module ZXLib::Gfx::Bobs::Macros

ZXLib::Gfx::Bobs macros.

Bobs::Macros require:

macro_import MathInt
macro_import Gfx

Public Instance Methods

bobs_copy_attrs(attrs=hl, rows=a, cols=c, target:de, scraddr:nil, subroutine:false) click to toggle source

Creates a routine that copies bitmap attributes to the screen as a rectangle object.

  • attrs

    An address of attributes to be copied from as a label, pointer, an integer or hl.

  • rows

    A number of attribute rows to be copied as an 8-bit register or a label or a pointer.

  • cols

    A number of attribute columns to be copied as an 8-bit register or a label or a pointer.


Unless cols is one of: ixh, ixl, iyh or iyl the routine uses self modifying code.


  • target

    An address of screen attributes memory area to be copied to as a label, pointer, an integer or de. The starting address of the whole screen area must be a multiple of 0x2000.

  • scraddr

    An optional screen memory address which must be a multiple of 0x2000 as an integer or a label. If provided the routine breaks execution when the bottom of the screen has been reached. CF = 0 (NC) if the routine terminates prematurely due to reaching bottom of the screen. Otherwise CF = 1 if the whole bitmap has been copied.

  • subroutine

    Whether to create a subroutine.

Modifies: af, af', bc, bc', de, hl. Swaps registers unless out of screen.

# File lib/zxlib/gfx/bobs.rb, line 151
def bobs_copy_attrs(attrs=hl, rows=a, cols=c, target:de, scraddr:nil, subroutine:false)
  isolate do |eoc|
                    ld   a, rows unless rows == a
                    ex   af, af
                    ld   a, cols unless cols == a
    unless [ixh,ixl,iyh,iyl].include?(cols)
                    ld   [cols_p], a
                    add  33
                    ld   c, a       # 32 - cols
                    ex   af, af     # a: rows
                    ld   b, a
                    ld   hl, attrs unless attrs == hl
                    ld   de, target unless target == de

                    ld   b, 0
                    jr   start0

    rowloop         ld   a, c # 32 - cols
                    adda_to d, e
    if scraddr
                    cp   (scraddr>>8)|0x1B
      if subroutine
                    ret  NC
                    jr   NC, eoc
    start0          label
    if [ixh,ixl,iyh,iyl].include?(cols)
                    ld   c, cols
      cols_a        ld   c, 0 # self-code modified
      cols_p        cols_a + 1
                    djnz rowloop
                    ret if subroutine
bobs_copy_attrs_fast(attrs, rows=a, cols=32, target:hl, disable_intr:true, enable_intr:true, save_sp:true, check_oos:false, subroutine:false) click to toggle source

Creates a routine that copies bitmap attributes to the screen as a rectangle object using unrolled POP instructions.


Interrupts must be disabled prior to calling this routine or the disable_intr option must be set to true.

  • attrs

    An address of attributes to be copied from as a label, pointer, an integer or one of the registers: ix, iy or sp.

  • rows

    A number of attribute rows to be copied as an 8-bit register or a label, pointer or an integer.

  • cols

    A constant number of attribute columns to be copied as an integer.


  • target

    An address of screen attributes memory area to be copied to as a label, pointer, an integer or hl. The starting address of the whole screen area must be a multiple of 0x2000.

  • disable_intr

    A boolean flag indicating that the routine should disable interrupts. Provide false only if you have already disabled the interrupts.

  • enable_intr

    A boolean flag indicating that the routine should enable interrupts. Provide false if you need to perform more uninterrupted actions.

  • save_sp

    A boolean flag indicating that the sp register should be saved and restored. Otherwise sp will point after the end of the last line.

  • check_oos

    If true reduces number of rows if the bottom of the screen would have been exceeded.

  • subroutine

    Whether to create a subroutine.


Restoring sp register uses self-modifying code.

Modifies: af, bc, de, hl, optionally: sp.

# File lib/zxlib/gfx/bobs.rb, line 405
def bobs_copy_attrs_fast(attrs, rows=a, cols=32, target:hl, disable_intr:true, enable_intr:true, save_sp:true, check_oos:false, subroutine:false)
  isolate do |eoc|
    if check_oos
      if pointer?(rows)
                    ld   a, rows
                    ld   c, a
                    ld   c, rows unless rows == c
                    ld   a, l         # llllllll
                    xor  h            # xxxxxxxx
                    anda 0b11100000   # xxx00000
                    xor  h            # lllhhhhh
                    3.times { rlca }  # hhhhhlll
                    add  0x28
                    add  c
                    jr   NC, skip_rows
                    adc  c
                    ld   c, a
      skip_rows     ld   a, c
                    ld   a, rows unless rows == a
                    ld   bc, 33 - cols unless cols == 32
                    ld   hl, target unless target == hl
                    di if disable_intr
                    ld   [restore_sp_p], sp if save_sp
                    ld   sp, attrs unless attrs == sp
                    jr   start0
    if cols.even?
      rowloop       label
      if cols == 32
                    inc  hl
                    add  hl, bc
      start0        label
      ((cols-2)/2).times do
                    pop  de
                    ld   [hl], e
                    inc  l
                    ld   [hl], d
                    inc  l
                    pop  de
                    ld   [hl], e
                    inc  l
                    ld   [hl], d
                    dec  a
                    jr   NZ, rowloop
      evenloop      label
      if cols == 32
                    inc  hl
                    add  hl, bc
      start0        label
      ((cols-1)/2).times do
                    pop  de
                    ld   [hl], e
                    inc  l
                    ld   [hl], d
                    inc  l
                    pop  de
                    ld   [hl], e
                    dec  a
      if subroutine && !enable_intr && !save_sp
                    ret  Z
                    jr   Z, quit
      oddloop       label
      if cols == 32
                    inc  hl
                    add  hl, bc
                    ld   [hl], d
      ((cols-1)/2).times do
                    pop  de
                    inc  l
                    ld   [hl], e
                    inc  l
                    ld   [hl], d
                    dec  a
                    jr   NZ, evenloop
    quit            label
    if save_sp
      restore_sp    ld  sp, 0
      restore_sp_p  as  restore_sp + 1
                    ei if enable_intr
                    ret if subroutine
bobs_copy_pixels(bitmap=hl, lines=a, cols=c, target:de, scraddr:nil, subroutine:false) click to toggle source

Creates a routine that copies bitmap pixels to the ink/paper screen as a rectangle object.

  • bitmap

    An address of a bitmap to be copied from as a label, pointer, an integer or hl.

  • lines

    A number of pixel lines to be copied as an 8-bit register or a label or a pointer.

  • cols

    A number of 8 pixel columns to be copied as an 8-bit register or a label or a pointer.


Unless cols is one of: ixh, ixl, iyh or iyl the routine uses self modifying code.


  • target

    An address of a screen memory area to be copied to as a label, pointer, an integer or de. The starting address of the whole screen area must be a multiple of 0x2000.

  • scraddr

    An optional screen memory address which must be a multiple of 0x2000 as an integer or a label. If provided the routine breaks execution when the bottom of the screen has been reached. CF = 0 (NC) if the routine terminates prematurely due to reaching bottom of the screen. Otherwise CF = 1 if the whole bitmap has been copied.

  • subroutine

    Whether to create a subroutine.

Modifies: af, af', bc, bc', de, hl. Swaps registers unless out of screen.

# File lib/zxlib/gfx/bobs.rb, line 52
def bobs_copy_pixels(bitmap=hl, lines=a, cols=c, target:de, scraddr:nil, subroutine:false)
  isolate do |eoc|
                    ld   a, lines unless lines == a
                    ex   af, af     # a': lines
    unless [ixh,ixl,iyh,iyl].include?(cols)
                    ld   a, cols unless cols == a
                    ld   [cols_p], a
                    ld   b, 0
                    ld   hl, bitmap unless bitmap == hl
                    ld   de, target unless target == de
    if address?(target) and !pointer?(target)
                    ld   a, e
                    ld   b, 8 - (target>>8) % 8
                    ld   a, d       # calculate counter based on screen address modulo 8
                    anda 0b11111000 # (h & 0b11111000)
                    sub  d          # (h & 0b11111000) - h % 8
                    add  8          # 8 - h % 8
                    ld   b, a       # b: counter: 8 - h % 8
                    ld   a, e
                    ex   af, af     # a: lines, a': lo
                    ld   c, a       # c: lines
                    dec  a          # a: lines - 1 (remaining lines)
                    sub  b          # a: lines - 1 - counter
                    jr   NC, start
                    ld   b, c       # b: counter = c: lines

    start           ex   af, af     # a': remaining rows - 1; CF': 1 == last batch, a: lo
    rloop           exx
    loop0           ld   e, a
    loop1           label
    if [ixh,ixl,iyh,iyl].include?(cols)
                    ld   c, cols
      cols_a        ld   c, 0       # self-code modified
      cols_p        cols_a + 1
                    dec  de
                    inc  d
                    djnz rloop
                    ex   af, af     # a: remaining lines, a': lo
    if subroutine
                    ret  C
                    jr   C, eoc
                    ld   b, 8
                    sub  b
                    jr   NC, loop8
                    add  b
                    ld   b, a
                    inc  b

    loop8           exx
                    ex   af, af     # a: lo, a': remaining lines
                    add  0x20       # a: lo + 0x20
                    jr   C, loop0 unless scraddr
                    ld   e, a       # e: lo
                    ld   a, d
                    jr   C, check_ooscr if scraddr
                    sub  0x08
                    ld   d, a       # d: adjusted
                    ld   a, e
                    jp   loop1
    if scraddr
      check_ooscr   cp   (scraddr >> 8)|0x18
                    ld   a, e
                    jr   C, loop1
                    ret if subroutine
bobs_copy_pixels_fast(bitmap, lines=c, cols=32, target:hl, disable_intr:true, enable_intr:true, save_sp:true, scraddr:nil, subroutine:false) click to toggle source

Creates a routine that copies bitmap pixels to the ink/paper screen as a rectangle object using unrolled POP instructions.


Interrupts must be disabled prior to calling this routine or the disable_intr option must be set to true.

  • bitmap

    An address of a bitmap to be copied from as a label, a pointer, an integer or one of the registers: ix, iy or sp.

  • lines

    A number of pixel lines to be copied as an 8-bit register or a label, pointer or an integer.

  • cols

    A constant number of 8 pixel columns to be copied as an integer.


  • target

    An address of a screen memory area to be copied to as a label, pointer, an integer or hl. The starting address of the whole screen area must be a multiple of 0x2000.

  • disable_intr

    A boolean flag indicating that the routine should disable interrupts. Provide false only if you have already disabled the interrupts.

  • enable_intr

    A boolean flag indicating that the routine should enable interrupts. Provide false if you need to perform more uninterrupted actions.

  • save_sp

    A boolean flag indicating that the sp register should be saved and restored. Otherwise sp will point after the end of the last line.

  • scraddr

    An optional screen memory address which must be a multiple of 0x2000 as an integer or a label. If provided the routine breaks execution when the bottom of the screen has been reached. CF = 0 (NC) if the routine terminates prematurely due to reaching bottom of the screen. Otherwise CF = 1 if the whole bitmap has been copied.

  • subroutine

    Whether to create a subroutine.


Restoring sp register uses self-modifying code.

Modifies: af, af', bc, de, hl, optionally: sp.

# File lib/zxlib/gfx/bobs.rb, line 226
def bobs_copy_pixels_fast(bitmap, lines=c, cols=32, target:hl, disable_intr:true, enable_intr:true, save_sp:true, scraddr:nil, subroutine:false)
  raise ArgumentError, "invalid scraddr argument" unless scraddr.nil? or direct_address?(scraddr) or (Integer === scraddr and scraddr == (scraddr & 0xE000))
  raise ArgumentError, "target should be an address or a pointer or hl" unless target == hl or address?(target)
  raise ArgumentError, "bitmap should be an address or a pointer or ix/iy/sp" unless [sp,ix,iy].include?(bitmap) or address?(bitmap)
  raise ArgumentError, "lines should be an integer or a label or a pointer or a register" unless (register?(lines) and lines.bit8?) or
  cols = cols.to_i
  raise ArgumentError, "cols must be less than or equal to 32" if cols > 32
  raise ArgumentError, "cols must be greater than or equal to 1" if cols < 1
  raise ArgumentError, "save_sp makes no sense if bitmap = SP" if bitmap == sp and save_sp
  fits_single_row = Integer === target && Integer === lines && lines <= (8 - (target>>8) % 8)
  next_row = ->(loop0, quit=nil) do
    isolate do |eoc|
      quit = eoc if quit.nil?
                    ex   af, af     # a': lo; a: remaining rows - 1; CF: 1 == last batch
      if subroutine && !enable_intr && !save_sp
                    ret  C
                    jr   C, quit
                    ld   b, c       # 8
                    sub  b
                    jr   NC, not_last
                    add  b
                    ld   b, a
                    inc  b

      not_last      ex   af, af     # a': remaining rows - 1; CF': 1 == last batch, a: lo
                    add  0x20       # a: lo + 0x20
                    ld   l, a       # l: lo
                    jr   C, loop0 unless scraddr
                    ld   a, h
                    jr   C, check_oos if scraddr
                    sub  c          # 8
                    ld   h, a       # h: adjusted
                    ld   a, l
                    jp   loop0 if scraddr || quit == eoc
      if scraddr
        check_oos   cp   (scraddr >> 8)|0x18
                    ld   a, l
                    jr   C, loop0
        if subroutine && !enable_intr && !save_sp
                    jr   quit unless quit == eoc

  isolate do
                    ld   c, lines if register?(lines) && lines != c          
    if address?(target) and !pointer?(target)
                    ld   hl, target
      if fits_single_row
                    ld   b, lines
                    ld   b, 8 - (target>>8) % 8
                    ld   hl, target unless target == hl
                    ld   a, h       # calculate counter based on screen address modulo 8
                    anda 0b11111000 # (h & 0b11111000)
                    sub  h          # (h & 0b11111000) - h % 8
                    add  8          # (8 - h % 8)
                    ld   b, a       # b: counter: 8 - h % 8

    unless fits_single_row
      if register?(lines)
                    ld   a, c       # a: lines
                    dec  a          # a: lines - 1 (remaining lines)
      elsif pointer?(lines)
                    ld   a, lines
                    ld   c, a
                    dec  a          # a: lines - 1 (remaining lines)
                    ld   a, lines - 1
                    sub  b          # a: lines - 1 - counter
      unless Integer === lines && lines > 8
        ns do |eoc|
                    jr   NC, eoc
          if register?(lines) || pointer?(lines)
                    ld   b, c       # b: counter = dy
                    ld   b, lines
                    ex   af, af
                    ld   c, 8
                    ld   a, l
                    di if disable_intr
                    ld   [restore_sp_p], sp if save_sp
                    ld   sp, bitmap unless bitmap == sp
    if cols.even?
      rowloop       ld   l, a
      loop0         label
      ((cols-2)/2).times do
                    pop  de
                    ld   [hl], e
                    inc  l
                    ld   [hl], d
                    inc  l
                    pop  de
                    ld   [hl], e
                    inc  l
                    ld   [hl], d
                    inc  h
                    djnz rowloop
           loop0 unless fits_single_row
      evenline      ld   l, a
      evenloop      label
      ((cols-1)/2).times do
                    pop  de
                    ld   [hl], e
                    inc  l
                    ld   [hl], d
                    inc  l
                    pop  de
                    ld   [hl], e
                    inc  h
                    djnz oddline
           oddloop, quit unless fits_single_row

      oddline       ld   l, a
      oddloop       ld   [hl], d
      ((cols-1)/2).times do
                    pop  de
                    inc  l
                    ld   [hl], e
                    inc  l
                    ld   [hl], d
                    inc  h
                    djnz evenline
           evenloop unless fits_single_row
      quit          label
    if save_sp
      restore_sp    ld  sp, 0
      restore_sp_p  as  restore_sp + 1
                    ei if enable_intr
                    ret if subroutine && (enable_intr || save_sp)
bobs_draw_pixels_fast(bitmap, lines=a, cols=2, target:hl, bshift:b, mode: :set, skip_cols: nil, lclip: false, rclip: false, no0shift: false, tx:ix, disable_intr:true, enable_intr:true, save_sp:true, scraddr:nil, jump_table:nil, subroutine:false) click to toggle source

Creates a routine that draws bitmap pixels to the ink/paper screen as a rectangle object using unrolled POP instructions, line by line.


Interrupts must be disabled prior to calling this routine or the disable_intr option must be set to true.

  • bitmap

    An address of a bitmap to be drawn as a label, a pointer, an integer or one of the 16-bit registers: hl', ix, iy or sp. If hl is specified the actual value will be read from alternative register hl'.

  • lines

    A number of pixel lines to be drawn as an 8-bit register or a label, a pointer or an integer. The number must not be 0, otherwise the routine will resolve in UNDEFINED BEHAVIOUR.

  • cols

    A constant number of 8 pixel columns to be drawn as an integer from 1 to 32.


  • target

    An address of a screen memory area to be copied to as a label, pointer, an integer or hl. The starting address of the whole screen area must be a multiple of 0x2000.

  • bshift

    One of 8-bit registers: b, c, d, e. The value of the register specifies how many pixels to the right the bitmap must be shifted before drawing the bitmap on the screen. The actual value must be in the range from 0 up to 7. Values outside of the allowed range will resolve in UNDEFINED BEHAVIOUR.

  • mode

    Drawing mode, one of: :copy, :set, :or, :xor, :and, :nand.

  • skip_cols

    If set, the number of bitmap 8-bit columns will be skipped after each line is drawn. Set as an address, an integer or an 8-bit register from alternative set, e.g. e specifies e'.

  • lclip

    Skips drawing the leftmost screen column for non zero bshift values if enabled.

  • rclip

    Skips drawing the rightmost screen column for non zero bshift values if enabled.

  • no0shift

    Skips creating the drawing routine for bshift zero if enabled. Calling such a routine with bshift register holding zero is safe but nothing will be drawn and CF flag will be reset upon return.

  • tx

    A temporary address register: ix or iy.

  • disable_intr

    A boolean flag indicating that the routine should disable interrupts. Provide false only if you have already disabled the interrupts.

  • enable_intr

    A boolean flag indicating that the routine should enable interrupts. Provide false if you need to perform more uninterrupted actions.

  • save_sp

    A boolean flag indicating that the sp register should be saved and restored. Otherwise sp will point after the end of the last line.

  • scraddr

    An optional screen memory address which must be a multiple of 0x2000 as an integer or a label. If provided the routine breaks execution when the bottom of the screen has been reached. CF = 0 (NC) if the routine terminates prematurely due to reaching bottom of the screen. Otherwise CF = 1 if the whole bitmap has been drawn.

  • jump_table

    A label, a pointer address or one of de/bc/ix/iy register pairs referencing an external jump table created with Macros#bobs_draw_pixels_fast_jump_table. If not provided an internal jump table will be created instead. In this instance a jump_table can be later changed at run time by storing a new jump table address at jump_table_p sublabel.

  • subroutine

    Whether to create a subroutine.


Restoring sp register uses self-modifying code.

Drawing modes:

Bitmap                 Screen (cols = 2, bshift = 4)
76543210 76543210      76543210 76543210 76543210
                       ░██░███░ ░███░█░█ ░░██░░██  (original screen data)
█░██░██░ ░███░░░█ ->>  ░░░░█░██ ░██░░███ ░░░█░░░░  :copy
█░██░██░ ░███░░░█ ->>  ░██░█░██ ░██░░███ ░░░█░░██  :set
█░██░██░ ░███░░░█ ->>  ░██░████ ░███░███ ░░██░░██  :or
█░██░██░ ░███░░░█ ->>  ░██░░█░█ ░░░█░░█░ ░░█░░░██  :xor
█░██░██░ ░███░░░█ ->>  ░░░░█░█░ ░██░░█░░ ░░░█░░░░  :and
█░██░██░ ░███░░░█ ->>  ░██░░█░░ ░░░█░░░░ ░░█░░░██  :nand

Modifies: af, af', bc, bc', de, d', hl, (hl', e' if skip_cols is given). Swaps registers unless out of screen.

# File lib/zxlib/gfx/bobs.rb, line 941
def bobs_draw_pixels_fast(bitmap, lines=a, cols=2,
                          mode: :set,
                          skip_cols: nil, # e
                          lclip: false,
                          rclip: false,
                          no0shift: false,
  raise ArgumentError, "invalid scraddr argument" unless scraddr.nil? or direct_address?(scraddr) or (Integer === scraddr and scraddr == (scraddr & 0xE000))
  raise ArgumentError, "target should be an address or a pointer or hl" unless target == hl or address?(target)
  raise ArgumentError, "bitmap should be an address or a pointer or ix/iy/sp/hl'" unless [sp,ix,iy,hl].include?(bitmap) or address?(bitmap)
  raise ArgumentError, "bitmap should not be the same as jump_table" if bitmap == jump_table
  raise ArgumentError, "lines should be a label or a pointer or an integer or a register" unless (register?(lines) and lines.bit8?) or
  cols = cols.to_i
  raise ArgumentError, "cols must be less than or equal to 32" if cols > 32
  # raise ArgumentError, "cols must be even" unless cols.even?
  raise ArgumentError, "cols must be greater than or equal to 1" if cols < 1
  raise ArgumentError, "disable_intr should be a boolean" unless [true, false].include?(disable_intr)
  raise ArgumentError, "enable_intr should be a boolean" unless [true, false].include?(enable_intr)
  raise ArgumentError, "save_sp should be a boolean" unless [true, false].include?(save_sp)
  raise ArgumentError, "save_sp makes no sense if bitmap = sp" if bitmap == sp and save_sp
  raise ArgumentError, "interrupts should be disabled if bitmap = sp" if bitmap == sp and disable_intr
  raise ArgumentError, "bshift should be one of: b, c, d or e" unless [b,c,d,e].include?(bshift)
  raise ArgumentError, "tx should be one of: ix or iy" unless [ix, iy].include?(tx)
  raise ArgumentError, "lclip should be a boolean" unless [true, false].include?(lclip)
  raise ArgumentError, "rclip should be a boolean" unless [true, false].include?(rclip)
  raise ArgumentError, "no0shift should be a boolean" unless [true, false].include?(no0shift)
  txh, txl = tx.split
  t = b
  m = c
  fx = case mode
    when :or  then ->(tgt) { ora tgt }
    when :xor then ->(tgt) { xor tgt }
    when :and then ->(tgt) { anda tgt }
    when :nand then ->(tgt) { cpl; anda tgt }
    when :set, :copy then nil
      raise ArgumentError, "mode should be one of: :or, :xor, :and, :set or :copy"
  ncols = skip_cols
  skip_cols = case ncols # modifies: hl, sp (e: skip)
    when 0 then false
    when Integer then true
      unless address?(ncols) or (register?(ncols) and ncols.bit8? and ncols != a)
        raise ArgumentError, "skip_cols should be one of: nil, an integer, an address or an 8-bit alt register except an accumulator"
  end if ncols
  local_jump_table = if jump_table.nil?
  elsif [de, bc, ix, iy].include?(jump_table)
    jh, jl = jump_table.split
    raise ArgumentError, "lines, bshift and jump_table should use different registers" if [jh, jl].include?(lines) or
                                                                                          [jh, jl].include?(bshift)
    raise ArgumentError, "jump_table must be a label" unless label?(jump_table)
    jump_table = unwrap_pointer(jump_table).to_label(self) # in case a symbol was given

  isolate do
    jump_table = define_label(:jump_table) if local_jump_table # normalize in isolated ns
                    ld   a, lines unless lines == a
                    ex   af, af     # a': lines

                    ld   hl, target unless target == hl
    # calculate 1st row counter and remaining lines
                    ld   a, h       # calculate counter based on screen address modulo 8
                    anda 0b11111000 # (h & 0b11111000)
                    sub  h          # = - h % 8  [-7, 0]
                    exx             # regs'

    if skip_cols and register?(ncols)
                    ld   e, ncols unless ncols == e
                    ld   d, 8       # d: 8 (const)
                    add  d          # = 8 - h % 8  [1, 8]
                    ld   b, a       # b: counter = 8 - h % 8  [1, 8]

                    ex   af, af     # a: lines, a': ...

                    ld   c, a       # c: lines
                    dec  a          # a: lines - 1
                    sub  b          # a: lines - 1 - counter
                    jr   NC, more_rows
                    ld   b, c       # b: counter = c: lines
      more_rows     ex   af, af     # a': lines left - 1, CF': last row?

    if skip_cols and address?(ncols) and pointer?(ncols)
                    ld   a, ncols
                    ld   e, a
    # calculate routine address in jump_table from bshift
                    exx             # regs
                    ld   a, bshift  # rshift
                    add  a, a       # a: rshift * 2
                    add  bshift     # a: rshift * 3
    if register?(jump_table)
                    ld16 de, jump_table unless jump_table == de
    jump_table_a    ld   de, jump_table
    jump_table_p    jump_table_a + 1 unless jump_table.pointer?
                    add  e
                    ld   e, a       # de: ->routine
    # get routine address (tx) and bshift mask (m)
    if [sp, tx].include?(bitmap)    # bitmap already in sp or from tx, can't use it for jump_table
                    di if disable_intr
                    ld   [restore_sp_p], sp if save_sp
                    ld   sp, bitmap unless bitmap == sp

                    ld   a, [de]    # a: routine.loop0.lo
                    inc  e
                    ld   txl, a
                    ld   a, [de]    # a: routine.loop0.hi
                    inc  e
                    ld   txh, a     # tx: routine.loop0
                    ld   a, [de]    # a: mask
                    ld   m, a       # m: mask

                    ld   a, l       # a: screen.lo
                    exx             # regs'
                    ex   de, hl     # hl: jump[], de: screen
                    di if disable_intr
                    ld   [restore_sp_p], sp if save_sp
                    ld   sp, hl     # sp: jump[]
                    ex   de, hl     # hl: screen
                    pop  tx         # tx: routine.loop0
                    pop  t|m        # m: mask

                    ld   a, l       # a: screen.lo
                    exx             # regs'
                    ld   sp, bitmap # bitmap: ix/iy/hl' or address (tx != bitmap)
                    ld   c, a       # c': screen.lo
                    exx             # regs
    # hl: screen, m: mask, c': screen lo, b': counter
    # d': const 8, a': lines left - 1, CF': last row
                    jp   (tx)       # pc: tx: routine.loop0

    if local_jump_table
      jump_table    bobs_draw_pixels_fast_jump_table nil
    ##    bshift routines    ##
    no0shift = if no0shift
      if subroutine && !enable_intr && !save_sp
    bobs_draw_pixels_fast_routines(next_row, cols,
                                   no0shift: no0shift,
                                   merge: true,
                                   jump_eoc: false)
    ##                  next row                  ##
    ns :next_row do
    # check remaining lines and set up line counter for the next row
                    ex   af, af     # a: lines left - 1, CF: last row?
      if subroutine && !enable_intr && !save_sp
                    ret  C
                    jr   C, quit
                    ld   b, d       # b: 8 (counter)
                    sub  b          # a: lines left - 1 - 8
                    jr   NC, not_last
                    add  b          # a: lines left - 1, CF: 1
                    ld   b, a       # b: lines left - 1
                    inc  b          # b: lines left (counter)
      not_last      ex   af, af     # a': lines left - 1, CF': last row?
    # calculate next row screen address
                    ld   a, c       # a: lo
                    add  0x20       # a: lo + 0x20
                    ld   c, a       # c': next row (screen.lo)
                    exx             # regs
                    ld   l, a       # l: next row (screen.lo)
                    jr   C, loop0fw unless scraddr
                    ld   a, h       # a: sreen.hi
                    jr   C, check_oos if scraddr
                    sub  8          # a: sreen.hi - 8
                    ld   h, a       # h: adjusted sreen.hi
      loop0fw       jp   (tx)
      if scraddr
        check_oos   cp   (scraddr >> 8)|0x18
        check_oos_p check_oos + 1
        if subroutine && !enable_intr && !save_sp
                    ret  NC
                    jr   NC, quit
                    jp   (tx)
    unless subroutine && !enable_intr && !save_sp
      quit          label
    if save_sp
      restore_sp    ld  sp, 0
      restore_sp_p  as  restore_sp + 1
                    ei if enable_intr
                    ret if subroutine && (enable_intr || save_sp)
bobs_draw_pixels_fast_jump_table(draw_pixels_fast_label) click to toggle source

Creates a jump table for the Macros#bobs_draw_pixels_fast routine.

Provide a label (or a symbol) referencing a routine created by either Macros#bobs_draw_pixels_fast or Macros#bobs_draw_pixels_fast_routines.

Returns a label addressing the created jump table.

Provide an address of a jump table as a jump_table: option to bobs_draw_pixels_fast.


The jump table must be aligned in memory so it does not cross 256-byte address pages. In other words, the high 8 bits of addresses of each jump table byte must be the same. Otherwise an error will be raised when trying to instanciate code.

The jump table occupies 24 bytes of code.

The content is lazy evaluated so the order of creating a table and a routine doesn't matter.

# File lib/zxlib/gfx/bobs.rb, line 611
def bobs_draw_pixels_fast_jump_table(draw_pixels_fast_label)
  unless draw_pixels_fast_label.nil?
    throw ArgumentError, "draw_pixels_fast_label must be a label" unless direct_label?(draw_pixels_fast_label)
    draw_pixels_fast_label = draw_pixels_fast_label.to_label(self)
  ns do
    size = 8*3
    select((label + size) & 0xFF){|x| x >= size }.else do
      raise ArgumentError, "jump_table data must fit on a single 256-byte page of memory"
    (0..7).each do |index|
      line_rshiftN = if draw_pixels_fast_label.nil?
        define_label :"line_rshift#{index}"
        draw_pixels_fast_label.send :"line_rshift#{index}"
      define_label :"jump#{index}",  dw( line_rshiftN.loop0 )
      define_label :"mask#{index}",  db( 0xff >> index )
bobs_draw_pixels_fast_routines(next_row, cols, mode: :set, skip_cols: nil, lclip: false, rclip: false, no0shift: nil, merge: false, jump_eoc: true) click to toggle source

Creates specialized routines for Macros#bobs_draw_pixels_fast that can be used externally via jump table.


skip_cols option should match skip_cols given to Macros#bobs_draw_pixels_fast if an 8-bit register (other than e') or an indirect (a pointer) address is specified.

  • next_row

    An address of next_row routine. Usually: draw_pixels_fast_label.next_row.

  • cols

    A constant number of 8 pixel columns to be drawn as an integer from 1 to 32.


  • mode

    Drawing mode, one of: :copy, :set, :or, :xor, :and, :nand. See Macros#bobs_draw_pixels_fast.

  • skip_cols

    If set, the number of bitmap 8-bit columns will be skipped after each line is drawn. Set as an address, an integer or an 8-bit register from alternative set, e.g. e specifies e'. Also see the note above.

  • lclip

    Skips drawing the leftmost screen column for non zero bshift values if enabled.

  • rclip

    Skips drawing the rightmost screen column for non zero bshift values if enabled.

  • no0shift

    Skips creating the drawing routine for bshift zero if not nil. Provide :ret if the bobs_draw_pixels_fast was created as a subroutine with both enable_intr and save_sp options specified as false. Otherwise provide a label to draw_pixels_fast_label.quit or to an existing implementation: e.g. draw_pixels_fast_routines.line_rshift0.loop0. Calling such a routine with bshift register holding zero is safe but nothing will be drawn and CF flag will be reset upon return if :ret or quit was provided.

  • merge

    Whether the line_rshift{0-7} labels should be merged with the current context.

  • jump_eoc

    Whether the jp next_row should be appended at the end of the generated code.

# File lib/zxlib/gfx/bobs.rb, line 659
def bobs_draw_pixels_fast_routines(next_row, cols,
                                   mode: :set,
                                   skip_cols: nil,
                                   lclip: false,
                                   rclip: false,
                                   no0shift: nil,
                                   merge: false,
                                   jump_eoc: true)
  throw ArgumentError, "next_row must be a label" unless direct_label?(next_row)
  cols = cols.to_i
  raise ArgumentError, "cols must be less than or equal to 32" if cols > 32
  raise ArgumentError, "cols must be greater than or equal to 1" if cols < 1
  raise ArgumentError, "lclip should be a boolean" unless [true, false].include?(lclip)
  raise ArgumentError, "rclip should be a boolean" unless [true, false].include?(rclip)
  raise ArgumentError, "merge should be a boolean" unless [true, false].include?(merge)
  raise ArgumentError, "jump_eoc should be a boolean" unless [true, false].include?(jump_eoc)
  raise ArgumentError, "no0shift should be a nil or :ret or a label (quit)" unless no0shift.nil? ||
                                                        no0shift == :ret || direct_label?(no0shift)
  next_row = next_row.to_label(self)
  t = b
  m = c
  fx = case mode
    when :or   then ->(tgt) { ora tgt }
    when :xor  then ->(tgt) { xor tgt }
    when :and  then ->(tgt) { anda tgt }
    when :nand then ->(tgt) { cpl; anda tgt }
    when :set, :copy then nil
      raise ArgumentError, "mode should be one of: :or, :xor, :and, :set or :copy"
  if !pointer?(skip_cols) && label_immediate?(skip_cols)
    ncols = skip_cols.to_i
    ncols = skip_cols
  raise ArgumentError, "skip_cols must not be negative" if Integer === ncols and ncols < 0
  skip_cols = case ncols # modifies: hl, sp (e: skip)
    when 0 then nil
    when 1..5
      n = if cols.odd? then ncols - 1 else ncols end
      lambda do
        (n/2).times { pop hl }
                    inc  sp if n.odd?
      unless address?(ncols) or (register?(ncols) and ncols.bit8? and ncols != a)
        raise ArgumentError, "skip_cols should be one of: nil, an integer, an address or an 8-bit alt register except an accumulator"
      lambda do
        if address?(ncols) and !pointer?(ncols)
          if Integer === ncols && cols.odd?
                    ld   hl, ncols - 1
                    ld   hl, ncols
                    ld   l, e
                    ld   h, 0
                    add  hl, sp
                    ld   sp, hl
  end if ncols
  rotate_bits = ->(rshift) do
    if (1..4).include?(rshift)
                rshift.times { rrca }
    elsif (5..7).include?(rshift)
                (8-rshift).times { rlca }
  isolate merge:merge do
    # hl: screen, c': screen lo, b': counter, d': const 8, a': lines left - 1, CF': last row
    # e': ncols if skip_cols
    ns :line_rshift0 do
      if no0shift
        case no0shift
        when :ret
          loop0     ret
          loop0     as   no0shift    # created jump table will forward to this address
        fx0 = if fx
          ->(r) do
                    ld   a, r
                    ld   [hl], a
          ->(r) {   ld [hl], r   }

        rowloop     ld   a, c        # a: screen.lo
                    exx              # regs
                    ld   l, a        # l: screen.lo (restore)
        loop0       label
        (0...cols).step(2) do |col|
          last_column = (col >= cols - 2)
                    pop  de
          if last_column && cols.odd?
                    dec  sp unless skip_cols && ncols.is_a?(Integer) # offset last column
                    inc  l
                    inc  l unless last_column
                    inc  h
           if skip_cols
                    djnz rowloop
                    jp   next_row
    # hl: screen, m: mask, c': screen lo, b': counter, d': const 8, a': lines left - 1, CF': last row
    # e': ncols if skip_cols
    [1,7,2,6,3,5,4].each do |rshift|
      ns :"line_rshift#{rshift}" do
        rowloop     ld   a, c        # a: screen.lo (from c')
                    exx              # regs
                    ld   l, a        # l: screen.lo (restore)
        loop0       label
        (0...cols).step(2) do |col|
          last_column = (col >= cols - 2)
                    pop  de          # de: FEDCBA98 76543210
                    ld   a, e        # a: 76543210
          unless last_column and cols.odd? and rclip
                    ld   e, a        # e: 32107654 (e.g. rshift=4)

          unless and lclip
            if !            # t: BA98FEDC
                    xor  t           # a: xxxxxxxx (32107654 ^ BA98FEDC) t: BA98FEDC
                    anda m           # a: ____xxxx (____7654 ^ ____FEDC) m: mask 00001111
                    xor  t           # a: BA987654 (____7654 ^ ____FEDC ^ BA98FEDC) t: BA98FEDC
            elsif mode == :set
                    ld   t, [hl]     # t: ssssssss
                    xor  t           # a: xxxxxxxx (32107654 ^ ssssssss) t: ssssssss
                    anda m           # a: ____xxxx (____7654 ^ ____ssss) m: mask 00001111
                    xor  t           # a: ssss7654 (____7654 ^ ____ssss ^ ssssssss) t: ssssssss
                    anda m           # a: ____7654 m: mask 00001111
           [hl] unless fx.nil?
                    ld   [hl], a     # [hl]: ____7654(fx)[hl] (col=0)
                                     #    or ssss7654         (col=0 and :set)
                                     #    or BA987654(fx)[hl] (col>0)

          cut_left  label
          if last_column and cols.odd?
                    dec  sp unless skip_cols && ncols.is_a?(Integer) # offset last column
            unless rclip
              unless and lclip
                    inc  l           # l: screen.lo (next column)
              if mode == :set
                unless and lclip
                    ld   a, e        # a: 32107654
                    xor  [hl]        # a: xxxxxxxx (32107654 ^ ssssssss)
                    anda m           # a: ____xxxx (____7654 ^ ____ssss) m: 00001111
                unless and mode == :copy and !lclip
                  unless and lclip
                    ld   a, e        # a: 32107654
                    anda m           # a: ____7654 m: 00001111
                                     # a: ____7654 (or ____7654 ^ ____ssss)
                    xor  e           # a: 3210____ (or 3210ssss) e: 32107654
           [hl] unless fx.nil?
                    ld   [hl], a     # [hl]: 3210____(fx)[hl]
                    ld   a, d        # a: FEDCBA98
                    ld   d, a        # d: BA98FEDC (e.g. rshift=4)

                    xor  e           # a: xxxxxxxx (BA98FEDC ^ 32107654) e: 32107654
                    anda m           # a: ____xxxx (____FEDC ^ ____7654) m: mask 00001111
                    xor  e           # a: 3210FEDC (____FEDC ^ ____7654 ^ 32107654) e: 32107654
            unless and lclip
                    inc  l           # l: screen.lo (next column)
           [hl] unless fx.nil?
                    ld   [hl], a     # [hl]: 3210FEDC(fx)[hl]

            unless last_column and rclip
                    inc  l           # l: screen.lo (next column)

              if last_column
                    ld   a, d        # a: BA98FEDC (e.g. rshift=4)
                if mode == :set
                    xor  [hl]        # a: xxxxxxxx (BA98FEDC ^ ssssssss)
                    anda m           # a: ____xxxx (____FEDC [^ ____ssss]) m: mask 00001111
                    xor  d           # a: BA98ssss (____FEDC [^ ____ssss] ^ BA98FEDC) d: BA98FEDC
           [hl] unless fx.nil?
                    ld   [hl], a     # [hl]: BA98____(fx)[hl]
                    ld   t, d        # t: BA98FEDC
                    inc  h           # h: screen.hi (next line)
                    exx              # regs'
           if skip_cols
                    djnz rowloop     # b': line counter
                    jp   next_row if jump_eoc || rshift != 4
bobs_rshift_bitmap_pixels_7times(bitmap=hl, lines=c, cols=a, target:de) click to toggle source

Creates a routine that renders 7 bitmap textures by shifting 7 times each source bitmap lines by 1 bit to the right.

Rendered bitmaps are extended to the right by 1 column (an octet).

  • bitmap

    An address of a source bitmap or hl.

  • lines

    A number of lines or an 8-bit register holding the number of lines.

  • cols

    A number of 8-bit columns (octets) per line or an 8-bit register holding the number.


  • target

    A destination address where bitmaps should be rendered or de.

Modifies: af, af', bc, de, hl and some stack.

# File lib/zxlib/gfx/bobs.rb, line 519
def bobs_rshift_bitmap_pixels_7times(bitmap=hl, lines=c, cols=a, target:de)
  isolate do
    if address?(lines) && pointer?(lines)
                    ex   af, af if cols == a
                    ld   a, lines
                    ld   c, a
                    ex   af, af if cols == a
                    ld   c, lines unless lines == c
                    ld   a, cols unless cols == a
                    ld   hl, bitmap unless bitmap == hl
                    ld   de, target unless target == de
                    ld   b, 7
    bitloop         push bc
                    push de
                    adc  a, 0
                    pop  hl
                    pop  bc
                    djnz bitloop
bobs_rshift_bitmap_pixels_once(bitmap=hl, lines=c, cols=a, target:de) click to toggle source

Creates a routine that renders a bitmap texture by shifting each source bitmap lines by 1 bit to the right.

  • Carry Flag

    If set (CF=1) indicates that the target bitmap should be extended by one additional column holding the bits right-shifted out of the last source bitmap column. Otherwise (if CF=0) the carried out bits are lost. The Carry Flag value is preserved when the routine exits.

  • bitmap

    An address of a source bitmap or hl.

  • lines

    A number of lines or an 8-bit register holding the number of lines.

  • cols

    A number of 8-bit columns (octets) per line or an 8-bit register holding the number.


  • target

    A destination address where bitmap should be rendered or de.

Modifies: af, af', bc, de, hl.

# File lib/zxlib/gfx/bobs.rb, line 560
def bobs_rshift_bitmap_pixels_once(bitmap=hl, lines=c, cols=a, target:de)
  isolate do
    if address?(lines) && pointer?(lines)
                    ex   af, af if cols == a
                    ld   a, lines
                    ld   c, a
                    ex   af, af if cols == a
                    ld   c, lines unless lines == c
                    ld   a, cols unless cols == a
                    ld   hl, bitmap unless bitmap == hl
                    ld   de, target unless target == de
    line_start      ld   b, a
                    ex   af, af        # a': cols, CF': 1 extend cols (right margin)
                    ora  a             # CF: 0
    line_loop       ld   a, [hl]
                    inc  hl
                    ld   [de], a
                    inc  de
                    djnz line_loop
                    ex   af, af
                    jr   NC, skip_last
                    ex   af, af
                    ld   a, 0
                    ld   [de], a
                    inc  de
                    ex   af, af
    skip_last       dec  c
                    jr   NZ, line_start