrrem:false
  divmod e, c, clrrem:false
  anda a # clear CF

A dividend as an 8-bit register except: a, b.


A divisor as an 8-bit register except: a, b, k.


  • clrrem

    Clears a reminder (accumulator). If this is false, check0, check1 and k_leq_m options are being ignored.

  • check0

    Checks if a divisor is 0, in this instance CF=1 indicates an error and nothing except the accumulator is being altered. CF should be ignored if check0 is false. It may also be a label (within the relative jump range) to indicate where to jump if m is 0.

  • check0_far

    Allow to specify far (outside the relative jump range) check0 label.

  • check1

    Checks if a divisor equals to 1, a hot path optimization. It may also be a label to indicate where to jump if m equals 1.

  • k_leq_m

    Short circuits if a dividend is equal to or less than a divisor, a hot path optimization.

  • modulo

    Calculates a remainder only.

  • ignore_cf

    Removes instruction to clear CF if check0 is also set. This can be used if check0 is provided as a label instead of checking the state of the CF flag.

  • optimize

    Optimization options: :size, :time, :unroll, :time_alt, :unroll_alt. The :time_alt and :unroll_alt use undocumented sll instruction.

Optimization options:

bytes|~avg T-states|max T-states

 options       check       check       check        check          check      no clrrem
optimize        all       0 & km       0 & 1        0 only         none       remainder=0
:size        36|~221|400  34|~216|396  24|~367|389  19|~357|380  13|~336|358  14|~388|410
:time        49|~215|447  47|~210|453  39|~336|436  33|~331|442  27|~310|420  29|~358|460
:time_alt    51|~214|423  49|~209|425  41|~338|412  35|~332|414  30|~316|396  32|~364|436
:unroll     119|~172|301 117|~166|297 110|~256|290 104|~250|286 104|~250|286  80|~282|304
:unroll_alt 164|~161|296 162|~155|298 155|~236|285 149|~230|287 144|~213|269 140|~261|309

Uses: af, b, k, preserves: m.

# File lib/z80/math_i.rb, line 2039
def divmod(k, m, clrrem:true, check0:true, check0_far:false, check1:true, k_leq_m:nil, modulo:false, ignore_cf:false, optimize: :time)
    unless clrrem
        check0 = false
        check1 = false
        k_leq_m = false
    raise ArgumentError, "divmod: invalid arguments" unless [d, e, h, l, c].include?(k) and
                                                            [d, e, h, l, c].include?(m) and k != m
    opt_alt = case optimize
    when :time_alt
        optimize = :time
    when :unroll_alt
        optimize = :unroll
    when :size, :time, :unroll then false
        raise ArgumentError, "divmod: optimize should be :size, :time, :time_alt, :unroll or :unroll_alt"
    if k_leq_m.nil?
        k_leq_m = (optimize != :size)
    isolate do |eoc|
        if check0 == true
            check0 = eoc
            check0_far = (optimize == :unroll && opt_alt)
        check1 = eoc if check1 == true
        if check0 or check1 or k_leq_m
                        ld  a, m
                        cp  1 if check0 or check1 
            if check0
                if check0_far && optimize == :size
                        jp  C, check0 # division by 0
                elsif check0_far
                        jr  C, fw_check0 # division by 0
                        jr  C, check0 # division by 0
            if check1
                if optimize == :size && !k_leq_m
                        jr  NZ, divstrt  # division by m > 1
                        xor a            # clear rest
                    if check1 == eoc
                        jr  eoc          # division by 1
                        jp  check1
                        jr  Z, divone    # division by m == 1
            if k_leq_m
                        cp  k            # m < k ?
                if optimize == :size
                        jr  C, divstrt   # m < k
                kislqm  jr  Z, kiseqm    # k == m
                        ld  a, k         # k <  m
                        ld  k, 0 unless modulo
                        jr  eoc
                kiseqm  label            # k == m
                        ld  k, 1 unless modulo
                    if check1 && check1 == eoc
                divone  xor a
                        jr  eoc
                        xor a 
                        jr  eoc
                        if check1
                    divone  xor a
                            jp  check1
                        jr  NC, kislqm   # m >= k
        if optimize == :unroll
            if clrrem
                        xor a
                7.times do |i|
                        sla k      # align highest set bit at CF
                        jr  C, define_label("iter#{i}").found1
                if k_leq_m
                        jp  iter7  # k == 0x80
                        sla k
                        jr  C, iter7.found1
            fw_check0   label if check0 && check0_far && check0 == eoc
                        jp  eoc    # k == 0
                if k_leq_m
                kislqm  jr  Z, kiseqm   # k == m
                        ld  a, k        # k <  m
                        ld  k, 0 unless modulo
            fw_check0   label if check0 && check0_far && check0 == eoc
                        jp  eoc
                kiseqm  label           # k == m
                        ld  k, 1 unless modulo
                    unless check1 && check1 == eoc
                        xor a 
                        jp  eoc
                if check1
                divone  xor a      # clear rest
            fw_check0   label if check0 && check0_far && !(check0 == eoc) && check0 == check1
                        jp  check1 # division by 1
            fw_check0   jp  check0 if check0 && check0_far && !(check0 == eoc) && !(check0 == check1)
            if opt_alt
                8.times do |i|
                    ns :"iter#{i}" do
                            sla k unless clrrem &&
                    found1  adc a
                            jr  C, :"fits#{i+1}" unless clrrem
                            cp  m
                            jr  NC, :"fits#{i+1}"
                            sla k unless modulo # clear carry, shift quotient into position
                if modulo && check0 && !ignore_cf
                            jp  quitccf # clear carry
                            jp  eoc
                (1..7).each do |i|
                    ns :"fits#{i}" do
                            sub m
                            sll k
                            adc a
                            jr  C, :"fits#{i+1}" unless clrrem
                            cp  m
                        if i != 7
                            jr  C, :"iter#{i+1}"
                            jr  NC, fits8
                            sla k unless modulo # clear carry, shift quotient into position
                            if modulo && check0 && !ignore_cf
                                jp  quitccf # clear carry
                                jp  eoc
                    fits8   sub m
                    quitccf anda a if modulo && check0 && !ignore_cf # clear carry
                            sll k unless modulo # clear carry, shift quotient into position
                8.times do |i|
                    isolate :"iter#{i}" do |skipadd|
                            sla k unless clrrem &&
                    found1  adc a
                            jr  C, fits unless clrrem
                            cp  m
                            jr  C, skipadd
                    fits    sub m
                            inc k unless modulo
                            anda a if check0 && !ignore_cf # clear carry
        else # optimize != :unroll
            divstrt     ld  b, 8
            if clrrem
                        xor a            # a = 0
                if optimize == :time
                findhi  sla k            # align highest set bit at CF
                        jr  C, found1
                        djnz findhi
                        jp  eoc unless k_leq_m # k == 0
                    if k_leq_m
                kislqm  jr  Z, kiseqm   # k == m
                        ld  a, k        # k <  m
                        ld  k, 0 unless modulo
                        jp  eoc
                kiseqm  label           # k == m
                        ld  k, 1 unless modulo
                        unless check1 && check1 == eoc
                            xor a       # clear rest
                            jp  eoc
                    if check1
                divone  xor a            # clear rest
            fw_check0   label if check0 && check0_far && check0 == check1
                        jp  check1       # division by 1
            fw_check0   jp  check0 if check0 && check0_far && !(check0 == check1)
            if optimize == :time
                unless clrrem
                        sla k            # carry <- k <- 0 (quotient)
                        adc a            # carry <- a <- carry
                        jr  C, fits unless clrrem # a >= 256
                        cp  m
                        jr  NC, fits     # a >= m
                        djnz loopfit     # b = 7
                fits    sub m            # a = a - m (rest)
                if opt_alt && !modulo
                        sll k            # carry <- k <- 1 (quotient)
                        djnz found1      # loop
                        inc k unless modulo # k <- 1 (quotient)
                        djnz loopfit     # loop
                if !(opt_alt && !modulo) && check0 && !ignore_cf
                        jp  quitccf      # quit with clear carry
                        jp  eoc
                loopfit sla k            # carry <- k <- 0
                found1  adc a            # carry <- a <- carry
                        jr  C, fits unless clrrem # a >= 256
                        cp  m            # a - m
                        jr  NC, fits     # a >= m
                nfits   djnz loopfit     # loop
                if opt_alt && !modulo
                        sla k            # clear carry, shift quotient into position
                elsif check0 && !ignore_cf
                quitccf anda a           # clear carry only when check0
            elsif optimize == :size
                loopfit sla k            # carry <- k <- 0
                        adc a            # carry <- a <- carry
                if modulo && clrrem
                        sub m
                        jr  NC, fits
                        add m
                fits    djnz loopfit
                        jr  C, fits unless clrrem # a >= 256
                        cp  m
                        jr  C, nfits
                fits    sub m
                        inc k unless modulo # k <- 1 (quotient)
                nfits   djnz loopfit
                        anda a if check0 && !ignore_cf # clear carry
divmod16(x=ixl, check0:true, check1:true, modulo:false, quick8:true) click to toggle source

Creates a routine that performs an euclidean division of unsigned 16-bit: hl / de. Returns a quotient in hl and a remainder in bc.


A temporary 8-bit register, one of: ixh, ixl, iyh or iyl.


  • check0

    Checks if a divisor is 0, in this instance CF=1 indicates an error and nothing except the accumulator is being altered. CF should be ignored if check0 is false.

  • check1

    Checks if a divisor is 1, a hot path optimization.

  • modulo

    Calculates a remainder only.

  • quick8

    Checks if a divisor fits in 8 bits and in this instance uses a different, optimized for 8-bit division code. quick8 can also be set to :divmod8 to use Macros.divmod8 (smaller code) instead of stacked Macros.divmod for an 8-bit division.

Uses: af, bc, hl, x, preserves: de.

# File lib/z80/math_i.rb, line 2406
def divmod16(x=ixl, check0:true, check1:true, modulo:false, quick8:true)
    raise ArgumentError unless [ixh, ixl, iyh, iyl].include?(x)
    isolate do |eoc|
        check0 = eoc if check0 == true
        check1 = eoc if check1 == true
        if check0 or check1 or quick8
                            xor a
                            ora d
                            jp  NZ, div16strt
            if quick8
                if quick8 == :divmod8
                            divmod8 e, check0:(check0 && qcheck0), check1:(check1 && qcheck1), modulo:modulo
                            divmod h, e, check0:(check0 && qcheck0), check1:(check1 && qcheck1), modulo:modulo, optimize: :time, ignore_cf:true
                            divmod l, e, clrrem:false, optimize: :time
                            anda a if check0
                            ld  c, a
                if check0 == eoc
                qcheck0     label
                            jp  eoc
                if check1
                qcheck1     ld  b, a
                            ld  c, a
                            jp  check1
                if check0 && !(check0 == eoc)
                qcheck0     jp  check0
            elsif check0 or check1
                            ld  a, e
                            cp  1
                            jr  C, check0 if check0 # division by 0
                if check1
                            jr  Z, divone     # division by m == 1
        div16strt           xor a            # a = 0 hi remainder
                            ld  c, a         # c = 0 lo remainder
                            ld  b, 16
        findhi              add hl, hl       # align highest set bit at CF
                            jr  C, found
                            djnz findhi
                            jp  eoc          # hl == 0, bc == 0
        loopfit             add hl, hl       # carry <- hl <- 0
        found               rl  c            # carry <- c <- carry
                            adc a            # carry <- a <- carry
                            cp  d            # a - d
                            jr  NC, fitshi   # a >= d
                            djnz loopfit     # loop
                            ccf if check0
                            jp  over
        if check1 && !quick8
            divone          ld  bc, 0         # clear rest
                            jp  check1        # division by 1
        fitshi              ld  x, a
                            ld  a, c
                            jr  NZ, fitslo   # a > d, ignore e
                            cp  e            # a == d: c - e
                            jr  NC, fitslo   # a >= e
                            ld  a, x
                            djnz loopfit     # loop
                            ccf if check0
                            jp  over
        fitslo              sub e            # a = c - e
                            ld  c, a         # c = c - e
                            ld  a, x
                            sbc d            # a -= d
        unless modulo
                            inc l            # hl <- 1 (quotient)
                            djnz loopfit     # loop
        over                ld  b, a         # bc = remainder
divmod16_8(kh, kl, m, check0:true, check0_far:false, check1:true, k_leq_m:nil, modulo:false, ignore_cf:false, optimize: :time) click to toggle source

Creates a routine that performs an euclidean division of unsigned 16-bit: kh|kl / 8-bit m. Returns a quotient in kh|kl and a remainder in accumulator.

This routine utilizes a stacked up Macros.divmod routines.

kh, kl

A dividend as two unique 8-bit registers except: a, b.


A divisor as an 8-bit register except: a, b and none of kh, kl.


  • check0

    Checks if a divisor is 0, in this instance CF=1 indicates an error and nothing except the accumulator is being altered. CF should be ignored if check0 is false. It may also be a label (within the relative jump range) to indicate where to jump if m equals 0.

  • check0_far

    Allow to specify far (outside the relative jump range) check0 label.

  • check1

    Checks if a divisor equals 1, a hot path optimization. It may also be a label to indicate where to jump if m equals 1.

  • k_leq_m

    Short circuits if kh is equal or less than a divisor, a hot path optimization.

  • modulo

    Calculates a remainder only.

  • ignore_cf

    Removes instruction to clear CF if check0 is also set. This can be used if check0 is provided as a label instead of checking the state of the CF flag.

  • optimize

    Optimization options: :size, :time, :unroll, :time_alt, :unroll_alt. See Macros.divmod for details.


A Macros.divmod8 presents a slower (up to 12%) but a significantly smaller (x1.5) alternative.

Uses: af, b, kh, kl, preserves: m.

# File lib/z80/math_i.rb, line 2376
def divmod16_8(kh, kl, m, check0:true, check0_far:false, check1:true, k_leq_m:nil, modulo:false, ignore_cf:false, optimize: :time)
    raise ArgumentError unless [kh, kl, m].uniq.size == 3
    isolate do |eoc|
        if check0 == true
            check0 = eoc
            check0_far = (optimize == :unroll || optimize == :unroll_alt)
        check1 = eoc if check1 == true
        divmod kh, m, check0:check0, check0_far:check0_far, check1:check1, k_leq_m:k_leq_m, modulo:modulo, optimize:optimize, ignore_cf:true
        divmod kl, m, clrrem:false, modulo:modulo, optimize:optimize
        anda a if check0 && !ignore_cf # clear CF unless ignored
divmod24_8(kh, km, kl, m, check0:true, check0_far:false, check1:true, k_leq_m:nil, modulo:false, ignore_cf:false, optimize: :time) click to toggle source

Creates a routine that performs an euclidean division of unsigned 24-bit: kh|km|kl / 8-bit m. Returns a quotient in kh|km|kl and a remainder in accumulator.

This routine utilizes a stacked up Macros.divmod routines.

kh, km, kl

A dividend as three unique 8-bit registers except: a, b.


A divisor as an 8-bit register except: a, b and none of kh, km, kl.


  • check0

    Checks if a divisor is 0, in this instance CF=1 indicates an error and nothing except the accumulator is being altered. CF should be ignored if check0 is false. It may also be a label (within the relative jump range) to indicate where to jump if m equals 0.

  • check0_far

    Allow to specify far (outside the relative jump range) check0 label.

  • check1

    Checks if a divisor equals 1, a hot path optimization. It may also be a label to indicate where to jump if m equals 1.

  • k_leq_m

    Short circuits if kh is equal or less than a divisor, a hot path optimization.

  • modulo

    Calculates a remainder only.

  • ignore_cf

    Removes instruction to clear CF if check0 is also set. This can be used if check0 is provided as a label instead of checking the state of the CF flag.

  • optimize

    Optimization options: :size, :time, :unroll, :time_alt, :unroll_alt. See Macros.divmod for details.

Uses: af, b, kh, km, kl, preserves: m.

# File lib/z80/math_i.rb, line 2509
def divmod24_8(kh, km, kl, m, check0:true, check0_far:false, check1:true, k_leq_m:nil, modulo:false, ignore_cf:false, optimize: :time)
    raise ArgumentError unless [kh, km, kl, m].uniq.size == 4
    isolate do |eoc|
        if check0 == true
            check0 = eoc
            check0_far = (optimize == :unroll || optimize == :unroll_alt)
        check1 = eoc if check1 == true
        divmod kh, m, check0:check0, check0_far:check0_far, check1:check1, k_leq_m:k_leq_m, modulo:modulo, optimize:optimize, ignore_cf:true
        divmod km, m, clrrem:false, modulo:modulo, optimize:optimize
        divmod kl, m, clrrem:false, modulo:modulo, optimize:optimize
        anda a if check0 && !ignore_cf # clear CF unless ignored
divmod32_16(x:ixl, check0:true, check1:true, modulo:false, quick8:true) click to toggle source

Creates a routine that performs an euclidean division of unsigned 32-bit: hl|hl' / de. Returns a quotient in hl|hl' and a remainder in bc.


A temporary 8-bit register, one of: ixh, ixl, iyh or iyl.


  • check0

    Checks if a divisor is 0, in this instance CF=1 indicates an error and nothing except the register a is being altered. CF should be ignored if check0 is false.

  • check1

    Checks if a divisor is 1, a hot path optimization.

  • modulo

    Calculates a remainder only.

  • quick8

    Checks if a divisor fits in 8 bits and in this instance uses a different, optimized code.

Uses: af, af', bc, bc', hl, hl', de', x, preserves: de.

# File lib/z80/math_i.rb, line 2610
def divmod32_16(x:ixl, check0:true, check1:true, modulo:false, quick8:true)
    raise ArgumentError unless [ixh, ixl, iyh, iyl].include?(x)
    isolate do |eoc|
        check0 = eoc if check0 == true
        check1 = eoc if check1 == true
        if check0 or check1 or quick8
                            xor a
                            ora d
                            jp  NZ, div32strt
            if quick8
                            divmod32_8 e, check0:(check0 && qcheck0), check1:(check1 && qcheck1), modulo:modulo
                            ld  c, a
                if check0 == eoc
                qcheck0     label
                            jp  eoc
                if check1
                qcheck1     ld  b, a
                            ld  c, a
                            jp  check1
                if check0 && !(check0 == eoc)
                qcheck0     jp  check0
            elsif check0 or check1
                            ld  a, e
                            cp  1
                            jr  C, check0 if check0 # division by 0
                if check1
                            jp  NZ, div32strt # division by m > 1
                            ld  bc, 0
                            jp  check1        # division by 1
        div32strt           xor a            # a = 0 hi remainder
                            ld  c, a         # c = 0 lo remainder
                            ld  b, 16
        loopfit1            add hl, hl       # carry <- hl <- 0
                            rl  c            # carry <- c <- carry
                            adc a            # carry <- a <- carry
                            cp  d            # a - d
                            jr  NC, fitshi1  # a >= d
                            djnz loopfit1    # loop
                            jp  divlo16
        fitshi1             ld  x, a
                            ld  a, c
                            jr  NZ, fitslo1  # a > d, ignore e
                            cp  e            # a == d: c - e
                            jr  NC, fitslo1  # a >= e
                            ld  a, x 
                            djnz loopfit1    # loop
                            jp  divlo16
        fitslo1             sub e            # a = c - e
                            ld  c, a         # c = c - e
                            ld  a, x
                            sbc d            # a -= d
        unless modulo
                            inc l            # hl <- 1 (quotient)
                            djnz loopfit1    # loop

        divlo16             push de
                            ld  x, c
                            exx              # hl' <-> hl
                            pop de           # de' = de
                            ld  c, x         # c' = c

                            ld  b, 16
        loopfit2            add hl, hl       # carry <- hl' <- 0
                            rl  c            # carry <- c' <- carry
                            adc a            # carry <- a <- carry
                            jr  C, fitshi2c  # a > d
                            cp  d            # a - d'
                            jr  NC, fitshi2  # a >= d'
                            djnz loopfit2    # loop
                            ccf if check0
                            jp  over
        fitshi2             ld  x, a
                            ld  a, c
                            jr  NZ, fitslo2  # a > d, ignore e
                            cp  e            # a == d: c - e
                            jr  NC, fitslo2  # a >= e
                            ld  a, x
                            djnz loopfit2    # loop
                            ccf if check0
                            jp  over
        fitshi2c            ld  x, a
                            ld  a, c
        fitslo2             sub e            # a = c' - e'
                            ld  c, a         # c' = c' - e'
                            ld  a, x
                            sbc d            # a -= d'
        unless modulo
                            inc l            # hl' <- 1 (quotient)
                            djnz loopfit2    # loop
                            ora  a if check0 # clear carry only when check0
        over                ld  x, c
                            ld  b, a         # bc = remainder
                            ld  c, x
divmod32_8(m=c, mt:c, check0:true, check1:true, modulo:false) click to toggle source

Creates a routine that performs an euclidean division of unsigned 32-bit: hl|hl' / m. Returns a quotient in hl|hl' and a remainder in a.


A divisor, one of: c, d or e.


A temporary register from the alternative set: c', d' or e'.


  • check0

    Checks if a divisor is 0, in this instance CF=1 indicates an error and nothing except the register a is being altered. CF should be ignored if check0 is false.

  • check1

    Checks if a divisor is 1, a hot path optimization.

  • modulo

    Calculates a remainder only.


A stacked Macros.divmod presents a faster (9-16%) but a significantly larger (x2) alternative.

Uses: af, af', b, b', hl, hl', mt', preserves: m.

# File lib/z80/math_i.rb, line 2541
def divmod32_8(m=c, mt:c, check0:true, check1:true, modulo:false)
    raise ArgumentError unless [c, d, e].include?(m)
    isolate do |eoc|
        check0 = eoc if check0 == true
        check1 = eoc if check1 == true
        if check0 or check1
                            ld  a, m
                            cp  1
                            jr  C, check0 if check0 # division by 0
            if check1
                            jp  NZ, divstrt  # division by m > 1
                            xor a            # clear rest
                            jp  check1       # division by 1
        divstrt             xor a            # a = 0
                            ld  b, 16
        loopfit1            add hl, hl       # carry <- hl <- 0
                            adc a            # carry <- a <- carry
                            jr  C, fits1     # a > m
                            cp  m            # a - m
                            jr  NC, fits1    # a >= m
                            djnz loopfit1    # loop
                            jp  divlo16
        fits1               sub m            # a = a - m (rest)
        unless modulo
                            inc l            # hl <- 1 (quotient)
                            djnz loopfit1    # loop

        divlo16             ex  af, af
                            ld  a, m
                            ld  mt, a
                            ex  af, af
                            ld  b, 16
        loopfit2            add hl, hl       # carry <- hl <- 0
                            adc a            # carry <- a <- carry
                            jr  C, fits2     # a > m
                            cp  mt           # a - m
                            jr  NC, fits2    # a >= m
                            djnz loopfit2    # loop
                            ccf if check0    # clear carry only when check0
                            jp  over
        fits2               sub mt           # a = a - m (rest)
        unless modulo
                            inc l            # hl <- 1 (quotient)
                            djnz loopfit2    # loop
                            ora  a if check0 # clear carry only when check0
        over                exx
divmod8(m=c, check0:true, check1:true, modulo:false) click to toggle source

Creates a routine that performs an euclidean division of unsigned: hl / m. Returns a quotient in hl and a remainder in a.


A divisor, one of: c, d or e.


  • check0

    Checks if a divisor is 0, in this instance CF=1 indicates an error and nothing except the register a is being altered. CF should be ignored if check0 is false.

  • check1

    Checks if a divisor is 1, a hot path optimization.

  • modulo

    Calculates a remainder only.


A stacked Macros.divmod presents a faster (up to 12%) but a significantly larger (x1.5) alternative.

Uses: af, b, hl, preserves: m.

# File lib/z80/math_i.rb, line 2306
def divmod8(m=c, check0:true, check1:true, modulo:false)
    raise ArgumentError unless [c, d, e].include?(m)
    isolate do |eoc|
        check1 = eoc if check1 == true
        check0 = eoc if check0 == true
        if check0 or check1
                        ld  a, m
                        cp  1
                        jr  C, check0 if check0 # division by 0
            if check1
                        jr  Z, divone    # division by m == 1
        divstrt         xor a            # a = 0
                        ld  b, 16
        findhi          add hl, hl       # align highest set bit at CF
                        jr  C, found
                        djnz findhi
                        jp  eoc          # hl == 0
        if check1
            divone      xor a            # clear rest
                        jp  check1       # division by 1
        loopfit         add hl, hl       # carry <- hl <- 0
        found           adc a            # carry <- a <- carry
                        jr  C, fits      # a >= 256
                        cp  m            # a - m
                        jr  NC, fits     # a >= m
                        djnz loopfit     # loop
        if check0
                        jp  quitccf      # clear carry only when check0
                        jp  eoc
        fits            sub m            # a = a - m (rest)
        unless modulo
                        inc l            # hl <- 1 (quotient)
                        djnz loopfit     # loop
        quitccf         anda a if check0 # clear carry only when check0
int(bitsize, value, byteorder: :lsb) click to toggle source

Packs an integer of an arbitrary size and adds it to the Program.code at Program.pc. Returns an unnamed relative label. The label's type is one of the structures created in the Integers module. The type depends on the bitsize provided.

Provided bitsize must be a multiple of 8. Integer data is being packed in the least significant byte first order, unless byteorder: :msb option is given. In this instance it is being packed in the most significant byte first order.

# File lib/z80/math_i.rb, line 79
def int(bitsize, value, byteorder: :lsb)
    raise ArgumentError, "int bitsize must be > 0" unless bitsize.is_a?(Integer) and bitsize > 0
    raise ArgumentError, "int bitsize must be multiple of 8" unless (bitsize & 7).zero?
    bytesize = bitsize >> 3
    klass_name = "Int#{bitsize}"
    int_klass = if Z80::MathInt::Integers.const_defined?(klass_name)
        klass = do
            value  byte bytesize
            bytes  value byte, bytesize
            words  value word, bytesize >> 1 if (bytesize & 1).zero?
        Z80::MathInt::Integers.const_set klass_name, klass
    bytes = []
    bytesize.times do
        case byteorder
        when :lsb then bytes.push(value & 0xFF)
        when :msb then bytes.unshift(value & 0xFF)
            raise ArgumentError, "byteorder must be :lsb or :msb"
        value >>= 8
    data int_klass, bytes.pack('c*'.freeze)
mul(k=d, m=a, tt:de, clrhl:true, signed_k:false, kbit9_carry:false, tl_is_zero:false, optimize: :time) click to toggle source

Creates a routine that performs a multiplication of an 8(9)-bit integer k * 8-bit unsigned m. Returns the result as a 16-bit integer in hl.

Optionally the result in the hl is being accumulated.

As a side-effect accumulator is always cleared to 0 and m and k are left unmodified if they are not an: accumulator nor part of tt.


A multiplicand as an immediate value or an 8-bit register.


A multiplier as an immediate value or an 8-bit register.


  • tt

    A 16-bit temporary register (de or bc).

  • clrhl

    If the result should be set or accumulated, if false acts like: hl += k * m.

  • signed_k

    If the multiplicand (k) represents a twos complement signed integer.

  • kbit9_carry

    If the multiplicand (k) is 9-bit, where MSB (9th) bit is read from CARRY flag.

  • tl_is_zero

    Whether tl (LSB of tt) register has been already cleared.

  • optimize

    What is more important: :time or :size?

Uses: af, hl, tt, optionally preserves: k, m.

# File lib/z80/math_i.rb, line 972
def mul(k=d, m=a, tt:de, clrhl:true, signed_k:false, kbit9_carry:false, tl_is_zero:false, optimize: :time)
    raise ArgumentError, "mul: invalid arguments" if tt == hl or k == a
    raise ArgumentError, "mul: optimize should be :time or :size" unless [:size, :time].include?(optimize)
    th, tl = tt.split
    srx = if signed_k
        proc {|t| sra t}
        proc {|t| srl t}
    isolate do |eoc|
                ld   a, m unless m == a
                ld   th, k unless k == th
        if clrhl
                ld   hl, 0
                ld   tl, l unless tl_is_zero
                ld   tl, 0 unless tl_is_zero
        if kbit9_carry
                rr   th
            if optimize == :time
                rr   tl
                add  a, a
                jr   NC, noadd9
                add  hl, tt
        noadd9  jr   Z, eoc
                jr   cont9
        elsif optimize == :time
                rr   tl
                add  a, a
                jr   NC, noadd8
                add  hl, tt
        noadd8  jr   Z, eoc
        loop1   srx[th]
        cont9   rr   tl
                add  a, a
        if optimize == :time
                jr   NC, loop1
                jr   NC, noadd
                add  hl, tt
        if optimize == :time
                jp   NZ, loop1
        noadd   jr   NZ, loop1
mul16(kh=h, kl=l, m=a, tt:de, mbit9_carry:false, optimize: :time) click to toggle source

Creates a routine that performs a multiplication of a 16-bit integer kh|kl * 8(9)-bit unsigned m. Returns the result in hl.

This routine is so far the most optimized of the similar routines: Macros.mul8 or Macros.mul. However there is no way to accumulate results using this code.


The MSB part of the multiplicand as an immediate value or an 8-bit register.


The LSB part of the multiplicand as an immediate value or an 8-bit register.


An 8-bit multiplier or the lowest 8-bits of a multiplier.

If mbit9_carry option is true the CF flag should contain the most significant bit (bit 9th) of a 9-bit unsigned multiplier.


  • tt

    A 16-bit temporary register (de or bc unless optimize is :size).

  • mbit9_carry

    If the multiplier (m) is 9-bit, where MSB (9th) bit is read from CARRY flag.

  • optimize

    Optimization options: :compact, :size, :time or :unroll.


Optimization :compact is both a smaller and slightly faster alternative to :size, however it requires the loop register b, thus preventing bc to be used as +tt.

Modifies: af, hl, tt, optionally b if optimize is :compact.

# File lib/z80/math_i.rb, line 672
def mul16(kh=h, kl=l, m=a, tt:de, mbit9_carry:false, optimize: :time)
    th, tl = tt.split
    raise ArgumentError, "mul16: invalid arguments" if tt == hl or [kh, kl].include?(a)
    raise ArgumentError, "mul16: tt must be +de+ if optimize is :compact" if tt == bc &&
                                                                        optimize == :compact
    isolate do |eoc|
                        ld   a, m  unless  m == a
        if kh == tl
            raise ArgumentError, "mul16: invalid arguments" if kl == th
                        ld   th, kh
                        ld   tl, kl unless kl == tl
                        ld   tl, kl unless kl == tl
                        ld   th, kh unless kh == th
        if optimize == :time
                        ld   l, tl unless kl == l
                        ld   h, th unless kh == h
            if mbit9_carry
                        jr   C, start9    # bit9 of m
                        scf               # terminator
                        adc  a, a         # CF <- m <- 1
                        jr   C, cont1
                loop0   add  a, a         # CF <- m <- 0
                        jr   NC, loop0
                        jp   NZ, cont1
                        ld   h, a         # m == 0
                        ld   l, a
                        jp   eoc
            if mbit9_carry
                start9  adc  a, a         # CF <- m <- 1
                        jr   C, doadd1
                loop1   add  hl, hl       # hl * 2
                cont1   add  a, a         # CF <- m <- 0
                        jr   NC, loop1
                        jr   Z, eoc
                doadd1  add  hl, hl       # hl * 2
                        add  hl, tt       # hl + tt
                        add  a, a         # CF <- m <- 0
                        jr   NC, loop1
                        jp   NZ, doadd1
        elsif optimize == :compact
                        ld   hl, 0
            if mbit9_carry
                        ld   b, 9
                        jr   cont1
                        ld   b, 8
                loop1   add  hl, hl       # hl * 2
                        add  a, a         # CF <- m <- 0
                cont1   jr   NC, skip1
                        add  hl, tt       # hl + tt
                skip1   djnz loop1
        elsif optimize == :size
                        ld   hl, 0
            if mbit9_carry
                        jr   NC, start8   # bit9 of m
                        add  hl, tt
            start8      scf               # terminator
                        adc  a, a         # CF <- m <- 1
                        jr   cont2
                loop1   add  hl, hl       # hl * 2
                cont1   add  a, a         # CF <- m <- 0
                cont2   jr   NC, loop1
                        jr   Z, eoc
                doadd1  add  hl, hl       # hl * 2
                        add  hl, tt       # hl + tt
                        jr   cont1
        elsif optimize == :unroll
                        ld   l, tl unless kl == l
                        ld   h, th unless kh == h
            if mbit9_carry
                        jr   C, iter0     # bit9 of m
            7.times do |i|
                        add  a, a
                        jr   C, :"iter#{i+1}"
                        add  a, a
                        jr   C, eoc
                        ld   h, a         # m == 0
                        ld   l, a
                        jp   eoc
            (if mbit9_carry then 0 else 1 end..7).each do |i|
                ns :"iter#{i}" do |eoc|
                        add  hl, hl
                skip9   add  a, a
                        jr   NC, eoc
                doadd   add  hl, tt
            raise ArgumentError, "mul16: optimize should be :compact, :size, :time or :unroll"
mul16_32(mm=bc, tt:bc, clrhlhl:true, signed_hl:false, optimize: :time) click to toggle source

Creates a routine that performs a multiplication of a 16-bit integer (hl) by an unsigned 16-bit integer mm (bc or de). Returns the 32-bit integer result in hl|hl'.


A 16bit multiplier register (bc or de).


  • tt

    A 16bit tempoarary register (bc' or de') of the alternative set.

  • clrhlhl

    If hl|hl' should be cleared, if false acts like: hl|hl' += hl * mm; also it may be a 32-bit constant, in this instance acts like: hl|hl' = clrhlhl + hl * mm.

  • signed_hl

    If the multiplicand (hl) represents a twos complement signed integer (-32768..32767).

  • optimize

    What is more important: :time (117 bytes) or :size (51 bytes)?

Uses: af, af', hl, hl', mm, tt'.

T-states: (+2 if clrhlhl is an integer)

     optimize:  time   size
0xFFFF*0xFFFF:  1346   1674
     0*0     :   102   1136
0xFFFF*0     :   102   1136
     0*0xFFFF:  1346   1674
0xFFFF*1     :   604   1169
     1*0xFFFF:  1346   1674
0xFFFF*0xAAAA:  1085   1410
# File lib/z80/math_i.rb, line 1838
def mul16_32(mm=bc, tt:bc, clrhlhl:true, signed_hl:false, optimize: :time)
    raise ArgumentError unless [bc, de].include?(mm) and [bc, de].include?(tt)
    mh, ml = mm.split
    th, tl = tt.split
    srx = if signed_hl
        ->(x) { sra x }
        ->(x) { srl x }
    isolate do |eoc|
        if optimize == :size
                        ld  a, ml
                        adc a, a         # carry <- ml <- 1
                        ex  af, af       # a' = ml, CF' = carry, ZF = 0
                        ld  a, mh
                        ld  mh, h
                        ld  ml, l
            if address?(clrhlhl)
                        ld  hl, clrhlhl >> 16
            elsif clrhlhl
                        ld  hl, 0        # hl = 0
                        rr  ml
            if address?(clrhlhl)
                        ld  hl, clrhlhl & 0xFFFF
                        ld  tt, 0        # th'|tl' = 0
            elsif clrhlhl
                        ld  hl, 0        # hl' = 0
                        ld  th, h
                        ld  tl, l
                        rr  th
                        adc a, a         # carry <- mh <- 1
                        jr  C, doadd1
            shadd0      exx
            shadd1      srx[mh]          # mh -> ml -> th'
                        rr  ml
                        rr  th
                        rr  tl
                        add a, a         # carry <- mh|ml
                        jr  Z, multlo
            backloop    jr  NC, shadd0
            doadd1      add hl, th|tl    # hl' += th'|tl'
                        adc hl, mh|ml    # hl  += mh|ml + carry
                        jr  shadd1

            multlo      ex  af, af       # a = ml, ZF = a == 0
                        jr  NZ, backloop

        elsif optimize == :time

                        ld  a, ml
                        ora a            # a' ?= 0
                        ex  af, af       # a' = ml, ZF' = a' == 0
                        xor a            # a  = 0
            if address?(clrhlhl)
                        ld  hl, clrhlhl & 0xFFFF
            elsif clrhlhl
                        ld  h, a         # hl' = 0
                        ld  l, a
                        ld  th, a        # th'|tl' = 0
                        ld  tl, a
                        ora mh           # a |= mh
                        jr  Z, multlo0   # mh <> 0

                        ld  mh, h        # mh|ml = hl
                        ld  ml, l
            if address?(clrhlhl)
                        ld  hl, clrhlhl >> 16
            elsif clrhlhl
                        ld  hl, 0        # hl = 0
                        adc a            # carry <- mh <- 1
                        jr  NC, noadd1

            shadd1      srx[mh]          # mh -> ml -> th'
                        rr  ml
                        rr  th
                        add hl, th|tl    # hl' += th'|tl'
                        adc hl, mh|ml    # hl  += mh|ml + carry
                        add a            # carry <- mh
                        jr  Z, multlo
                        jp  C, shadd1

            noadd1      srx[mh]          # mh -> ml -> mh'
                        rr  ml
                        rr  th
                        add a            # carry <- ml
                        jr  Z, multlo
                        jp  C, shadd1
                        jp  noadd1

            multlo0     ld  ml, h        # mh = 0, ml = h, th' = l, tl' = 0
                        ld  a, l
                        ld  th, a
                        ld  hl, 0        # hl = 0

            multlo      ex  af, af       # a = ml, ZF = a == 0
                        jr  Z, eoc
                        add a            # carry <- ml
                        jr  NC, noadd2

            shadd2      srx[ml]          # ml -> mh' -> ml'
                        rr  th
                        rr  tl
                        add hl, th|tl    # hl' += th'|tl'
                        adc hl, mh|ml    # hl  += mh|ml + carry
                        add a            # carry <- ml
                        jr  Z, finlo
                        jp  C, shadd2

            noadd2      srx[ml]          # ml -> mh' -> ml'
                        rr  th
                        rr  tl
                        add a            # carry <- ml
                        jr  Z, finlo
                        jp  C, shadd2
                        jp  noadd2

            finlo       jr  NC, eoc
                        srx[ml]          # ml -> mh' -> ml'
                        rr  th
                        rr  tl
                        add hl, th|tl    # hl' += th'|tl'
                        adc hl, mh|ml    # hl  += mh|ml + carry
            raise ArgumentError, "optimize should be :time or :size"
mul16_signed(kh=h, kl=l, m=b, tt:de, optimize: :time) click to toggle source

Creates a routine that performs a multiplication of a 16-bit integer kh|kl * 8-bit signed m. Returns the result in hl.


The MSB part of the multiplicand as an immediate value or an 8-bit register.


The LSB part of the multiplicand as an immediate value or an 8-bit register.


An 8-bit multiplier.


  • tt

    A 16-bit temporary register (de or bc unless optimize is :size).

  • optimize

    Optimization options: :compact, :size, :time or :unroll.

Modifies: af, hl, tt, optionally b if optimize is :compact.

# File lib/z80/math_i.rb, line 631
def mul16_signed(kh=h, kl=l, m=b, tt:de, optimize: :time)
    th, tl = tt.split
    raise ArgumentError, "mul16_signed: invalid arguments" if [kh, kl].include?(m)
    t = if register?(m) && m.bit8? && m != a
        [l, h, tl, th].find {|r| r != kh && r != kl}
    isolate do
                ld   a, m unless m == a
                anda a
                jp   P, mult        # m >= 0
                ld   t, a unless t == m
                neg16 kh, kl
                xor  a
                sub  t              # a: -m
        mult    mul16(kh, kl, a, tt:tt, optimize:optimize)
mul16_signed9(kh=h, kl=l, m=c, s:nil, tt:de, m_overflow:nil, m_neg_cond:C, optimize: :time) click to toggle source

Creates a routine that performs a multiplication of a 16-bit integer kh|kl * 9-bit signed integer f|m. Returns the 16-bit result in hl or 17-bit result in s|hl.


The MSB part of the multiplicand as an immediate value or an 8-bit register.


The LSB part of the multiplicand as an immediate value or an 8-bit register.


The lowest 8-bits of the twos complement multiplier integer.

The branching condition specified in m_neg_cond determines the sign (bit 9th) of a 9-bit twos complement multiplier.


  • s

    An optional sign output register which extends the result to 17 bits: (-65536..65535). When s is specified m can't be a. The twos complement value stored in s can only result in 0 or (-1).

  • tt

    A 16-bit temporary register (de or bc unless optimize is :size).

  • m_neg_cond

    A flags register branching condition indicating that m is negative. When s is specified then m_neg_cond can be nil to indicate that no check should be performed. In this instance enter the routine at posmul sub-label when m >= 0 or at negmul sub-label when m < 0.

  • m_overflow

    A program address to branch to when m = (-256). When branched kh|kl will be already negated k = (- k) and a, CF = 0. Alternatively m_overflow can be set to false, implicating that m is never equal to (-256).

  • optimize

    Optimization options: :compact, :size, :time or :unroll. NOTE: :compact can't be selected if s is specified.

Modifies: af, hl, kh, kl, tt, optionally b if optimize is :compact.

# File lib/z80/math_i.rb, line 560
def mul16_signed9(kh=h, kl=l, m=c, s:nil, tt:de, m_overflow:nil, m_neg_cond:C, optimize: :time)
    th, tl = tt.split
    raise ArgumentError, "mul16_signed9: invalid arguments" if [kh, kl].include?(m) or
                                                        (!s.nil? and (m == a or
                                                            [kh, kl, th, tl, h, l, m, a].include?(s) or
                                                            !register?(m) or !m.bit8?))
    unless m_neg_cond.nil? and !s.nil?
        raise ArgumentError, "mul16_signed9: m_neg_cond must be a Condition" unless m_neg_cond.is_a?(Condition)
    t = if register?(m) && m.bit8? && m != a
        [l, h, tl, th].find {|r| r != kh && r != kl}
    jump = proc do |cond, target|
        if optimize == :size || optimize == :compact
                jr   cond, target
                jp   cond, target
    isolate do |eoc|
        if s
            if m_neg_cond.jr_ok?
                    jr   m_neg_cond, negmul
                    jp   m_neg_cond, negmul
            end unless m_neg_cond.nil?
            posmul  sign_extend(s, kh)
                    ld   a, m
                    anda a    # clear CF, test zero
           NZ, mult
                    ld   s, a # clear sign
                    ld   h, a
                    ld   l, a
           nil, eoc
            negmul  neg16 kh, kl
                    sign_extend(s, a)
                    ld   a, m unless m == a
            if m_neg_cond.jr_ok?        # m >= 0
                    jr   m_neg_cond.not, mult
                    jp   m_neg_cond.not, mult
                    ld   t, a unless t == m
                    neg16 kh, kl
                    xor  a
                    sub  t              # a: -m
            if m_overflow
                    jr   NC, m_overflow # m == 256
            elsif m_overflow.nil?
                    ccf                 # CF: 1 when m == 256, otherwise CF: 0
            mult    mul16(kh, kl, a, tt:tt, mbit9_carry:m_overflow.nil?, optimize:optimize)
mul8(kh=h, kl=l, m=a, tt:de, clrhl:true, double:false, optimize: :time) click to toggle source

Creates a routine that performs a multiplication of a 16-bit integer kh|kl * 8bit unsigned m. Returns the result as a 16-bit integer in hl.

Optionally the result in the hl is being accumulated.

Optionally multiplies the result by 2 if double option is true.

As a side-effect m is always cleared to 0 and kl and kh are left unmodified if they are not part of tt.


The MSB part of the multiplicand as an immediate value or an 8-bit register.


The LSB part of the multiplicand as an immediate value or an 8-bit register.


An 8-bit multiplier register, must not be a part of the tt.


  • tt

    A 16-bit temporary register (de or bc).

  • clrhl

    If the result should be set or accumulated, if false acts like: hl += kh|kl * m.

  • double

    true if the result should be multiplied by 2 (kh|kl * 2).

  • optimize

    What is more important: :time or :size?

Uses: f, hl, m, kh, kl, tt, optionally preserves: kh, kl.

# File lib/z80/math_i.rb, line 1285
def mul8(kh=h, kl=l, m=a, tt:de, clrhl:true, double:false, optimize: :time)
    raise ArgumentError, "mul8: optimize should be :time or :size" unless [:size, :time].include?(optimize)
    th, tl = tt.split
    raise ArgumentError, "mul8: invalid arguments" if tt == hl or [th, tl].include?(m) or
                                                      !register?(m) or !m.bit8?
    isolate do |eoc|
        if kh == tl
            raise ArgumentError, "mul8: invalid arguments" if kl == th
                ld   th, kh
                ld   tl, kl unless kl == tl
                ld   tl, kl unless kl == tl
                ld   th, kh unless kh == th
                ld   hl, 0 if clrhl
        if optimize == :time
            if double
                sla  tl
                rl   th
                srl  m
                jr   C, doadd
                jr   Z, eoc
        elsif !double
                jr   muls1
        loop1   sla  tl
                rl   th
        muls1   srl  m
        if optimize == :time
                jr   NC, loop1
                jr   NC, noadd
        doadd   add  hl, tt
        if optimize == :time
                jp   NZ, loop1
        noadd   jr   NZ, loop1
mul8_24(kh=h, kl=l, m=b, t:c, tt:de, clrahl:true, k_int24:false, mbit9_carry:false, optimize: :time) click to toggle source

Creates a routine that performs a multiplication of a 16-bit unsigned integer kh|kl or 24-bit integer t|kh|kl * 8-bit unsigned m. Returns the result as a 24-bit integer in a|hl.

Optionally accumulates the result in a|hl.


The MSB part of the multiplicand as an immediate value or an 8-bit register.


The LSB part of the multiplicand as an immediate value or an 8-bit register.


A multiplier register, it must not be the accumulator or t or be a part of tt.


  • t

    An 8-bit temporary register, it must not be the accumulator or m or be a part of tt.

  • tt

    A 16 bit temporary register (de or bc).

  • clrahl

    If a|hl should be set or accumulated, if false acts like: a|hl += kh|kl * m.

  • k_int24

    Whether a multiplicand is a 24-bit (possibly signed) integer with its MSB bits in t.

  • optimize

    What is more important: :time or :size?

If k_int24 is false and clrahl is true the resulting flags: ZF=1 signals the result fits in 16 bits, SF contains the sign of the result and CF=1 indicates overflow.

Uses: af, bc, de, hl.

# File lib/z80/math_i.rb, line 1441
def mul8_24(kh=h, kl=l, m=b, t:c, tt:de, clrahl:true, k_int24:false, mbit9_carry:false, optimize: :time)
    th, tl = tt.split
    raise ArgumentError, "mul8_24: invalid arguments" if tt == hl or [a, th, tl, t].include?(m) or
                                                        [a, th, tl, m].include?(t) or
                                                        !register?(m) or !register?(t) or
                                                        !m.bit8? or !t.bit8?
    isolate do |eoc|
        if kh == tl
            raise ArgumentError, "mul8_24: invalid arguments" if kl == th
                    ld  th, kh
                    ld  tl, kl unless kl == tl
                    ld  tl, kl unless kl == tl
                    ld  th, kh unless kh == th
        if clrahl
                    xor a
                    ld  h, a
                    ld  l, a
                    ld  t, a unless k_int24
        elsif !k_int24
                    ld  t, 0
        if optimize == :size        # 20 bytes (+~10 cycles per m bit)
            if mbit9_carry
                    rr  m           # CF -> multiplier -> CF
                    jr  cont1
            loop1   srl m           # 0 -> multiplier -> CF
            cont1   jr  Z, last
                    jr  NC, noadd   # CF == 0 ? don't add
                    add hl, tt      # add multiplicand to result lo16
                    adc a, t        # add multiplicand to result hi8
            noadd   sla tl          # multiplicand *= 2
                    rl  th
                    rl  t
                    jr  loop1       # m != 0 ? loop
            last    jr  NC, eoc
                    add hl, tt      # last add
                    adc a, t
        elsif optimize == :time     # 29 bytes
            if mbit9_carry
                    rr  m           # CF -> multiplier -> CF
                    srl m           # 0 -> multiplier -> CF
                    jp  NZ, skip0   # m != 0 ? start regular loop
                    jr  C, skadd    # m == 1 ? add and quit
                    jp  eoc         # m == 0 ? just quit
            skip0   jr  NC, noadd   # CF == 0 ? don't add
            doadd   add hl, tt      # add multiplicand to result lo16
                    adc a, t        # add multiplicand to result hi8
            noadd   sla tl          # multiplicand *= 2
                    rl  th
                    rl  t
                    srl m           # 0 -> multiplier -> carry
                    jr  NC, noadd   # carry == 0 ? don't add
                    jp  NZ, doadd   # carry == 1 and m != 0 ? loop
            skadd   add hl, tt      # last add b.c. carry == 1
                    adc a, t
            raise ArgumentError, "optimize should be :time or :size"
mul8_24a(kh=h, kl=l, m=b, t:c, tt:de, k_int24:false, mbit9_carry:false, optimize: :time) click to toggle source
# File lib/z80/math_i.rb, line 1507
def mul8_24a(kh=h, kl=l, m=b, t:c, tt:de, k_int24:false, mbit9_carry:false, optimize: :time)
    th, tl = tt.split
    raise ArgumentError, "mul8_24a: invalid arguments" if tt == hl or [a, h, l, th, tl, t].include?(m) or
                                                        [a, th, tl, m].include?(t) or
                                                        !register?(m) or !register?(t) or
                                                        !m.bit8? or !t.bit8?
    isolate do |eoc|
        if kh == tl
            raise ArgumentError, "mul8_24a: invalid arguments" if kl == th
                        ld  th, kh
                        ld  tl, kl unless kl == tl
                        ld  tl, kl unless kl == tl
                        ld  th, kh unless kh == th
        case optimize
        when :unroll
            if k_int24
                        ld   a, t
                        xor  a
                        ld   t, a
                        ld   l, tl unless kl == l
                        ld   h, th unless kh == h
            if mbit9_carry
                        jr   C, iter0     # bit9 of m
            7.times do |i|
                        sla  m            # CF <- m <- 0
                        jr   C, :"iter#{i+1}"
                        sla  m            # CF <- m <- 0
                        jr   C, eoc
                        ld   h, a         # m == 0
                        ld   l, a
                        jp   eoc
            (if mbit9_carry then 0 else 1 end..7).each do |i|
                ns :"iter#{i}" do |eoc|
                        add  hl, hl
                        adc  a, a
                skip9   sla  m            # CF <- m <- 0
                        jr   NC, eoc
                doadd   add  hl, tt
                        adc  a, t
        when :time, :size
            if optimize == :size
                        xor  a
                        ld   t, a unless k_int24
                        ld   l, a
                        ld   h, a
                if mbit9_carry
                        jr   NC, start8
                        add  hl, tt
                        adc  a, t
                if k_int24
                        ld   a, t
                        xor  a
                        ld   t, a
                        ld   l, tl unless kl == l
                        ld   h, th unless kh == h
                if mbit9_carry
                        jr   C, start9    # bit9 of m
            start8      sll  m            # CF <- m <- 1 (terminator)
            if optimize == :size
                        jr   cont2
                        jr   C, cont1
                loop0   sla  m            # CF <- m <- 0
                        jr   NC, loop0
                        jp   NZ, cont1
                        ld   h, a         # m == 0
                        ld   l, a
                        jp   eoc
            if mbit9_carry && optimize != :size
                start9  sll  m            # CF <- m <- 1 (terminator)
                        jr   C, doadd1
                loop1   add  hl, hl       # hl * 2
                        adc  a, a         # a|hl * 2
                cont1   sla  m            # CF <- m <- 0
                cont2   jr   NC, loop1
                        jr   Z, eoc
                doadd1  add  hl, hl       # hl * 2
                        adc  a, a         # a|hl * 2
                        add  hl, tt       # hl + tt
                        adc  a, t         # a|hl + t|tt
                if optimize == :size
                        jr   cont1
                        sla  m            # CF <- m <- 0
                        jr   NC, loop1
                        jp   NZ, doadd1
            raise ArgumentError, "optimize should be :size, :time or :unroll"
mul8_c(kh=h, kl=l, m=a, tt:de, clrhl:true) click to toggle source

Creates a routine that performs a multiplication of an unsigned 16-bit integer kh|kl * 8-bit unsigned m. Returns the result as a 16-bit unsigned integer in hl.

Optionally accumulates the result in hl.

Breaks on overflow with CF=1.

As a side-effect m is cleared to 0 when CF=0 and kl and kh are left unmodified if they are not part of tt.


The MSB part of the multiplicand as an immediate value or an 8-bit register.


The LSB part of the multiplicand as an immediate value or an 8-bit register.


An 8-bit multiplier register, must not be a part of the tt.


  • tt

    A 16-bit temporary register (de or bc).

  • clrhl

    If the result should be set or accumulated, if false acts like: hl += kh|kl * m.

Uses: f, hl, m, tt, optionally preserves: kh, kl.

# File lib/z80/math_i.rb, line 1191
def mul8_c(kh=h, kl=l, m=a, tt:de, clrhl:true)
    th, tl = tt.split
    raise ArgumentError, "mul8_c: invalid arguments" if tt == hl or [th, tl].include?(m) or
                                                        !register?(m) or !m.bit8?
    isolate do |eoc|
        if kh == tl
            raise ArgumentError, "mul8_c: invalid arguments" if kl == th
                ld   th, kh
                ld   tl, kl unless kl == tl
                ld   tl, kl unless kl == tl
                ld   th, kh unless kh == th
                ld   hl, 0 if clrhl
        loop1   srl  m
                jr   NC, noadd
                add  hl, tt
                jr   C, eoc
        noadd   jr   Z, eoc
        skip1   sla  tl
                rl   th
                jp   NC, loop1
mul8_signed(kh=h, kl=l, m=c, tt:de, t:m, clrhl:true, double:false, optimize: :time) click to toggle source

Creates a routine that performs a multiplication of a 16-bit signed integer kh|kl * 8bit signed integer m. Returns the result as a 16-bit integer in hl.

Optionally the result in the hl is being accumulated.

Optionally multiplies the result by 2 if double option is true.

As a side-effect t is always cleared to 0 and kl and kh are left unmodified if they are not part of tt and m is left unmodified if it's not a or the same as t.


The MSB part of the multiplicand as an immediate value or an 8-bit register.


The LSB part of the multiplicand as an immediate value or an 8-bit register.


An 8-bit multiplier register.


  • tt

    A 16-bit temporary register (de or bc).

  • t

    An 8-bit temporary register, it must not be the accumulator nor be a part of the tt.

  • clrhl

    If the result should be set or accumulated, if false acts like: hl += kh|kl * m.

  • double

    true if the result should be multiplied by 2 (kh|kl * 2).

  • optimize

    What is more important: :time or :size?

Uses: af, hl, m, kh, kl, t, tt, optionally preserves: kh, kl, m.

# File lib/z80/math_i.rb, line 1238
def mul8_signed(kh=h, kl=l, m=c, tt:de, t:m, clrhl:true, double:false, optimize: :time)
    th, tl = tt.split
    raise ArgumentError, "mul8_signed: invalid arguments" if !register?(t) or !t.bit8? or
                                                             [a, tl, th].include?(t) or
                                                             [kh, kl].include?(a)

    isolate do
                ld   a, m unless m == a
        if kh == tl
            raise ArgumentError, "mul8_signed: invalid arguments" if kl == th
                ld   th, kh
                ld   tl, kl unless kl == tl
                ld   tl, kl unless kl == tl
                ld   th, kh unless kh == th
                anda a
                jp   P, mul_it      # m >= 0
                ld   t, a unless t == m
                neg16 th, tl
                xor  a
                sub  t              # a: -m
        mul_it  mul8(th, tl, a, tt:tt, clrhl:clrhl, double:double, optimize:optimize)
mul_const(k=d, m=0, tt:de, clrhl:true, signed_k:false) click to toggle source

Creates a routine that performs a multiplication of an 8-bit integer k * 8-bit unsigned m. Returns the result as a 16-bit integer in hl.

Creates an optimized, unrolled code so m should be a constant value in the range: 0..256.

Optionally the result in the hl is being accumulated.

As a side-effect k is left unmodified if k is not part of tt.

For those m that has only one bit set or none, tt is not being used. For some of m when tt is de the code can be better optimized as we may leverage the usage of ex de, hl instruction.


A multiplicand as an immediate value or an 8-bit register.


A multiplier value as a constant integer.


  • tt

    A 16-bit temporary register (de or bc).

  • clrhl

    If the result should be set or accumulated, if false acts like: hl += k * m.

  • signed_k

    If the multiplicand (k) represents a twos complement signed integer (-128..127).

Uses: f, hl, tt, optionally preserves: k.

# File lib/z80/math_i.rb, line 1048
def mul_const(k=d, m=0, tt:de, clrhl:true, signed_k:false)
    raise ArgumentError unless tt != hl and m.is_a?(Integer) and (0..256).include?(m)
    tt = hl if clrhl and (m & (m - 1)) == 0
    th, tl = tt.split
    if m == 0
        return isolate do
                ld   hl, 0 if clrhl

    ml, tsl, clrhlt = m, 4+7, clrhl
    tsl += 19.5 if signed_k
    while (ml & 1) == 0
        tsl += 11
        ml >>= 1
    end if clrhlt
    just_cleared = false
    while tt != hl
        if (ml & 1) != 0
            tsl += if clrhlt
                clrhlt = false
                just_cleared = true
                just_cleared = false
        break if (ml >>= 1) == 0
        if tt == de and ((ml & 1) == 0 or ml == 1 or just_cleared)
            tsl += 4 unless just_cleared
            tsl += 11
            while (ml & 1) == 0
                tsl += 11
                ml >>= 1
            tsl += 4 if ml != 1
            tsl += 16

    mr, tsr, clrhlt = m, 4+7, clrhl
    while mr != 0
        if tt != hl and (mr & 0x100) != 0
            tsr += if clrhlt
                clrhlt = false
        break if (mr & 0xFF) == 0
        tsr += 16
        mr <<= 1

    isolate do
        if tsl <= tsr
            th, tl = hl.split if clrhl
                    ld   tl, k unless k == tl
                    ld   th, 0
            if signed_k
                    bit  7, tl
                    jr   Z, sk_neg
                    dec  th
            sk_neg  label
            th, tl = tt.split if clrhl
            while (m & 1) == 0
                add  hl, hl
                m >>= 1
            end if clrhl
            just_cleared = false
            while tt != hl
                if (m & 1) != 0
                    if clrhl
                        clrhl = false
                        just_cleared = true
                        ld16 tt, hl
                        just_cleared = false
                        add  hl, tt
                break if (m >>= 1) == 0
                if tt == de and ((m & 1) == 0 or m == 1 or just_cleared)
                    ex   de, hl unless just_cleared
                    add  hl, hl
                    while (m & 1) == 0
                        add  hl, hl
                        m >>= 1
                    ex   de, hl if m != 1
                    sla  tl
                    rl   th
                    ld   th, k unless k == th
                    ld   tl, 0
            while m != 0
                if tt != hl and (m & 0x100) != 0
                    if clrhl
                        clrhl = false
                        ld16 hl, tt
                        add  hl, tt
                break if (m & 0xFF) == 0
                if signed_k
                    sra  th
                    srl  th
                    rr   tl
                m <<= 1
mul_const8_24(kh=h, kl=l, m=0, t:c, tt:de, clrahl:true, signed_k:false) click to toggle source

Creates a routine that performs a multiplication of an 16-bit integer kh|kl * 8-bit unsigned m. Returns the result as a 24-bit integer in a|hl.

Creates an optimized, unrolled code so m should be a constant value in the range: 0..256.

Optionally the result in the a|hl is being accumulated.

If signed_k is false and clrahl is true the resulting flags: ZF=1 signals the result fits in 16 bits. If signed_k and clrhl are true the resulting flag: SF contains the sign of the result.


The MSB part of the multiplicand as an immediate value or an 8-bit register.


The LSB part of the multiplicand as an immediate value or an 8-bit register.


A multiplier value as a constant integer.


  • t

    An 8-bit temporary register, it must not be the accumulator or be a part of tt.

  • tt

    A 16 bit temporary register (de or bc).

  • clrahl

    If a|hl should be set or accumulated, if false acts like: a|hl += kh|kl * m.

  • signed_k

    If the multiplicand (kh|kl) represents a twos complement signed integer (-32768..32767).

Uses: af, t, tt, hl, optionally preserves: kh and kl.

# File lib/z80/math_i.rb, line 1638
def mul_const8_24(kh=h, kl=l, m=0, t:c, tt:de, clrahl:true, signed_k:false)
    th, tl = tt.split
    throw ArgumentError unless m.is_a?(Integer) and (0..256).include?(m) and [bc, de].include?(tt) and
                                                         ![h, l, th, tl, a].include?(t)
    if clrahl and (m & (m - 1)) == 0
        t, tt = a, hl
        th, tl = tt.split
    if m == 0
        return isolate do
            if clrahl
                xor  a
                ld   h, a
                ld   l, a

    ml, tsl, clrahlt = m, 8, clrahl
    if clrahlt
        tsl += if signed_k
        tsl += 7
        tsl += 19.5 if signed_k
    while (ml & 1) == 0
        tsl += 15
        ml >>= 1
    end if clrahlt
    just_cleared = false
    while tt != hl
        if (ml & 1) != 0
            if clrahlt
                clrahlt = false
                just_cleared = true
                tsl += 12
                just_cleared = false
                tsl += 15
        break if (ml >>= 1) == 0
        if tt == de and ((ml & 1) == 0 or ml == 1 or just_cleared)
            tsl += 4 unless just_cleared
            tsl += 19
            while (ml & 1) == 0
                tsl += 19
                ml >>= 1
            tsl += 4 if ml != 1
            tsl += 24

    mr, tsr, clrahlt = m, 8+7, clrahl
    while mr != 0
        if tt != hl and (mr & 0x100) != 0
            if clrahlt
                clrahlt = false
                tsr += 12
                tsr += 15
        break if (mr & 0xFF) == 0
            tsr += 24
        mr <<= 1
    tsr += 4 if t == a

    isolate do
        if tsl <= tsr
            th, tl = hl.split if clrahl
            if th == kl and tl != kh
                        ld   tl, kl
                        ld   th, kh unless th == kh
            elsif th != kl
                        ld   th, kh unless th == kh
                        ld   tl, kl unless tl == kl
                throw ArgumentError, "mul_const8_24 condition violated: kh<>tl or kl<>th"
            if clrahl
                if signed_k
                        ld   a, th
                        add  a, a
                        sbc  a
                        xor  a
                        ld   t, 0
                if signed_k
                        bit  7, th
                        jr   Z, sk_neg
                        dec  t
                sk_neg  label
            th, tl = tt.split if clrahl
            while (m & 1) == 0
                        add  hl, hl
                        adc  a, a
                m >>= 1
            end if clrahl
            just_cleared = false
            while tt != hl
                if (m & 1) != 0
                    if clrahl
                        clrahl = false
                        just_cleared = true
                        ld16 tt, hl
                        ld   t, a
                        just_cleared = false
                        add  hl, tt
                        adc  a, t  # CF=0 and ZF=1 in case when result 16 bit
                break if (m >>= 1) == 0
                if tt == de and ((m & 1) == 0 or m == 1 or just_cleared)
                        ex   de, hl unless just_cleared
                        add  hl, hl
                    while (m & 1) == 0
                        rl   t
                        add  hl, hl
                        m >>= 1
                        ex   de, hl if m != 1
                        sla  tl
                        rl   th
                        rl   t
            if t == kl and th != kh
                        ld   th, kl
                        ld   t,  kh unless t == kh
            elsif t != kl
                        ld   t,  kh unless t == kh
                        ld   th, kl unless th == kl
                throw ArgumentError, "mul_const8_24 condition violated: kh<>th or kl<>t"
                        ld   tl, 0
            while m != 0
                if tt != hl and (m & 0x100) != 0
                    if clrahl
                        clrahl = false
                        ld16 hl, tt
                        ld   a, t
                        add  hl, tt
                        adc  a, t
                break if (m & 0xFF) == 0
                if signed_k
                        sra  t
                        srl  t
                        rr   th
                        rr   tl
                m <<= 1
                        anda a if t == a # CF=0 and ZF=1, SF sign
mul_signed(k=d, m=a, tt:de, clrhl:true, optimize: :time) click to toggle source

Creates a routine that performs a multiplication of a signed 8-bit k * 8-bit signed m.

See Macros.mul for details.

# File lib/z80/math_i.rb, line 776
def mul_signed(k=d, m=a, tt:de, clrhl:true, optimize: :time)
    th, tl = tt.split
    raise ArgumentError, "mul_signed: invalid arguments" if tt == hl or k == a
    isolate do
                ld   a, m unless m == a
                ld   th, k unless k == th
                anda a
                jp   P, mul_it      # m >= 0
                ld   tl, a if m == a
                xor  a
                sub  th
                ld   th, a
                xor  a
            if m == a
                sub  tl
                sub  m
        mul_it  mul(th, a, tt:tt, clrhl:clrhl, signed_k:true, optimize:optimize)
mul_signed9(kh, kl, m=a, s:kh, tt:de, m_neg_cond:C, k_full_range:true, m_full_range:true, k_overflow:nil, m_is_zero_zf:false, optimize: :time) click to toggle source

Creates a routine that performs a multiplication of a signed 9-bit integer kh|kl * 9-bit signed integer m. Returns the result as a 17-bit integer in s|hl.

The sign of a twos complement multiplicand kl is expected in kh extended over all 8 bits.

The sign of a twos complement multiplier m is provided via the flags register.

Optionally the ZERO flag (ZF) must signal m equals to 0 if m_is_zero_zf option is set.

The sign of a twos complement result is returned in a register s.

The result has only 17 bits capacity, thus multiplying (-256)x(-256) leads to overflow.

To detect overflow check that all of the following conditions are met on result:

if (CF = 1) and (s == 0) and (hl == 0) then overflow is detected

Alternatively provide an address or a label of a routine to enter on overflow as k_overflow option. In this instance the values of flags and registers will be undefined on overflow.


An extended multiplicand sign as an immediate value or an 8-bit register. kh is expected to be either equal to 0 or to -1 (twos complement). Other sign values will render UNDEFINED BEHAVIOUR.


Least significant 8-bits of a twos complement multiplicand as an immediate value or an 8-bit register.


Least significant 8-bits of a twos complement multiplier as an immediate value or an 8-bit register.


  • s

    An 8-bit sign output register, preferably the same as kh.

  • tt

    A 16-bit temporary register (de or bc).

  • m_neg_cond

    A flags register branching condition indicating that m is negative.

  • k_full_range

    Determines whether the multiplicand is allowed to be equal to (-256). Saves 7 T-states and 18-21 bytes if disabled.

  • m_full_range

    Determines whether the multiplier is allowed to be equal to (-256). Saves 7 T-states and 6-9 bytes if disabled.

  • k_overflow

    An address of a rountine to enter on overflow. When k_overflow is enabled but k_full_range is disabled the routine will be entered in case if k = (-256) and m is negative. When k_full_range and k_overflow are enabled then the m_full_range option must be also enabled.

  • m_is_zero_zf

    Determines whether ZF flag is expected to be set on input when m is 0. Saves 4 T-states and 1 byte if enabled.

  • optimize

    Optimization options: :size, :time or :unroll.


When m_is_zero_zf option is set and ZERO flag is set to 1 to indicate that m is equal to 0, then flags must also indicate positive m in this instance. Otherwise the routine will resolve in UNDEFINED BEHAVIOUR.

When m_full_range option is disabled, then passing (-256) to m will resolve in UNDEFINED BEHAVIOUR.

When k_full_range option is disabled, then passing (-256) to k and a negative value to m will resolve in UNDEFINED BEHAVIOUR unless k_overflow option is enabled. In this instance the k_overflow routine will be called when attempting to multiply (-256) by a negative multiplier.

For example if your multiplicand or a multiplier is derived from a subtraction of 2 positive 8-bit values, results can never equal to (-256). Thus it is safe to disable full_range.

Uses: af, hl, tt, s, optionally preserves: kh, kl or m.

# File lib/z80/math_i.rb, line 860
def mul_signed9(kh, kl, m=a, s:kh, tt:de, m_neg_cond:C, k_full_range:true, m_full_range:true, k_overflow:nil, m_is_zero_zf:false, optimize: :time)
    if optimize == :size
        th, tl = tt.split
        tl, th = tt.split
    raise ArgumentError, "mul_signed9: invalid arguments" if tt == hl or kh == kl or
                                                             [kh, kl].include?(a) or
                                                             [th, tl, h, l, a].include?(s)
    raise ArgumentError, "mul_signed9: invalid options" if k_overflow and k_full_range and !m_full_range
    raise ArgumentError, "mul_signed9: m_neg_cond must be a Condition" unless m_neg_cond.is_a?(Condition)
    jump = proc do |cond, target|
        if optimize == :size && (cond.nil? || cond.jr_ok?)
                jr   cond, target
                jp   cond, target
    isolate do |eoc|
                ld   a, m unless m == a
        if th == kh
            raise ArgumentError, "mul_signed9: invalid arguments" if s == kl
                ld   s, kh unless s == kh
                ld   th, kl unless kl == th
                ld   th, kl unless kl == th
                ld   s, kh unless s == kh
                ld   hl, 0 if optimize == :size
                # m < 0
        if m_neg_cond.jr_ok?
                jr   m_neg_cond, m_neg
                jp   m_neg_cond, m_neg
                anda a unless m_is_zero_zf
       NZ, mul_it # m != 0
        if k_full_range && m_full_range && !k_overflow && m_is_zero_zf && m_neg_cond != C
                xor  a               # clear CF
                ld   s, a            # clear sign
        unless optimize == :size
                ld   h, a
                ld   l, a
       nil, eoc   # CF=0

        if k_full_range              # k = -(-256)
        k_over  xor  a
                ld   s, a            # clear sign (-256 * m) where m < 0
                ld   l, a unless optimize == :size
                sub  tl              # a = -m, CF = 1 (unless m == -256)
            if m_full_range
                # m == (-256)
                jp   NC, k_overflow if k_overflow
                ccf unless k_overflow # CF:1 when m == -256
                ld   h, a            # hl: 256 * -m where m < 0
       nil, eoc   # CF=0|1 depending on overflow unless k_overflow is set

        if m_full_range
        m_n256  ld   h, th           # hl: k * (-256)
                ld   l, a unless optimize == :size
       nil, eoc   # CF=0|1 depending on overflow unless k_overflow is set

        m_neg   label
                ld   tl, a unless m == tl
                neg16 s, th, th:a # a: 0|FF depending on th == 0
        if k_full_range
                jr   C, k_over    # 0-0:CF=0, 0-FF:CF=1, FF-0:CF=0, FF-FF:CF=0
        elsif k_overflow
                jp   C, k_overflow
                ld   s, a         # s|k = -(s|k)
                xor  a
                sub  tl           # a = -m
        if m_full_range
                jr   Z, m_n256    # m == (-256)
        if optimize == :size
        mul_it  sra  s            # k sign -> CF
                ld   tl, l
        mult    mul(th, a, tt:tt, clrhl:false, signed_k:true, kbit9_carry:true, tl_is_zero:true, optimize: :size)
        mul_it  mul16(s, th, a, tt:tt, mbit9_carry:false, optimize:optimize)
                anda a if k_full_range && m_full_range && !k_overflow # clear CF
mul_signed9_24(ks=c, kh=h, kl=l, m=b, tt:de, m_pos_cond:NC, m_full_range:true, optimize: :time, &restore_a) click to toggle source

Creates a routine that performs a multiplication of a 24-bit signed integer ks|kh|kl * 9-bit signed integer m. Returns the result as a 24-bit integer in a|hl.

The sign of a twos complement multiplier m is provided via the flags register.

Optionally accumulates the result in a|hl.


The MS 8-bits of the multiplicand as an immediate value or an 8-bit register.


Bits 8-15 of the multiplicand as an immediate value or an 8-bit register.


The LS 8-bits of the multiplicand as an immediate value or an 8-bit register.


The LS 8-bits of the multiplier as an 8-bit register, it must not be the accumulator.


  • tt

    A 16 bit temporary register (de or bc).

  • m_pos_cond

    A flags register branching condition indicating that m is positive (including 0).

  • m_full_range

    Determines whether the multiplier is allowed to be equal to (-256). Saves 10-12 T-states and 7-9+ bytes if disabled.

  • optimize

    What is more important: :time or :size?

If a block of code (restore_a) is present, a|hl registers are not cleared. Provide instructions to restore a and optionally hl registers, thus the result will accumulate, acting as:

a|hl += k * m.
  • The block of code must not modify the content of tt, t or m registers.

  • There is no need to restore hl registers as they are not modified before the restore_a instructions are executed.

  • The restore_a block is inserted twice if the optimize option is :time and m_full_range is true.

When m_full_range option is disabled, then passing (-256) to m will resolve in UNDEFINED BEHAVIOUR.

Uses: af, bc, de, hl.

# File lib/z80/math_i.rb, line 1363
def mul_signed9_24(ks=c, kh=h, kl=l, m=b, tt:de, m_pos_cond:NC, m_full_range:true, optimize: :time, &restore_a)
    th, tl = tt.split
    raise ArgumentError, "mul_signed9_24: invalid arguments" if tt == hl or [th, tl, ks, h, l, a].include?(m) or
                                                                kh == kl or [th, tl, m, h, l, a].include?(ks)
    raise ArgumentError, "mul_signed9_24: m_pos_cond must be a Condition" unless m_pos_cond.is_a?(Condition)
    clrahl = !block_given?
    jump = proc do |cond, target|
        if optimize == :size && (cond.nil? || cond.jr_ok?)
                jr   cond, target
                jp   cond, target
    isolate do |eoc|
        if kh == tl
            raise ArgumentError, "mul_signed9_24: invalid arguments" if kl == th
                ld   th, kh
                ld   tl, kl unless kl == tl
                ld   tl, kl unless kl == tl
                ld   th, kh unless kh == th
        if m_pos_cond.jr_ok?
                jr   m_pos_cond, mul_it # m >= 0
                jp   m_pos_cond, mul_it # m >= 0
                neg_int ks, th, tl, optimize_last:true

                xor  a
                sub  m
                ld   m, a
        if m_full_range
       NZ, mul_it # m != (-256)
            if clrahl
                ld   l, a             # a: 0
                ld   h, tl
                add  a, th            # set flags
       nil, eoc
                ld   ks, th
                ld   th, tl
                ld   tl, a            # a: 0
                if optimize == :size
                    ld   m, 1         # m: 1
                elsif optimize == :time
           nil, mult.skadd
        mul_it  label
                ns(&restore_a) unless clrahl
        mult    mul8_24(th, tl, m, t:ks, tt:tt, clrahl:clrahl, k_int24:true, optimize:optimize)
neg16(sh, sl, th:sh, tl:sl) click to toggle source

Creates a routine that changes the sign of a twos complement 16-bit integer in sh|sl.


An 8-bit register holding MSB of the input 16-bit integer.


An 8-bit register holding LSB of the input 16-bit integer.


  • th

    An 8-bit MSB output register, may be the same as sh or sl.

  • tl

    An 8-bit LSB output register, may be the same as sl.

Uses: af, th, tl, preserves optionally: sh, sl.

T-states: 24

# File lib/z80/math_i.rb, line 290
def neg16(sh, sl, th:sh, tl:sl)
    if [sh, sl, tl].include?(a) or sh == sl or th == tl or sh == tl
        raise ArgumentError, "neg16: invalid arguments!"
    ns do
            xor  a
            sub  sl
            ld   tl, a
            sbc  a, a
            sub  sh
            ld   th, a unless th == a
neg_int(*regs, t:nil, t_is_zero:false, optimize_last:false) click to toggle source

Creates a routine that changes the sign of a twos complement integer held in any number of regs.

Pass any number of 8-bit registers, except the accumulator, as function arguments. A register passed as the first argument should hold the most significant byte of the negated integer.


  • t

    A temporary 8-bit register used when the number of argument registers is 3 or more to slightly optimize the routine.

  • t_is_zero

    Assume the t register already holds 0. If false the content of the t register will be set to 0.

  • optimize_last

    Saves 3 T-states on the last iteration when t is not being used. This however renders the state of the CF flag useless.

Integers are being processed starting from the least significant byte (the last argument).

On completion the accumulator holds a copy of the MSB register after the operation.

CF flag will hold the carry over state of the last operation, unless optimize_last is true.

Modifies: af and argument registers.

T-states: (register count) 1: 12, 2: 24|27, 3: 36|39|40|42, 4: 48|52|54|57, 5: 60|64|69|72, 6: 84|87.

# File lib/z80/math_i.rb, line 326
def neg_int(*regs, t:nil, t_is_zero:false, optimize_last:false)
    raise ArgumentError, "neg_int invalid arguments!" if regs.empty? or regs.include?(a) or
                                                       regs.any?{|r| !register?(r) || !r.bit8? } or
                                                       regs.uniq.size != regs.size or
                                                       !(t.nil? or [b,c,d,e,h,l].include?(t))
    t = 0 if t.nil? or regs.size < 3
    isolate do
        regs.reverse_each.with_index do |reg, i|
                xor  a
                ld   t, a if !t_is_zero && register?(t)
                sub  reg
            elsif optimize_last && (i == regs.size - 1) && !register?(t)
                sbc  a, a
                sub  reg
                ld   a, t
                sbc  reg
                ld   reg, a
rnd() click to toggle source

Creates a Lehmer random number generator routine.


This routine uses the following parameters (similar to ZX-Spectrum ROM's):

s1 = (s0 + 1) * 75 % 65537 - 1

Expects a seed (s0) in hl and produces the result (s1) in hl.

Modifies: af, bc, de, hl.

T-states: ~ 587.7 (46 for seed=65535, 233 for seed<=872, max: 641)

# File lib/z80/math_i.rb, line 2728
def rnd
    isolate do |eoc|
                        inc hl          # seed + 1
                        ld  a, l
                        ora h
                        jp  NZ, multi75 # (seed + 1) < 65536
                                        # return pre-calculated value
                        ld  hl, 65536 * 75 % 65537 - 1
                        jr  eoc
                                        # overflow 0x1_0000 - 0x1_0001 = -1 happens only for seeds:
                                        # 65535, 20097, 34952, 40195
        ovrflow         add a           # shift left (for all possible cases CF=0 after this)
                                        # otherwise we should have take care of CF=1
                        djnz mnext      # this was the last iteration so the remainder result is 65536
                        jr  eoc         # remainder = (borrow|hl = 0x1_0000) (seed - 1) == 65535

                                        # a|hl = (seed + 1) * 75
        multi75         mul_const8_24(h, l, 75, t:c, tt:de, clrahl:true, signed_k:false)
                        jr  Z, fits     # a|hl < 0x1_0000: n mod 65537 == n
                                        # a|hl never == 0x1_0000 after multiplication by 75
                                        # so we can ignore some checks later
                        ld  de, -1      # a|hl mod 65537 (0x1_0001) goes to borrow|hl
                        ld  b, 8        # shift left this many times before dividend fits in a divisor
        mloop0          add hl, hl      # pre-shift left a|hl, highest bit to CF
                        adc a
                        dec b           # no check if b==0, there'll be at most 8 iterations since a >= 0x01
                        jp  NC, mloop0  # CF == 0: loop
                        ld  c, l        # swap registers: hl|a = a|hl
                        ld  l, h
                        ld  h, a
                        ld  a, c
                        dec hl          # hl = hl - 1, in effect: borrow|hl = 0x1_nnnn - 0x1_0001 = 0x0_mmmm
                                        # no need to check for overflow here since 65536 is never a result of n*75
                        jr  Z, fits     # b==0: (seed + 1) * 75 == 0x0001_nnnn
        mloop1          add a           # shift left hl|a, highest bit to CF
                        adc hl, hl
                        jr  NC, mnext   # CF == 0: continue
                        add hl, de      # borrow|hl = 0x1_nnnn - 0x1_0001
                        jr  NC, ovrflow # 0x1_0000 - 0x1_0001 = -1 (0x1_FFFF)
        mnext           djnz mloop1
        fits            dec hl          # seed - 1
sign_extend(t=a, s=a) click to toggle source

Creates a routine that extends a sign bit from an octet indicated by tl into a th.


A target 8-bit register or a pointer.


An octet being sign-extended as an 8-bit register or a pointer.

Uses: af, t, optionally preserves: s.

T-states: 8|12|16.

# File lib/z80/math_i.rb, line 358
def sign_extend(t=a, s=a)
    isolate do
                ld   a, s unless s == a
                add  a, a
                sbc  a, a
                ld   t, a unless t == a
sll8_16(bshift, th=h, tl=l) click to toggle source

Shift logical left 8-bit register with a result extended to 16-bits.


How many bits to shift the content of the tl register.


An 8-bit register, except the accumulator for receiving the highest 8 bits of the result.


An 8-bit register, except the accumulator holding the initial value and receiving the lowest 8-bit of the result.

Modifies: af, th, tl.

T-states: 7,18|23,29|35,39,43,39,35,31,11,19,23,27,31,26,30,34,10|11.

# File lib/z80/math_i.rb, line 469
def sll8_16(bshift, th=h, tl=l)
    raise ArgumentError, "lshift8_16: invalid arguments!" unless Integer === bshift and bshift >= 0 and
                                                             register?(th) and th.bit8? and th != a
                                                             register?(tl) and tl.bit8? and tl != a
    isolate do
        case bshift
        when 0 # 7
                          ld   th, 0
        when 1 # 18|23
                          ld   th, 0
            if th == h && tl == l
                          add  hl, hl
                          sla  tl
                          rr   th
        when 2..7 # 29|35,39,43,39,35,31
            if bshift == 2 && th == h && tl == l # 29
                          ld   h, 0
                          add  hl, hl
                          add  hl, hl
                          ld   a, tl
              if bshift > 4
                          (8-bshift).times { rrca }
                          ld   th, a
                          anda (0xFF << bshift) & 0xFF
                          ld   tl, a
                          xor  th
                          ld   th, a
                          bshift.times { rlca }
                          ld   tl, a
                          anda (1 << bshift) - 1
                          ld   th, a
                          xor  tl
                          ld   tl, a
        when 8 # 11
                          ld   th, tl
                          ld   tl, 0
        when 9..12 # 19,23,27,31
                          ld   a, tl
                          (bshift-8).times { add a }
                          ld   th, a
                          ld   tl, 0
        when 13..15 # 26,30,34
                          ld   a, tl
                          (16-bshift).times { rrca }
                          anda (0xFF << (bshift-8)) & 0xFF
                          ld   th, a
                          ld   tl, 0
        else # 10 | 11
            if th.match16?(tl)
                          ld   th|tl, 0
                          ld   tl, 0
                          ld   th, tl
sub_from(s, th, tl) click to toggle source

Creates a routine that subtracts an 8-bit s register value from a 16-bit th|tl register pair.


A subtractor as an 8-bit register except the accumulator.


A target MSB 8-bit register.


A target LSB 8-bit register.

As a side effect: a equals to th when the routine ends.


Although this method is often a more convenient way to subtract an 8-bit unsigned register value from a 16-bit pair of registers, it does not set flags properly.

Uses: af, th, tl, preserves: s.

T-states: 24

# File lib/z80/math_i.rb, line 412
def sub_from(s, th, tl)
    if th == tl or [s,th,tl].include?(a)
        raise ArgumentError, "sub_from: invalid arguments!"
    ns do
        ld   a, tl
        sub  s
        ld   tl, a
        sbc  a
        add  th
        ld   th, a
twos_complement16_by_sgn(sh, sl, sgn, th:sh, tl:sl, t:sgn) click to toggle source

Creates a routine that changes the sign of a twos complement 16-bit integer depending on the content of the sgn.


An 8-bit register holding MSB of the input 16-bit integer.


An 8-bit register holding LSB of the input 16-bit integer.


An 8-bit sign register which must hold 0 or -1 (0xFF).


  • th

    An 8-bit MSB output register, may be the same as sh or sl.

  • tl

    An 8-bit LSB output register, may be the same as sl.

  • t

    An 8-bit temporary register, which is used when sgn is the accumulator.

When sgn equals to 0 an integer is left unmodified: th|tl = sh|sl. When sgn equals to -1 an integer's sign is being changed: th|tl = 0 - sh|sl.


Other values of sgn will render unexpected results.

Uses: af, th, tl, preserves: sgn and optionally: sh, sl.

T-states: 32

# File lib/z80/math_i.rb, line 256
def twos_complement16_by_sgn(sh, sl, sgn, th:sh, tl:sl, t:sgn)
    if [sh, sl, tl, t].include?(a) or sh == sl or th == tl or sh == tl or
       [sh, sl, th, tl].include?(sgn) or [sh, sl, th, tl].include?(t)
        raise ArgumentError, "twos_complement16_by_sgn: invalid arguments!"
    ns do
        if sgn == a
            sgn = t
            ld    sgn, a
            ld    a, sgn
            xor   sl
            sub   sgn
            ld    tl, a
            ld    a, sh
            adc   a, sgn
            xor   sgn
            ld    th, a unless th == a
utobcd(bufend, input=de, size: 4, r: d, rr: de, byteorder: :lsb, input_end:false) click to toggle source

Creates a routine that converts an unsigned binary integer of an arbitrary size to a BCD string.


A direct address of the byte immediately following an end of the BCD memory area as an integer or a label or a pointer to the memory address holding the bufend value.


An address of the binary integer being converted as an integer, a label, a pointer or rr.

After the conversion is done the c' register will hold the number of bytes written to the buffer and hl' will hold the address of the first byte of the result.

Provide a large enough BCD buffer. E.g. for a 32-bit integer, 5 bytes (10 digits) should be enough.


  • size

    A byte size of the integer being converted as an integer, a label, a pointer or an 8-bit register.

  • r

    A temporary register used in an alternative register set: d or e.

  • rr

    A 16-bit register: de or hl.

  • byteorder

    The order of bytes in the integer being converted: :lsb or :msb.

  • input_end

    Indicates that input points to the byte after the end of the integer payload instead of pointing to its beginning.

Modifies: af, b, rr, bc', hl', r'.

# File lib/z80/math_i.rb, line 2832
def utobcd(bufend, input=de, size: 4, r: d, rr: de, byteorder: :lsb, input_end:false)
    raise ArgumentError unless address?(bufend) and
                               (address?(input) or input == rr) and
                               (address?(size) or (register?(size) and size.bit8?)) and
                               [de, hl].include?(rr) and [d, e].include?(r)
    raise ArgumentError, "input_end should be a boolean" unless [true, false].include?(input_end)
    adjust_input = case byteorder
    when :lsb then !input_end
    when :msb then input_end
        raise ArgumentError, "byteorder should be :lsb or :msb"
    isolate do
        if address?(size) and pointer?(size)
                ld   a, size
                ld   b, a
        elsif adjust_input and byteorder == :lsb and
                    (pointer?(input) or pointer?(size) or !address?(input) or !address?(size))
                ld   a, size unless size == a
                ld   b, a unless size == b
                ld   b, size unless size == b
        if adjust_input and address?(input) and address?(size) and
                            !pointer?(input) and !pointer?(size)
                ld   rr, input + size if byteorder == :lsb
                ld   rr, input - size if byteorder == :msb
                ld   rr, input unless input == rr
            if adjust_input
                adda_to *rr.split if byteorder == :lsb
                sub_from b, *rr.split if byteorder == :msb
        unless pointer?(bufend)
                xor  a
                ld   [bufend - 1], a
        if pointer?(bufend)
                ld   hl, bufend
                dec  hl
                ld   [hl], 0
                ld   c, 1
        loopi   label
                dec  rr if byteorder == :lsb
                ld   a, [rr]
                inc  rr if byteorder == :msb
                utobcd_step(bufend, r, c, c, true)
                djnz loopi
utobcd_step(bufend, r, buflen=1, t=c, r_in_a=false) click to toggle source

Creates a routine that converts an 8-bit unsigned integer to a BCD string.

Used by Macros.utobcd.


A direct address of the byte immediately following an end of the BCD memory area as an integer or a label or a pointer to the memory address holding the bufend value.


An 8-bit register holding the integer during conversion: c, d or e.


The current byte size of the BCD buffer as an integer, a label or t.


The register holding the current byte size of the BCD buffer: c, d or e.


true if the integer to convert is provided in accumulator instead of in r.

Modifies: af, b, r, t, hl.

# File lib/z80/math_i.rb, line 2784
def utobcd_step(bufend, r, buflen=1, t=c, r_in_a=false)
    raise ArgumentError unless address?(bufend) and
                               [c,d,e].include?(r) and [c,d,e].include?(t) and r != t and
                               ((address?(buflen) and !pointer?(buflen)) or buflen == t)
    isolate do
                        ld  a, r unless r_in_a
                        ld  t, buflen unless buflen == t
                        rla              # carry <- a <- 1
                        ld  r, a
        buffmul         ld  hl, bufend   # multiply buffer[] * 2 + carry using BCD
                        ld  b, t
        nextadd         dec hl
                        ld  a, [hl]
                        adc a
                        ld  [hl], a
                        djnz nextadd
                        jr  NC, nbufext  # no carry
                        inc t            # extend buffer on carry
                        dec hl
                        ld  [hl], 1      # put 1 in new place
        nbufext         sla r            # carry <- r <- 0
                        jp  NZ, buffmul