module ZXLib::Gfx::Macros

ZXLib::Gfx macros.

Public Instance Methods

clear_attrs_region_fast(address=hl, rows=a, cols=2, value=0, disable_intr:true, enable_intr:true, save_sp:true, addr_mode: :optimal, unroll_rows:false, scraddr:nil, subroutine:false) click to toggle source

Creates a routine that clears a rectangle on screen attributes using unrolled PUSH instructions.


Interrupts must be disabled prior to calling this routine or the disable_intr option must be set to true.

  • address

    An addres of a memory area to be cleared as a label, pointer, an integer or hl. The interpretation of the given address depends on the addr_mode option. The starting address of the whole screen area must be a multiple of 0x2000.

  • rows

    A number of attribute rows to be cleared as an 8-bit register or a label or a pointer or an integer.

  • cols

    A constant number of attribute columns to be cleared as an integer: 1 to 32.

  • value

    A pattern of 2 attributes (packed as 16-bit integer) to fill each line with as a label, pointer, an integer or de. For the odd number of columns the first and the last column will be the pattern's least significant byte.


  • disable_intr

    A boolean flag indicating that the routine should disable interrupts. Provide false only if you have already disabled the interrupts.

  • enable_intr

    A boolean flag indicating that the routine should enable interrupts. Provide false if you need to perform more uninterrupted actions.

  • save_sp

    A boolean flag indicating that the sp register should be saved and restored. Otherwise sp will point to the beginning of the last cleared line.

  • addr_mode

    Determines the interpretation of the given address. See below.

  • unroll_rows

    Creates unrolled code for columns and rows. In this instance rows must be a constant.

  • scraddr

    An optional screen memory address which must be a multiple of 0x2000 as an integer or a label. If provided the routine breaks execution when the bottom of the attributes has been reached.

  • subroutine

    Whether to create a subroutine.

addr_mode should be one of:

  • :optimal

    For the odd number of cols the address should be the same as in the :last mode. For the even number of cols the address should be the same as in the :end mode.

  • :first

    The address should point to the first column of the topmost row of the area to be cleared.

  • :last

    The address should point to the last column of the topmost row of the area to be cleared.

  • :end

    The address should point to the next byte after the last column of the topmost row of the area to be cleared.


Restoring sp register uses self-modifying code.

Modifies: af, af', bc, de, hl, optionally: sp. af' is used only when scraddr is defined and unroll_rows is false.

# File lib/zxlib/gfx.rb, line 838
def clear_attrs_region_fast(address=hl, rows=a, cols=2, value=0, disable_intr:true, enable_intr:true, save_sp:true, addr_mode: :optimal, unroll_rows:false, scraddr:nil, subroutine:false)
  raise ArgumentError, "invalid scraddr argument" unless scraddr.nil? or (Integer === scraddr and scraddr == (scraddr & 0xE000)) or direct_label?(scraddr)
  raise ArgumentError, "address should be an address or a pointer or hl" unless address == hl or address?(address)
  raise ArgumentError, "rows should be an integer or a label or a pointer or a register" unless (register?(rows) and rows.bit8?) or
  raise ArgumentError, "rows must be a positive non-zero integer to unroll code" if unroll_rows and
                                                                          (!rows.is_a?(Integer) or rows <= 0)
  cols = cols.to_i
  raise ArgumentError, "cols must be less than or equal to 32" if cols > 32
  raise ArgumentError, "cols must be greater than or equal to 1" if cols < 1
  raise ArgumentError, "value should be an integer or a label or a pointer or de" unless value == de or address?(value)
  unless [:optimal, :first, :last, :end].include?(addr_mode)
    raise ArgumentError, "addr_mode should be either :optimal, :first, :last or :end"
  save_sp = false if cols == 1
  if direct_address?(address)
    case addr_mode
    when :first
      address = if cols.odd?
        address + cols - 1
        address + cols
    when :last
      address = address + 1 if cols.even?
    when :end
      address = address - 1 if cols.odd?

  if addr_mode == :first
    ts_cost = 7+4+4
    ts_cost = ts_cost + 4 unless unroll_rows
    ts_cost = ts_cost + 4 if pointer?(rows)
    max_cols_adj_unroll = ts_cost / 4 + 1

  clear_line = proc do |is_last = false|
                  ld   [hl], e if cols.odd?
                  ld   sp, hl unless cols == 1
                  (cols >> 1).times { push de }
                  add  hl, bc unless is_last

  isolate do
    if scraddr and !unroll_rows
                  ex   af, af if rows == a
                  ld   a, ((scraddr >> 8)|0x1B)-1
                  ex   af, af
    unless unroll_rows
      if direct_address?(address) or addr_mode != :first or cols <= max_cols_adj_unroll
                  ld   a, rows unless rows == a
      elsif pointer?(rows)
                  ld   a, rows
                  ld   c, a      # ts:4
                  ld   c, rows unless rows == c
                  ld   hl, address unless address == hl
    unless direct_address?(address)
      if addr_mode == :first
        if cols <= max_cols_adj_unroll
                  (cols-1).times { inc l }
                  ld   a, cols-1 # ts:7
                  add  l         # ts:4
                  ld   l, a      # ts:4
          unless unroll_rows
                  ld   a, c      # ts:4
      unless addr_mode == :optimal
        if addr_mode == :end
                  dec  hl if cols.odd?
                  inc  hl if cols.even?
                  ld   de, value unless value == de
                  ld   bc, 32
                  di if disable_intr
                  ld   [restore_sp_p], sp if save_sp
    if unroll_rows
         rows == 1
                  ld   a, ((scraddr >> 8)|0x1B)-1 if scraddr && rows > 1
      (rows - 1).times do |row|
        if scraddr
                  cp   h      # a: ((scraddr >> 8)|0x1B)-1
          if subroutine && !enable_intr && !save_sp
                  ret  C
            rows_left = rows - 1 - row
            if cols > 1
              ahead = rows_left * (((cols + 1) >> 1) + 1)
              ahead = rows_left
            ahead = ahead + (rows_left - 1) * 4
            if ahead < 128
                  jr   C, quit
                  jp   C, quit
         row == rows - 2
      if scraddr
                  dec  a
        if subroutine && !enable_intr && !save_sp
                  ret  Z
                  jr   Z, quit
      loop_line   ex   af, af # ((scraddr >> 8)|0x1B)-1
                  cp   h
        if subroutine && !enable_intr && !save_sp
                  ret  C
                  jr   C, quit
                  ex   af, af
      loop_line   label
                  dec  a
                  jp   NZ, loop_line
    quit          label unless subroutine && !enable_intr && !save_sp
    if save_sp
    restore_sp    ld   sp, 0
    restore_sp_p  as   restore_sp + 1
                  ei if enable_intr
                  ret if subroutine && (enable_intr || save_sp)
clear_screen_region_fast(address=hl, lines=c, cols=2, value=0, disable_intr:true, enable_intr:true, save_sp:true, addr_mode: :compat, scraddr:nil, subroutine:false) click to toggle source

Creates a routine that clears a rectangle on an ink/paper screen using unrolled PUSH instructions.


Interrupts must be disabled prior to calling this routine or the disable_intr option must be set to true.

  • address

    An addres of a memory area to be cleared as a label, pointer, an integer or hl. The interpretation of the given address depends on the addr_mode option. The starting address of the whole screen area must be a multiple of 0x2000.

  • lines

    A number of pixel lines to be cleared as an 8-bit register or a label, pointer or an integer.

  • cols

    A constant number of 8 pixel columns to be cleared as an integer: 1 to 32.

  • value

    A pattern of 16 pixels to fill each line with as a label, pointer, an integer or de. For the odd number of columns the first and the last column will be the pattern's least significant byte.


  • disable_intr

    A boolean flag indicating that the routine should disable interrupts. Provide false only if you have already disabled the interrupts.

  • enable_intr

    A boolean flag indicating that the routine should enable interrupts. Provide false if you need to perform more uninterrupted actions.

  • save_sp

    A boolean flag indicating that the sp register should be saved and restored. Otherwise sp will point to the beginning of the last cleared line.

  • addr_mode

    Determines the interpretation of the given address. See below.

  • scraddr

    An optional screen memory address which must be a multiple of 0x2000 as an integer or a label. If provided the routine breaks execution when the bottom of the screen has been reached.

  • subroutine

    Whether to create a subroutine.

addr_mode should be one of:

  • :last

    The address should point to the last column of the topmost line of the area to be cleared. This is the fastest mode as the address needs to be adjusted in other modes.

  • :first

    The address should point to the first column of the topmost line of the area to be cleared.

  • :compat

    The address should point to the next byte after the last column of the topmost line of the area to be cleared.


Restoring sp register uses self-modifying code.

Modifies: af, af', bc, de, hl, optionally: sp.

# File lib/zxlib/gfx.rb, line 658
def clear_screen_region_fast(address=hl, lines=c, cols=2, value=0, disable_intr:true, enable_intr:true, save_sp:true, addr_mode: :compat, scraddr:nil, subroutine:false)
  raise ArgumentError, "invalid scraddr argument" unless scraddr.nil? or (Integer === scraddr and scraddr == (scraddr & 0xE000)) or direct_label?(scraddr)
  raise ArgumentError, "address should be an address or a pointer or hl" unless address == hl or address?(address)
  raise ArgumentError, "lines should be an integer or a label or a pointer or a register" unless (register?(lines) and lines.bit8?) or
  cols = cols.to_i
  raise ArgumentError, "cols must be less than or equal to 32" if cols > 32
  raise ArgumentError, "cols must be greater than or equal to 1" if cols < 1
  raise ArgumentError, "value should be an integer or a label or a pointer or de" unless value == de or address?(value)
  unless addr_mode.nil? or [:compat, :first, :last].include?(addr_mode)
    raise ArgumentError, "addr_mode should be either :compat, :first or :last"
  save_sp = false if cols == 1
  fits_single_row = false
  if direct_address?(address)
    case addr_mode
    when :first
      address = address + cols - 1
    when :last
      address = address - 1
    fits_single_row = Integer === address && Integer === lines && lines <= (8 - (address>>8) % 8)
  const_addr_not_right_edge = Integer === address && (address & 31) != 31

  isolate do
                  ld   c, lines if register?(lines) && lines != c
                  ld   de, value unless value == de

    if direct_address?(address)
      if (const_addr_not_right_edge or fits_single_row) and cols.even?
                  ld   hl, address + 1
                  ld   hl, address
      if fits_single_row
                  ld   b, lines
                  ld   b, 8 - (address>>8) % 8
                  ld   hl, address unless address == hl
      if addr_mode == :first
        if cols <= 4
                  (cols-1).times { inc l }
                  ld   a, cols-1
                  add  l
                  ld   l, a
      elsif addr_mode != :last
                  dec  hl
                  ld   a, h       # calculate counter based on screen address modulo 8
                  anda 0b11111000 # (h & 0b11111000)
                  sub  h          # (h & 0b11111000) - h % 8
                  add  8          # 8 - h % 8
                  ld   b, a       # b: counter: 8 - h % 8
    # if (const_addr_not_right_edge or fits_single_row) and cols.even?
    #   hl: -> last screen column + 1
    # else
    #   hl: -> last screen column
    unless fits_single_row
      if register?(lines)
                  ld   a, c       # a: lines
                  dec  a          # a: lines - 1 (remaining lines)
      elsif pointer?(lines)
                  ld   a, lines
                  ld   c, a
                  dec  a          # a: lines - 1 (remaining lines)
                  ld   a, lines - 1
                  sub  b          # a: lines - 1 - counter
      unless Integer === lines && lines > 8
        ns do |eoc|
                  jr   NC, eoc
          if register?(lines) || pointer?(lines)
                  ld   b, c       # b: counter = dy
                  ld   b, lines
                  ld   c, 8 unless fits_single_row
                  di if disable_intr
                  ld   [restore_sp_p], sp if save_sp
    loop0         label
                  inc  hl unless const_addr_not_right_edge or fits_single_row or cols.odd?
    loop1         label
                  ld   [hl], e if cols.odd?
                  ld   sp, hl unless cols == 1
                  inc  h
                  (cols >> 1).times { push de }
                  djnz loop1
    unless fits_single_row
      if subroutine && !enable_intr && !save_sp
                  ret  C
                  jr   C, quit
                  dec  hl unless const_addr_not_right_edge or cols.odd?
                  ex   af, af     # a': remaining lines
                  ld   a, l
                  add  0x20
                  ld   l, a
                  jr   C, skip_adj unless scraddr
                  ld   a, h
                  jr   C, check_oos if scraddr
                  sub  c          # c: 8
                  ld   h, a
      skip_adj    ex   af, af     # a: remaining lines
                  ld   b, c       # c: 8
                  sub  b
                  jr   NC, loop0
                  add  b
                  ld   b, a
                  inc  b
                  jp   loop0
      if scraddr
        check_oos cp   (scraddr >> 8)|0x18
                  jr   C, skip_adj
                  ret if subroutine && !enable_intr && !save_sp
      quit        label unless subroutine && !enable_intr && !save_sp
    if save_sp
    restore_sp    ld   sp, 0
    restore_sp_p  as   restore_sp + 1
                  ei if enable_intr
                  ret if subroutine && (enable_intr || save_sp || fits_single_row)
copy_shadow_attrs_region(address=de, rows=a, cols=c, tgtaddr:0x4000, srcaddr:0x6000, check_edge:true, break_oos:true, subroutine:false) click to toggle source

Creates a routine that copies a rectangle of screen attributes from or to a shadow screen.

  • address

    An address of a top-left corner of the attributes memory area to be copied to as a label, pointer, an integer or de.

  • rows

    A number of attribute rows to be copied as an 8-bit register or a label or a pointer.

  • cols

    A number of attribute columns to be copied as as an 8-bit register or a label or a pointer. If cols is a the cols is taken from a'.


Unless cols is one of: ixh, ixl, iyh or iyl the routine uses self modifying code.


  • tgtaddr

    A target screen memory address which must be a multiple of 0x2000 as an integer or a label.

  • srcaddr

    A source screen memory address which must be a multiple of 0x2000 as an integer or a label.

  • check_edge

    Ensures that the region does not transgress the right edge of the screen decreasing address if necessary. Applies only if address is not static.

  • break_oos

    Breaks execution when the bottom of the screen has been reached.

  • subroutine

    Whether to create a subroutine.

Modifies: af, af', bc', bc, de, hl. Swaps registers unless out of screen.

# File lib/zxlib/gfx.rb, line 1154
def copy_shadow_attrs_region(address=de, rows=a, cols=c, tgtaddr:0x4000, srcaddr:0x6000, check_edge:true, break_oos:true, subroutine:false)
  raise ArgumentError, "invalid tgtaddr argument" unless (Integer === tgtaddr and tgtaddr == (tgtaddr & 0xE000)) or direct_label?(tgtaddr)
  raise ArgumentError, "invalid srcaddr argument" unless (Integer === srcaddr and srcaddr == (srcaddr & 0xE000)) or direct_label?(srcaddr)
  scrdiff = (srcaddr - tgtaddr) & 0xffff
  raise ArgumentError, "tgtaddr must be not be the same as srcaddr" if Integer === scrdiff and scrdiff == 0
  raise ArgumentError, "address should be an address or a pointer or de" unless address == de or address?(address)
  raise ArgumentError, "rows should be a label or a pointer or a register" unless (register?(rows) and rows.bit8?) or address?(rows)
  raise ArgumentError, "cols should be a label or a pointer or a register" unless (register?(cols) and cols.bit8?) or address?(cols)
  isolate do |eoc|
                    ld   a, rows unless rows == a
                    ex   af, af
                    ld   a, cols unless cols == a
    unless [ixh,ixl,iyh,iyl].include?(cols)
                    ld   [cols_p], a
                    ld   c, a if check_edge && cols != c
                    add  33
                    ld   c, a       # 32 - cols
                    ex   af, af     # a: rows
                    ld   b, a
                    ld   de, address unless address == de
    if check_edge
      ns do |eoc|
                    ld   a, e
                    ora  ~31
        if [ixh,ixl,iyh,iyl].include?(cols)
                    add  cols
                    add  c
                    jr   NC, eoc
                    adc  e
                    ld   e, a
                    ld   b, 0
                    ld   a, d
                    jr   start0

    rowloop         ld   a, c # 32 - cols
                    adda_to d, e
    if break_oos
                    cp   (tgtaddr>>8)|0x1B
      if subroutine
                    ret  NC
                    jr   NC, eoc
    start0          add  scrdiff>>8
                    ld   h, a
                    ld   l, e
    if [ixh,ixl,iyh,iyl].include?(cols)
                    ld   c, cols
      cols_a        ld   c, 0 # self-modified
      cols_p        cols_a + 1
                    djnz rowloop
                    ret if subroutine
copy_shadow_attrs_region_quick(address=de, rows=b, cols=32, tgtaddr:0x4000, srcaddr:0x6000, check_edge:true, break_oos:true, size_limit_opt:false, subroutine:false) click to toggle source

Creates a routine that copies a rectangle of screen attributes from or to a shadow screen using unrolled LDI instructions.

  • address

    An address of a top-left corner of the attributes memory area to be copied to as a label, pointer, an integer or de.

  • rows

    A number of attribute rows to be copied as an 8-bit register or a label, pointer or an integer.

  • cols

    A constant number of attribute columns to be copied as an integer.


  • tgtaddr

    A target screen memory address which must be a multiple of 0x2000 as an integer or a label.

  • srcaddr

    A source screen memory address which must be a multiple of 0x2000 as an integer or a label.

  • check_edge

    Ensures that the region does not transgress the right edge of the screen decreasing address if necessary. Applies only if address is not static.

  • break_oos

    Breaks execution when the bottom of the screen has been reached.

  • size_limit_opt

    If enabled, a small optimization is applied but the following condition must be met: rows*cols < 256

  • subroutine

    Whether to create a subroutine.

Modifies: af, bc, de, hl.

# File lib/zxlib/gfx.rb, line 1396
def copy_shadow_attrs_region_quick(address=de, rows=b, cols=32, tgtaddr:0x4000, srcaddr:0x6000, check_edge:true, break_oos:true, size_limit_opt:false, subroutine:false)
  raise ArgumentError, "invalid tgtaddr argument" unless (Integer === tgtaddr and tgtaddr == (tgtaddr & 0xE000)) or direct_label?(tgtaddr)
  raise ArgumentError, "invalid srcaddr argument" unless (Integer === srcaddr and srcaddr == (srcaddr & 0xE000)) or direct_label?(srcaddr)
  scrdiff = (srcaddr - tgtaddr) & 0xffff
  raise ArgumentError, "tgtaddr must be not be the same as srcaddr" if Integer === scrdiff and scrdiff == 0
  scrxor = if Integer === srcaddr and Integer === tgtaddr
    srcaddr ^ tgtaddr
  raise ArgumentError, "address should be an address or a pointer or de" unless address == de or address?(address)
  raise ArgumentError, "rows should be an integer or a label or a pointer or a register" unless (register?(rows) and rows.bit8?) or
  cols = cols.to_i
  raise ArgumentError, "cols must be less than or equal to 32" if cols > 32
  raise ArgumentError, "cols must be greater than or equal to 1" if cols < 1
  fits_single_row = Integer === address && Integer === rows && rows == 1
  isolate do |eoc|
    unless fits_single_row
      if pointer?(rows)
                    ld   a, rows
                    ld   b, a
                    ld   b, rows unless rows == b
                    ld   c, 255 if size_limit_opt
                    ld   de, address unless address == de
    if check_edge
      ns do |eoc|
                    ld   a, e
                    ora  ~31
                    add  cols
                    jr   NC, eoc
                    adc  e
                    ld   e, a
    if only_one_bit_set_or_zero?(scrxor)
      scrbitdiff = Math.log2(scrxor>>8).to_i
                    ld   h, d
      if tgtaddr < srcaddr
                    set  scrbitdiff, h
                    res  scrbitdiff, h
      if cols == 32 or fits_single_row
                    ld   l, e
                    jr   start1
                    ld   a, d
      if cols == 32 or fits_single_row
                    add  scrdiff>>8
                    ld   h, a
                    ld   l, e
                    jr   start0
    rowloop         label
    unless cols == 32 or fits_single_row
                    ld   a, 32-cols
                    adda_to d, e
      if break_oos
                    cp   (tgtaddr>>8)|0x1B
        if subroutine
                    ret  NC
                    jr   NC, eoc
      start0        add  scrdiff>>8
                    ld   h, a
      start1        ld   l, e
                    ld   c, 255 unless size_limit_opt || fits_single_row
                    cols.times { ldi }
                    djnz rowloop unless fits_single_row
                    ret if subroutine
copy_shadow_screen_region(address=de, lines=a, cols=c, tgtaddr:0x4000, srcaddr:0x6000, check_edge:true, break_oos:true, subroutine:false) click to toggle source

Creates a routine that copies a rectangle of an ink/paper screen from or to a shadow screen.

  • address

    An address of a top-left corner of the screen memory area to be copied to as a label, pointer, or de.

  • lines

    A number of pixel lines to be copied as an 8-bit register or a label or a pointer.

  • cols

    A number of 8 pixel columns to be copied as an 8-bit register or a label or a pointer. If cols is a the cols is taken from a'.


Unless cols is a direct label or one of: ixh, ixl, iyh or iyl the routine uses self modifying code.


  • tgtaddr

    A target screen memory address which must be a multiple of 0x2000 as an integer or a label.

  • srcaddr

    A source screen memory address which must be a multiple of 0x2000 as an integer or a label.

  • check_edge

    Ensures that the region does not transgress the right edge of the screen decreasing address if necessary. Applies only if address is not static.

  • break_oos

    Breaks execution when the bottom of the screen has been reached. CF = 0 (NC) if the routine terminates prematurely due to reaching bottom of the screen. Otherwise CF = 1 if the whole rectangle has been copied.

  • subroutine

    Whether to create a subroutine.

Modifies: af, af', bc, bc', de, hl. Swaps registers unless out of screen.

# File lib/zxlib/gfx.rb, line 1005
def copy_shadow_screen_region(address=de, lines=a, cols=c, tgtaddr:0x4000, srcaddr:0x6000, check_edge:true, break_oos:true, subroutine:false)
  raise ArgumentError, "invalid tgtaddr argument" unless (Integer === tgtaddr and tgtaddr == (tgtaddr & 0xE000)) or direct_label?(tgtaddr)
  raise ArgumentError, "invalid srcaddr argument" unless (Integer === srcaddr and srcaddr == (srcaddr & 0xE000)) or direct_label?(srcaddr)
  scrdiff = (srcaddr - tgtaddr) & 0xffff
  raise ArgumentError, "tgtaddr must be not be the same as srcaddr" if Integer === scrdiff and scrdiff == 0
  raise ArgumentError, "address should be an address or a pointer or de" unless address == de or address?(address)
  raise ArgumentError, "lines should be a label or a pointer or a register" unless (register?(lines) and lines.bit8?) or
  raise ArgumentError, "cols should be a label or a pointer or a register" unless (register?(cols) and cols.bit8?) or
  fits_single_row = Integer === address && Integer === lines && lines <= (8 - (address>>8) % 8)
  isolate do |eoc|
    unless fits_single_row
                    ld   a, lines unless lines == a
                    ex   af, af     # a': lines
    unless [ixh,ixl,iyh,iyl].include?(cols) || direct_address?(cols)
                    ld   a, cols unless cols == a
                    ld   [cols_p], a
                    ld   c, a if check_edge && cols != c
                    ld   b, 0
                    ld   de, address unless address == de
    if direct_address?(address)
      if fits_single_row
                    ld   h, ((address>>8) + (scrdiff>>8)) & 0xff
                    ld   a, d
                    add  scrdiff>>8
                    ld   h, a
                    ld   a, e
      if fits_single_row
                    ld   b, lines
                    ld   b, 8 - (address>>8) % 8
      if check_edge
        ns do |eoc|
                    ld   a, e
                    ora  ~31
          if [ixh,ixl,iyh,iyl].include?(cols) || direct_address?(cols)
                    add  cols
                    add  c
                    jr   NC, eoc
                    adc  e
                    ld   e, a
                    ld   a, d       # calculate counter based on screen address modulo 8
                    add  scrdiff>>8
                    ld   h, a
                    anda 0b11111000 # (h & 0b11111000)
                    sub  h          # (h & 0b11111000) - h % 8
                    add  8          # 8 - h % 8
                    ld   b, a       # b: counter: 8 - h % 8
                    ld   a, e
    unless fits_single_row
                    ex   af, af     # a: lines, a': lo
                    ld   c, a       # c: lines
                    dec  a          # a: lines - 1 (remaining lines)
                    sub  b          # a: lines - 1 - counter
                    jr   NC, start
                    ld   b, c       # b: counter = c: lines

      start         ex   af, af     # a': remaining rows - 1; CF': 1 == last batch, a: lo
    rloop           exx
    loop0           ld   e, a
    loop1           ld   l, a
    if [ixh,ixl,iyh,iyl].include?(cols) || direct_address?(cols)
                    ld   c, cols
      cols_a        ld   c, 0 # self-modified
      cols_p        cols_a + 1
                    dec  de
                    inc  d
                    dec  hl
                    inc  h
                    djnz rloop
                    ret if subroutine && fits_single_row
    unless fits_single_row
                    ex   af, af     # a: remaining lines, a': lo
      if subroutine
                    ret  C
                    jr   C, eoc
                    ld   b, 8
                    sub  b
                    jr   NC, loop8
                    add  b
                    ld   b, a
                    inc  b

      loop8         exx
                    ex   af, af     # a: lo, a': remaining lines
                    add  0x20       # a: lo + 0x20
                    jr   C, loop0 unless break_oos
                    ld   e, a       # e: lo
                    ld   a, d
                    jr   C, check_ooscr if break_oos
                    sub  0x08
                    ld   d, a       # d: adjusted
                    add  scrdiff>>8
                    ld   h, a
                    ld   a, e
                    jp   loop1
      if break_oos
        check_ooscr cp   (tgtaddr >> 8)|0x18
                    ld   a, e
                    jr   C, loop1
                    ret if subroutine
copy_shadow_screen_region_quick(address=de, lines=c, cols=32, tgtaddr:0x4000, srcaddr:0x6000, check_edge:true, break_oos:true, size_limit_opt:false, subroutine:false) click to toggle source

Creates a routine that copies a rectangle of an ink/paper screen from or to a shadow screen using unrolled LDI instructions.

  • address

    An address of a top-left corner of the screen memory area to be copied to as a label, pointer, an integer or de.

  • lines

    A number of pixel lines to be copied as an 8-bit register or a label, pointer or an integer.

  • cols

    A constant number of 8 pixel columns to be copied as an integer.


  • tgtaddr

    A target screen memory address which must be a multiple of 0x2000 as an integer or a label.

  • srcaddr

    A source screen memory address which must be a multiple of 0x2000 as an integer or a label.

  • check_edge

    Ensures that the region does not transgress the right edge of the screen decreasing address if necessary. Applies only if address is not static.

  • break_oos

    Breaks execution when the bottom of the screen has been reached.

  • size_limit_opt

    If enabled, a small optimization is applied but the following condition must be met: lines*(cols-1) < 256

  • subroutine

    Whether to create a subroutine.

Modifies: af, af', bc, de, hl.

# File lib/zxlib/gfx.rb, line 1243
def copy_shadow_screen_region_quick(address=de, lines=c, cols=32, tgtaddr:0x4000, srcaddr:0x6000, check_edge:true, break_oos:true, size_limit_opt:false, subroutine:false)
  raise ArgumentError, "invalid tgtaddr argument" unless (Integer === tgtaddr and tgtaddr == (tgtaddr & 0xE000)) or direct_label?(tgtaddr)
  raise ArgumentError, "invalid srcaddr argument" unless (Integer === srcaddr and srcaddr == (srcaddr & 0xE000)) or direct_label?(srcaddr)
  scrdiff = (srcaddr - tgtaddr) & 0xffff
  raise ArgumentError, "tgtaddr must be not be the same as srcaddr" if Integer === scrdiff and scrdiff == 0
  scrxor = if Integer === srcaddr and Integer === tgtaddr
    srcaddr ^ tgtaddr
  raise ArgumentError, "address should be an address or a pointer or de" unless address == de or address?(address)
  raise ArgumentError, "lines should be an integer or a label or a pointer or a register" unless (register?(lines) and lines.bit8?) or
  cols = cols.to_i
  raise ArgumentError, "cols must be less than or equal to 32" if cols > 32
  raise ArgumentError, "cols must be greater than or equal to 1" if cols < 1
  fits_single_row = Integer === address && Integer === lines && lines <= (8 - (address>>8) % 8)
  isolate do |eoc|
                    ld   c, lines if register?(lines) && lines != c          
    if direct_address?(address)
                    ld   de, address
      if only_one_bit_set_or_zero?(scrxor)
        scrbitdiff = Math.log2(scrxor>>8).to_i
                    ld   h, d
        if tgtaddr < srcaddr
                    set  scrbitdiff, h
                    res  scrbitdiff, h
                    ld   a, d
                    add  scrdiff>>8
                    ld   h, a
      if fits_single_row
                    ld   b, lines
                    ld   b, 8 - (address>>8) % 8
                    ld   de, address unless address == de
      if check_edge
        ns do |eoc|
                    ld   a, e
                    ora  ~31
                    add  cols
                    jr   NC, eoc
                    adc  e
                    ld   e, a
                    ld   a, d       # calculate counter based on screen address modulo 8
                    add  scrdiff>>8
                    ld   h, a
                    anda 0b11111000 # (h & 0b11111000)
                    sub  h          # (h & 0b11111000) - h % 8
                    add  8          # 8 - h % 8
                    ld   b, a       # b: counter: 8 - h % 8

    unless fits_single_row
      if register?(lines)
                    ld   a, c       # a: lines
                    dec  a          # a: lines - 1 (remaining lines)
      elsif pointer?(lines)
                    ld   a, lines
                    ld   c, a
                    dec  a          # a: lines - 1 (remaining lines)
                    ld   a, lines - 1
                    sub  b          # a: lines - 1 - counter
      unless Integer === lines && lines > 8
        ns do |eoc|
                    jr   NC, eoc
          if register?(lines) || pointer?(lines)
                    ld   b, c       # b: counter = dy
                    ld   b, lines
                    ex   af, af     # a': remaining rows - 1; CF': 1 == last batch
                    ld   c, 255 if size_limit_opt
                    ld   a, e
    copy_loop       ld   e, a
    copy_loop1      ld   l, a
                    ld   c, 255 unless size_limit_opt
                    (cols-1).times { ldi }
                    ld   l, [hl]
                    ex   de, hl
                    ld   [hl], e
                    ex   de, hl
                    inc  d
                    inc  h
                    djnz copy_loop
    if fits_single_row
                    ret if subroutine
                    ex   af, af     # a': lo; a: remaining rows - 1; CF: 1 == last batch
      if subroutine
                    ret  C
                    jr   C, eoc
                    ld   b, 8
                    sub  b
                    jr   NC, copy_loop8
                    add  b
                    ld   b, a
                    inc  b

      copy_loop8    ex   af, af     # a': remaining rows - 1; CF': 1 == last batch, a: lo
                    add  0x20       # a: lo + 0x20
                    jr   C, copy_loop unless break_oos
                    ld   e, a       # e: lo
                    ld   a, d
                    jr   C, check_ooscr if break_oos
                    sub  0x08
                    ld   d, a       # d: adjusted
                    add  scrdiff>>8
                    ld   h, a
                    ld   a, e
                    jp   copy_loop1
      if break_oos
        check_ooscr cp   (tgtaddr >> 8)|0x18
                    ld   a, e
                    jr   C, copy_loop1
                    ret if subroutine
nextline(ah, al, bcheck = true, scraddr:0x4000, hires:false, **nsopts, &block) click to toggle source

Creates a routine that advances to the next line (down) a screen address using ah|al registers. Optionally returns from a subroutine if an address would advance beyond the screen area.

Modifies: af, ah, al.

  • ah

    A register holding a high byte of a screen address to advance.

  • al

    A register holding a low byte of a screen address to advance.

  • bcheck

    Out of screen check flag: false = disable checking, true = issue ret if out of screen, label = jump to a label if out of screen, hl|ix|iy = jump to an address in a register if out of screen.

  • scraddr

    A screen memory address which must be a multiple of 0x2000 as an integer or a label, used only for an out of screen check.

  • hires

    if true the out of screen check will be valid on any of the hi-res screen pages, in this instance only 2 highest bits of scraddr is important.

If block is given and bcheck is true evaluates namespaced block instead of ret. The code in the given block should not fall through and should end with a jump or a ret.


  • when bcheck is false

    27:87.5% / 49:1.56% / 59:10.94%

  • when bcheck is true or label

    27:87.5% / (70:2 / 75:1):1.56% / 62:10.94%

# File lib/zxlib/gfx.rb, line 130
def nextline(ah, al, bcheck = true, scraddr:0x4000, hires:false, **nsopts, &block)
    if ah == al or [ah, al].include?(a) or
            (register?(bcheck) and ![hl_, ix_, iy_].include?(bcheck)) or
            (bcheck == hl and ([h, l].include?(ah) or [h, l].include?(al))) or
            (bcheck == ix and ([ixh, ixl].include?(ah) or [ixh, ixl].include?(al))) or
            (bcheck == iy and ([iyh, iyl].include?(ah) or [iyh, iyl].include?(al))) or
            ![ah, al].all?{|r| register?(r) } or 
            (bcheck and !((Integer === scraddr and scraddr == (scraddr & 0xE000)) or direct_label?(scraddr)))
        raise ArgumentError, "nextline: invalid arguments!"
    ns do |eoc|
                inc  ah
                ld   a, ah
                anda 0x07
                jr   NZ, eoc
                ld   a, al
                add  0x20
                ld   al, a
        if bcheck
            scrhiaddr = (scraddr >> 8)
            scrhiaddr = (scrhiaddr|0x20) if hires
                ld   a, ah
                jp   NC, restrh
                ora  0x20 if hires
                cp   (scrhiaddr|0x18)
                jr   C, eoc
            case bcheck
            when true
                if block_given?
                    ns(**nsopts, &block)
                jp  bcheck
                jr   C, eoc
                ld   a, ah
    restrh      sub  0x08
                ld   ah, a
nextpixel(al, s: a) click to toggle source

Creates a routine that changes a bit shift and the pixel address for a one pixel to the right.

Modifies: af, al, s.

  • al

    A register holding the least significant byte of the pixel address to move.

  • s

    A register holding a bit shift value of the pixel in the range: [0-7]

T-states: 23/22 (s ≠ a: 31/30)

# File lib/zxlib/gfx.rb, line 92
def nextpixel(al, s: a)
  unless register?(al) and al.bit8? and register?(s) and s.bit8? and al != s
    raise ArgumentError, "nextpixel: invalid arguments!"
  isolate do |eoc|
                inc  s
                ld   a, s unless s == a
                anda 7
                jr   NZ, eoc
                ld   s, a unless s == a
                inc  al
nextrow(ah, al, bcheck = true, scraddr:0x4000, **nsopts, &block) click to toggle source

Creates a routine that advances to the next text row (down 8 pixels) a screen address using ah|al registers. Optionally returns from a subroutine if an address would advance beyond the screen area.

Modifies: af, ah, al.

  • ah

    A register holding a high byte of a screen address to advance.

  • al

    A register holding a low byte of a screen address to advance.

  • bcheck

    Out of screen check flag: false = disable checking, true = issue ret if out of screen, label = jump to label if out of screen, hl|ix|iy = jump to an address in a register if out of screen.

  • scraddr

    A screen memory address which must be a multiple of 0x2000 as an integer or a label.

If block is given and bcheck is true evaluates namespaced block instead of ret.


  • when bcheck is false

    27:87.5% / 37:12.50%

  • when bcheck is true or label

    27:87.5% / (49:2 / 55:1):12.50% / 54:12.50%

# File lib/zxlib/gfx.rb, line 550
def nextrow(ah, al, bcheck = true, scraddr:0x4000, **nsopts, &block)
    if ah == al or [ah, al].include?(a) or
            (register?(bcheck) and ![hl_, ix_, iy_].include?(bcheck)) or
            (bcheck == hl and ([h, l].include?(ah) or [h, l].include?(al))) or
            (bcheck == ix and ([ixh, ixl].include?(ah) or [ixh, ixl].include?(al))) or
            (bcheck == iy and ([iyh, iyl].include?(ah) or [iyh, iyl].include?(al))) or
            ![ah, al].all?{|r| register?(r) } or
            !((Integer === scraddr and scraddr == (scraddr & 0xE000)) or direct_label?(scraddr))
      raise ArgumentError, "nextrow: invalid arguments!"
    ns do |eoc|
            ld   a, al
            add  0x20
            ld   al, a
            jr   NC, eoc
            ld   a, ah
            add  0x08
            ld   ah, a
        if bcheck
            cp   (scraddr >> 8)|0x18
            case bcheck
            when true
                if block_given?
                    jr   C, eoc
                    ns(**nsopts, &block)
                    ret  NC
                jp  NC, bcheck
only_one_bit_set_or_zero?(v) click to toggle source

Returns true if v is a 0 or a positive integer with only one bit set in its binary representation.

# File lib/zxlib/gfx.rb, line 44
def only_one_bit_set_or_zero?(v)
    Integer === v && (v & (v - 1)) == 0
prevline(ah, al, bcheck = true, scraddr:0x4000, hires:false, **nsopts, &block) click to toggle source

Creates a routine that moves up to the previous line a screen address using ah|al registers. Optionally returns from a subroutine if an address would move out of the screen area.

Modifies: af, ah, al.

  • ah

    A register holding a high byte of a screen address to move.

  • al

    A register holding a low byte of a screen address to move.

  • bcheck

    Out of screen check flag: false = disable checking, true = issue ret if out of screen, label = jump to a label if out of screen, hl|ix|iy = jump to an address in a register if out of screen.

  • scraddr

    A screen memory address which must be a multiple of 0x2000 as an integer or a label, used only for an out of screen check.

  • hires

    if true the out of screen check will be valid on any of the hi-res screen pages, in this instance only 2 highest bits of scraddr is important.

If block is given and bcheck is true evaluates namespaced block instead of ret. The code in the given block should not fall through and should end with a jump or a ret.


  • when bcheck is false

    27:87.5% / 49:1.56% / 59:10.94%

  • when bcheck is true or label

    27:87.5% / (70:2 / 75:1):1.56% / 62:10.94%

# File lib/zxlib/gfx.rb, line 199
def prevline(ah, al, bcheck = true, scraddr:0x4000, hires:false, **nsopts, &block)
    if ah == al or [ah, al].include?(a) or
            (register?(bcheck) and ![hl_, ix_, iy_].include?(bcheck)) or
            (bcheck == hl and ([h, l].include?(ah) or [h, l].include?(al))) or
            (bcheck == ix and ([ixh, ixl].include?(ah) or [ixh, ixl].include?(al))) or
            (bcheck == iy and ([iyh, iyl].include?(ah) or [iyh, iyl].include?(al))) or
            ![ah, al].all?{|r| register?(r) } or
            (bcheck and !((Integer === scraddr and scraddr == (scraddr & 0xE000)) or direct_label?(scraddr)))
        raise ArgumentError, "prevline: invalid arguments!"
    ns do |eoc|
                ld   a, ah
                dec  ah
                anda 0x07
                jr   NZ, eoc
                ld   a, al
                sub  0x20
                ld   al, a
        if bcheck
            scrhiaddr = (scraddr >> 8)
            scrhiaddr = (scrhiaddr|0x20) if hires
                ld   a, ah
                jp   NC, restrh
                ora  0x20 if hires
                cp   scrhiaddr
                jr   NC, eoc
            case bcheck
            when true
                if block_given?
                    ns(**nsopts, &block)
                jp  bcheck
                jr   C, eoc
                ld   a, ah
    restrh      add  0x08
                ld   ah, a
prevpixel(al, s: a) click to toggle source

Creates a routine that changes a bit shift and the pixel address for a one pixel to the left.

Modifies: af, al, s.

  • al

    A register holding the least significant byte of the pixel address to move.

  • s

    A register holding a bit shift value of the pixel in the range: [0-7]

T-states: 14/25.

# File lib/zxlib/gfx.rb, line 72
def prevpixel(al, s: a)
  unless register?(al) and al.bit8? and register?(s) and s.bit8? and al != s
    raise ArgumentError, "prevpixel: invalid arguments!"
  isolate do |eoc|
                dec  s
                jp   P, eoc
                ld   s, 7
                dec  al
rctoattr(row, col=0, ah:h, al:l, scraddr:0x4000) click to toggle source

Creates a routine that converts row and column coordinates to an address of a color attribute.

Modifies: af, ah, al.

  • row

    An 8-bit register as a text row [0-23].

  • col

    An 8-bit register, except accumulator, as a text column [0-31] or an integer or a label. If it's a register then it must not be the same as ah.


  • ah

    A register holding a high byte of a resulting address.

  • al

    A register holding a low byte of a resulting address.

  • scraddr

    A screen memory address which must be a multiple of 0x2000 as an integer or a label.

T-states: 46/54/57/60 for col: 0/register/al/number, T-4 if row is accumulator.

r < 0 0 0 5r 4r 3r 2r 1r, c < 0 0 0 5c 4c 3c 2c 1c, h > 0 1 0 1 1 0 5r 4r, l < 3r 2r 1r 5c 4c 3c 2c 1c

# File lib/zxlib/gfx.rb, line 504
def rctoattr(row, col=0, ah:h, al:l, scraddr:0x4000)
  unless register?(ah) and ah.bit8? and register?(al) and al.bit8? and ah != al and ![col, ah, al].include?(a) and
         ((address?(col) and !pointer?(col)) or (register?(col) and col != ah and col != row)) and
         ((Integer === scraddr and scraddr == (scraddr & 0xE000)) or direct_label?(scraddr))
    raise ArgumentError, "rctoattr: invalid arguments!"
  attraddr = scraddr + 0x1800
  isolate do
        ld   a, row unless row == a
        3.times {rrca}
        ld   ah, a               # h= L L L x x x H H
        anda 0b11100000          # a= L L L 0 0 0 0 0
        add  col unless col == 0 # a= L L L C C C C C
        ld   al, a               # l= L L L C C C C C
    if register?(col) && col != al
        sub  col unless col == 0 # a= L L L 0 0 0 0 0
        xor  ah                  # a= 0 0 0 x x x H H
        ld   a, ah               # h= L L L x x x H H
        anda 0b00000011          # h= 0 0 0 0 0 0 H H
        ora  (attraddr>>8)       # a= S S S 1 1 x H H
        ld   ah, a               # h= S S S 1 1 x H H
rctoscr(row, col=0, ah:h, al:l, scraddr:0x4000) click to toggle source

Creates a routine that converts row and column coordinates to a byte address of a top 8-pixel line.

Modifies: af, ah, al.

  • row

    An 8-bit register as a text row [0-23]. row must not be the same as ah.

  • col

    An 8-bit register, except accumulator, as a text column [0-31] or an integer or a label. If it's a register then it must not be the same as ah. If row is accumulator then col must not be the same as al.


  • ah

    A register holding a high byte of a resulting address.

  • al

    A register holding a low byte of a resulting address.

  • scraddr

    A screen memory address which must be a multiple of 0x2000 as an integer or a label.

T-states: 43

  • T + 4: if col is a register.

  • T + 7: if col is a non-zero integer.

  • T + 6: if scraddr has more than one bit set.

r < 0 0 0 5r 4r 3r 2r 1r, c < 0 0 0 5c 4c 3c 2c 1c, h > 0 1 0 5r 4r 0 0 0, l < 3r 2r 1r 5c 4c 3c 2c 1c

# File lib/zxlib/gfx.rb, line 456
def rctoscr(row, col=0, ah:h, al:l, scraddr:0x4000)
  unless register?(ah) and ah.bit8? and register?(al) and al.bit8? and ah != al and ![col, ah, al].include?(a) and
         ((address?(col) and !pointer?(col)) or (register?(col) and col != ah and col != row and (col != al or row != a))) and
         ((Integer === scraddr and scraddr == (scraddr & 0xE000)) or direct_label?(scraddr))
    raise ArgumentError, "rctoscr: invalid arguments!"
  isolate do
    if row == a
                ld   al, a
                ld   a, row
                anda 0b00011000 # a= 0  0  0  H  H  0  0  0
                ora  (scraddr>>8) unless only_one_bit_set_or_zero?(scraddr)
                ld   ah, a      # h= S  S  S  H  H  0  0  0
                xor  (scraddr>>8) unless only_one_bit_set_or_zero?(scraddr)
    if row == a
                xor  al         # a= 0  0  0  0  0  r  r  r
                xor  row        # a= 0  0  0  0  0  r  r  r
                3.times {rrca}  # a= r  r  r  0  0  0  0  0
                ora  col unless col == 0
                ld   al, a      # l= r  r  r  c  c  c  c  c
        if only_one_bit_set_or_zero?(scraddr)
            nbit = Math.log2(scraddr>>8).to_i
                set  nbit, ah   # h= S  S  S  H  H  0  0  0
        end unless scraddr == 0
scrtoattr(s, o:s, scraddr:0x4000) click to toggle source

Creates a routine that converts a high byte of a pixel address to a high byte of an address of a relevant attribute.

Modifies: af, o.

  • s

    A register holding a high byte of an address to convert.


  • o

    A register holding a high byte of a resulting address. o is the same as s by default.

  • scraddr

    A screen memory address which must be a multiple of 0x2000 as an integer or a label.


  • 34: when neither s nor o is the a register

  • 30: when s is the a register but not o

  • 30: when o is the a register but not s

  • 26: when each s and o is the a register

i < 0 1 0 2a 1a l l l, o > 0 1 0 1 1 0 2a 1a

# File lib/zxlib/gfx.rb, line 604
def scrtoattr(s, o:s, scraddr:0x4000)
    unless [s, o].all?{|r| register?(r) } and
           ((Integer === scraddr and scraddr == (scraddr & 0xE000)) or direct_label?(scraddr))
      raise ArgumentError, "scrtoattr: invalid arguments!" 
  attraddr = scraddr + 0x1800
  isolate do
        ld   a, s unless s == a
                        # a= S S S H H h h h
        anda 0b00011000 # a= 0 0 0 H H 0 0 0
        3.times {rrca}  # a= 0 0 0 0 0 0 H H
        ora  (attraddr >> 8)
                        # a= S S S 1 1 0 H H
        ld   o, a unless o == a
xy_to_attr_addr(x, y, scraddr:0x4000) click to toggle source

Calculates a constant screen attribute address from the pixel coordinates.

# File lib/zxlib/gfx.rb, line 60
def xy_to_attr_addr(x, y, scraddr:0x4000)
    ( ( (y >> 3) << 5 ) | (x >> 3) ) + scraddr + 0x1800
xy_to_pixel_addr(x, y, scraddr:0x4000) click to toggle source

Calculates a constant screen pixel byte address from the pixel coordinates.

# File lib/zxlib/gfx.rb, line 49
def xy_to_pixel_addr(x, y, scraddr:0x4000)
                ((y & 0x07) << 3) | ((y & 0b111000) >> 3) | ((y & 0xffc0))
            ) << 5
        ) | ((x & 0xff) >> 3)
    ) + scraddr
xytoscr(y, x, ah:h, al:l, s:b, t:c, scraddr:0x4000)
Alias for: yxtoscr
ytoattr(y, ah:h, al:l, col:0, scraddr:0x4000) click to toggle source

Creates a routine that converts a vertical pixel coordinate to an address of a color attribute.

Modifies: af, ah, al.

  • y

    An 8-bit input register holding a vertical pixel coordinate.


  • col

    An 8-bit register, except accumulator, as a text column [0-31] or an integer or a label. If it's a register then it must not be the same as ah.

  • ah

    A register holding a high byte of a resulting address.

  • al

    A register holding a low byte of a resulting address.

  • scraddr

    A screen memory address which must be a multiple of 0x2000 as an integer or a label.

T-states: 49/53/56 for col: 0/register/number, T-4 if y is accumulator.

y < 5r 4r 3r 2r 1r 0 0 0 , c < 0 0 0 5c 4c 3c 2c 1c, h > 0 1 0 1 1 0 5r 4r, l < 3r 2r 1r 5c 4c 3c 2c 1c

# File lib/zxlib/gfx.rb, line 413
def ytoattr(y, ah:h, al:l, col:0, scraddr:0x4000)
  unless register?(ah) and ah.bit8? and register?(al) and al.bit8? and ah != al and ![col, ah, al].include?(a) and
         ((address?(col) and !pointer?(col)) or (register?(col) and col != ah and col != y)) and
         ((Integer === scraddr and scraddr == (scraddr & 0xE000)) or direct_label?(scraddr))
    raise ArgumentError, "ytoattr: invalid arguments!"
  attraddr = scraddr + 0x1800
  isolate do
        ld   a, y unless y == a
        2.times {rlca}
        ld   ah, a               # h= L L L x x x H H
        anda 0b11100000          # a= L L L 0 0 0 0 0
        add  col unless col == 0 # a= L L L C C C C C
        ld   al, a               # l= L L L C C C C C
        ld   a, ah               # h= L L L x x x H H
        anda 0b00000011          # h= 0 0 0 0 0 0 H H
        ora  (attraddr>>8)       # a= S S S 1 1 0 H H
        ld   ah, a               # h= S S S 1 1 0 H H
ytoscr(y, ah:h, al:l, col:nil, t:c, scraddr:0x4000, hires:false) click to toggle source

Creates a routine that converts a vertical pixel coordinate to a screen byte address.

Modifies: af, ah, al, t. col only in hires mode.

  • y

    An 8-bit input register holding a vertical pixel coordinate. It must not be the same as t.


  • ah

    A register holding a high byte of a resulting address.

  • al

    A register holding a low byte of a resulting address.

  • col

    An optional column number [0-31] ([0-63] in hires mode) as a unique 8-bit register or an integer or a label.

  • t

    An 8-bit register for temporary operations.

  • scraddr

    A screen memory address which must be a multiple of 0x2000 as an integer or a label.

  • hires

    Enable SCLD or ULAplus hi-res mode. If enabled, col is interpreted as hi-res screen column and only 2 highest bits of scraddr is being used to establish the primary screen memory address.

T-states: 73/81/97/87 if col is: nil/register/register and hires/number.

y < a1 a2 h3 h2 h1 l3 l2 l1, h > S S S a1 a2 l3 l2 l1, l > h3 h2 h1 0 0 0 0 0

# File lib/zxlib/gfx.rb, line 346
def ytoscr(y, ah:h, al:l, col:nil, t:c, scraddr:0x4000, hires:false)
    if [ah,al,t].include?(a) or [ah,al,t].uniq.size != 3 or t == y or
            ![y, ah, al, t].all?{|r| register?(r) } or
            (register?(col) and [y, ah, al, t, a].include?(col)) or
            (!col.nil? and !register?(col) and !address?(col)) or pointer?(col) or
            !((Integer === scraddr and scraddr == (scraddr & 0xE000)) or direct_label?(scraddr))
        raise ArgumentError, "ytoscr: invalid arguments!"
    scraddrhi = (scraddr>>8)
    scraddrhi = (scraddrhi & 0xC0) if hires
    isolate do
        if y == a
                ld   al, a
                ld   a, y
        end                       # a= H H h h h l l l
                anda 0b00000111
                ld   t, a         # h= 0 0 0 0 0 l l l
        if y == a
                xor  al
                xor  y
        end                       # a= H H h h h 0 0 0
        if hires
          if register?(col)       # col= 0 0 c c c c c p
                srl  col          # col= 0 0 0 c c c c c CF=page
                rra               # a= p H H h h h 0 0
                rlca              # a= H H h h h 0 0 p
          elsif col
                scraddrhi = scraddrhi | ((col & 1) << 5)
                col = (col >> 1)
                rlca              # a= H h h h 0 0 p H
                rlca              # a= h h h 0 0 p H H
                ld   ah, a        # h= h h h 0 0 p H H
                anda 0b11100000   # a= h h h 0 0 0 0 0
                add  col if col
                ld   al, a        # l= h h h c c c c c
                sub  col if col   # a= h h h 0 0 0 0 0
                xor  ah           # a= 0 0 0 0 0 p H H
                3.times { rlca }
                ora  t            # a= 0 0 p H H l l l
        unless scraddr == 0
                ora  scraddrhi    # a= S S p H H l l l
                ld   ah, a        # h= S S p H H l l l
yxtoscr(y, x, ah:h, al:l, s:b, t:c, scraddr:0x4000) click to toggle source

Creates a routine that converts y,x coordinates to a screen byte address and a bits shift.

Modifies: af, s, t, ah, al.

  • y

    An 8-bit input register holding a vertical pixel coordinate. It must not be the same as the s output register.

  • x

    An 8-bit input register, except accumulator, holding a horizontal pixel coordinate. It must not be the same as ah, s or t.


  • ah

    A register holding a high byte of a resulting address.

  • al

    A register holding a low byte of a resulting address.

  • s

    A register holding a resulting bits right shift: [0-7]. This indicates how many bits the most significant bit should be shifted to the right to match the input coordinate x.

  • t

    An 8-bit register for temporary operations.

  • scraddr

    A screen memory address which must be a multiple of 0x2000 as an integer or a label.

T-states: 101/104 depending on scraddr (101 for 0x2000, 0x4000, 0x8000)

y < a1 a2 h3 h2 h1 l3 l2 l1, x < x5 x4 x3 x2 x1 s3 s2 s1, h > S S S a1 a2 l3 l2 l1, l > h3 h2 h1 x5 x4 x3 x2 x1, s > 0 0 0 0 0 s3 s2 s1

# File lib/zxlib/gfx.rb, line 266
def yxtoscr(y, x, ah:h, al:l, s:b, t:c, scraddr:0x4000)
    if y == x or y == s or [x,ah,al,s,t].include?(a) or [ah,al,s].uniq.size != 3 or [ah, s].include?(t) or 
          [ah, s, t].include?(x) or ![y, x, ah, al, s, t].all?{|r| register?(r) } or
          !((Integer === scraddr and scraddr == (scraddr & 0xE000)) or direct_label?(scraddr))
        raise ArgumentError, "yxtoscr: invalid arguments!"
    isolate do
        if y == a
                ld   ah, a
                ld   a, y
        end                 # a= H H h h h l l l
                anda 0b00000111
                ld   s, a   # s= 0 0 0 0 0 l l l
        if y == a
                xor  ah
                xor  y      # a= H H h h h 0 0 0
        if only_one_bit_set_or_zero?(scraddr)
            if (scraddr & 0x2000).zero?
                rrca        # a= 0 H H h h h 0 0
                rra         # a= 1 H H h h h 0 0
            if (scraddr & 0x4000).zero?
                rrca        # a= 0 S H H h h h 0
                rra         # a= 1 S H H h h h 0
            if (scraddr & 0x8000).zero?
                rrca        # a= 0 S S H H h h h
                rra         # a= 1 S S H H h h h
                3.times { rrca }
                ora (scraddr>>8)
                ld   ah, a  # h= S S S H H h h h
                anda 0b00000111
                ld   t, a   # t= 0 0 0 0 0 h h h
                xor  ah     # a= S S S H H 0 0 0
                ora  s
                ld   ah, a  # h= S S S H H l l l
                ld   a, x   # a= x x x x x s s s
                anda 0b00000111
                ld   s, a   # s= 0 0 0 0 0 s s s
                xor  x      # a= x x x x x 0 0 0
                ora  t      # a= x x x x x h h h
                3.times { rrca }
                ld   al, a  # l= h h h x x x x x
Also aliased as: xytoscr