module Z80::Program::Mnemonics

Z80 Mnemonics

All Z80 instructions are created as singleton methods. They produce machine code which is added to the Program class instance variable: Program.code.

These mnemonics mimic standard ones (used in assemblers) but with some exceptions (because of ruby parser spec.):

Undocumented (by Zilog) Z80 instructions


A list of Mnemonics

adc add anda bit call ccf cp cpd cpdr cpi cpir cpl daa dec di djnz ei ex exx halt hlt im0 im01 im1 im2 inc ind indr ini inir inp jp jr ld ldd lddr ldi ldir neg nop ora otdr otir out outd outi pop push res ret reti retn rl rla rlc rlca rld rr rra rrc rrca rrd rst sbc scf set sl1 sla sll sra srl sub xor