class ZXUtils::AYMusic

The AY-3-8910/8912 music engine

Low-level but highly configurable music player routines and Macros. See also: ZXUtils::AYMusicPlayer and ZXUtils::AYBasicPlayer.

To play music with AYMusic you'll need:

ZXUtils::MusicBox provides a Ruby DSL for creating music for the AYMusic engine.

A memory map of the AYMusic's workspace.

By default the workspace addresses follows immediately the static tables which are allocated after the end of the AYMusic code. All of the workspace and static tables' labels can be overridden to better fit your program's memory layout.

<-  TRACK_STACK_TOTAL  ->                 <- +MusicControl ->      <- MINISTACK_SIZE ->
+---------------------+-+                 +-----------------+      +------------------+
|  Tracks' loop/yield |0|                 |  Music Control  |      | Player's machine |
|        Stacks       | |                 |                 |      |    code stack    |
+---------------------+-+                 +-----------------+      +------------------+
^                      ^ ^                ^                                            ^
workspace              | track_stack_end  music_control                        ministack
      empty_instrument-+                                                   workspace_end

Static tables

The “note to AY-3-891x tone pitch” table is a 96 words each representing a tone in a 12-notes, 8-octaves music scale. The values should be 12-bit tone period values as expected by the AY-3-891x specification.

There are two ways to create such a table:

The “note to fine tones cursor” table may be created with the Macros.ay_music_note_to_fine_tone_cursor_table_factory routine.

The “fine tones” table may be created with the Macros.ay_music_tone_progress_table_factory routine.

The SinCosTable can be created with the Z80::Utils::SinCos::Macros.create_sincos_from_sintable routine.

Music data

Index lookup table

The index lookup table consists of words (2 bytes each) containing addresses of tracks, instruments, envelopes and chords. Each entry is indexed from 1 (1st entry) to 128. The maximum number of entries supported currently is 128. However if your music uses fewer entries, the lookup table may be shorter.

Instruments are just like tracks, but some commands should not be used in them, e.g. playing notes. For each channel, the instrument track is being executed in parallel with the current track.

Envelopes, Masks and Chords

Delta envelopes, masks and chords consist of a loop offset byte, followed by bytes describing an envelope, followed by 0. The loop offset should point to the argument's 1st byte (relative to the 1st argument) to which the envelope should loop when it's over. The loop offset = 0 means repeat the whole envelope.

Each delta envelope argument consist of 2 bytes:

The counter indicates for how many ticks the following delta should be applied. The delta is being added to the current envelope value in the range: 0..255. If the value exceeds 255 it's being clipped to 255. If the value drops below 0 it's being clipped to 0.

If the delta envelope is being applied to a volume, the current highest 4 bits of the envelope value is being applied to a AY-3-891x's channels' volume. If the delta envelope is being applied to a noise pitch, the current highest 5 bits of the envelope value is being applied to a AY-3-891x's channels' volume.

Each mask envelope argument consist of 2 bytes:

The counter indicates for how many ticks the following bits should be applied in turn. Each bit from the mask is being applied after each tick, starting from the most (leftmost) significant bit (7). The bits are being rolled left, creating a virtually infinite bitmap.

Each chord argument consist of a single byte.

The delay indicates for how many ticks the following tone will be played. The delta is a half-tone delta up from the currently played note.


Tracks consist of commands. Each command consist of 1 or more bytes. Some commands have additional data embedded in the 1st byte. At the start each of the 3 AY-3-8912 tone channel has a single main track assigned. Each volume or tone related command on the assigned track is always tied to that channel. Each of the 3 channels may have an instrument track attached which will be run in parallel to the main track on that channel. Depending on the play mode the “Play note” command may reset the instrument track to its beginning.

The list of commands:

Head    Data                Description
  0     -                   Terminate a track.
                            After this command a track is considered finished. If the control was delegated to 
                            this track from another track the control is being given back to the yielding track.
                            For instrument tracks it just freezes the track, but in play mode 1 the track will
                            be restarted on each "Play a note" command.
  1- 96 -                   Play a note.
                            A note: 1: a0, 2: a#0, 3: b0, 4: c0, 5: c#0, 6: d0, 7: d#0, 8: e0, 9: f0, 10: f#0,
                                    11: g0, 12: g#0, 13: a1, ... , 96: g#8
128-159 -                   Set noise pitch: (head - 128) translates to pitch: 0..31.
160-175 -                   Set volume level: (head - 160) translates to volume: 0..15.
176-255 -                   Wait ticks: (head - 175) translates to delay: 1..80 ticks.
 97     index:1             Set instrument. Sets indicated track as an instrument.
                            Followed by a 1 byte lookup index (0: set empty instrument, 1-128: from the lookup table).
                            The instrument begins to play on next played note in mode 1.
 98     args:1|2            Wait more ticks (between 81 and 20736). Followed by 1 or 2 bytes.
                            If delay is in the range: 81..256 ticks only one byte argument follows: ticks - 1 [80..255].
                            If delay is in the range: 257..20736 ticks the first argument byte is: ((ticks - 1) >> 8) - 1 [0..79]
                            and the second argument byte is: (ticks - 1) & 255 [0..255].
 99     -                   Sets play mode 1. In this mode "play note" command resets instrument's track cursor
                            to its beginning. Instrument track plays in parallel to the main track.
100     -                   Sets play mode 2. In this mode "play note" only changes the frequency of the note.
                            Instrument track continues to play in parallel.
101     duration:2          Sets AY-3-891x envelope duration. 2 byte duration follows (LSB/fine first).
102     shape:1             Sets AY-3-891x envelope shape. A 1 byte shape follows. See ZXLib::AYSound for envelope shapes.
103     index:1             Start a volume envelope.
                            Followed by a 1 byte lookup index (0: disable envelope, 1-128: from the lookup table).
104     index:1             Start a noise envelope.
                            Followed by a 1 byte lookup index (0: disable envelope, 1-128: from the lookup table).
105     index:1             Start a chord.
                            Followed by a 1 byte lookup index (0: disable chord, 1-128: from the lookup table).
106     index:1             Start and apply mask envelope to a AY-3-891x envelope volume control.
                            Bit = 1 is envelope, 0 is volume.
                            Followed by a 1 byte lookup index (0: disable mask, 1-128: from the lookup table).
107     index:1             Start and apply mask envelope to a channel's tone on/off control.
                            Bit = 1 is off, 0 is on.
                            Followed by a 1 byte lookup index (0: disable mask, 1-128: from the lookup table).
108     index:1             Start and apply mask envelope to a channel's noise control.
                            Bit = 1 is off, 0 is on.
                            Followed by a 1 byte lookup index (0: disable mask, 1-128: from the lookup table).
109     step:2              Set vibrato step. Followed by 2 bytes (LSB first) of a step value multiplied.
                            An argument value 0..65536 translates to delta angle: 0..360 degrees.
110     angle:2             Set vibrato angle. Followed by 2 bytes (LSB first) of a angle value.
                            An argument value 0..65536 translates to: 0..360 degrees.
111     amplitude:1         Set vibrato amplitude. Followed by a 1 byte follows multiplied by 255.
                            An argument value 0..255 translates to an amplitude: 0.0..1.0
112     -                   Disables vibrato.
113     ticks:1             Set note progress period. Subsequent "play note" commands will change the tone gradually.
                            Followed by a 1 byte ticks value.
                            0 - ignores tone progress (fast): no internal tone progress variables are being updated
                            on following "play notes",
                            1 - immediate tone change, ... 255 - slowest tone change (during 255 ticks).
                            Before using a higher than 1 tone progress first set it to 1 and "play a note"
                            to update the "from tone" progress variables.
114     delta:2, counter:2  Set tone progress variables directly.
                            Followed by 2 bytes delta (LSB first) and 2 bytes repeat counter (LSB first).
                            As a side effect this command sets "note progress period" value to 0.
                            One may play notes safely after that, but until the progress is finished the note
                            frequency will be ignored.
                            After the progress is finished the frequency of the last played note will be played.
                            The value of delta is twos complement 16-bit (-32768..32767) value. The tone progress
                            cursor ranges from 0..65535 and translates from the linear value to geometric
                            progression from the lowest playable frequency to the highest.
                            Tone progress delta from half-tones delta:
                              delta = (delta_halftones * 256.0 * 32.0 / 12.0) & 0xffff
115     -                   Enables AY-3-891x envelope volume control.
                            Disables direct volume control including AYMusic's controlled envelope.
116     -                   Disables AY-3-891x envelope volume control.
                            Enables direct volume control including AYMusic's controlled envelope.
117     -                   Disables tone output.
118     -                   Enables tone output.
119     -                   Disables noise output.
120     -                   Enables noise output.
121     index:1             Yields temporary control to another track (like a go sub) until it's finished.
                            Followed by a 1 byte lookup index (0: no-op, 1-128: from the lookup table).
122     counter:1, offset:1 A loop. Moves the track cursor back by the given offset, counter times.
                            Followed by a 1 byte counter (if counter = 0 loops forever) and the least significant
                            byte of a 16-bit twos complement negative byte offset relative to the beginning of
                            the command. (offset: 0..255 is -256..-1)
123-127                     Reserved (DO NOT USE! the results would be unexpected and most probably 'll crash
                            program execution).



The maximum number of half-tones playable with the AY-3-891x.


The depth of the player's machine code stack.


The byte size required for the player's machine code stack.


Set to true to create a slightly slower but ROM applicaple code.

To change the default:

module ZXUtils
  class AYMusic
    READ_ONLY_CODE = true
require 'zxutils/ay_music'

Re-exported Z80::Utils::SinCos::SinCos


Re-exported Z80::Utils::SinCos::SinCosTable


The maximum recursion depth for loops and sub-tracks yielding. 20 by default.

AYMusic uses the stack space ending at track_stack_end label. Each stack entry has the size of TrackStackEntry. The last entry on the stack is a marker that is all 0. There are 6 stacks for each channel track and channel instrument. Both yield and loop commands use the same stack for their own purposes. The sum of the recusion of sub-track yields and loop nesting level must not exceed the value defined by TRACK_STACK_DEPTH.

To change the default:

module ZXUtils
  class AYMusic
require 'zxutils/ay_music'

The single music track stack size calculated from TRACK_STACK_DEPTH.


All music tracks stack size calculated from TRACK_STACK_SIZE.

Public Instance Methods

init() click to toggle source

Call to initialize music structures and reset counter, track and instrument cursors.


Stop interrupts (di) first before calling this routine.

3 words of track addresses must follow:

      call music.init
      dw   track1, track2, track3

index_table       dw instrument1, instrument2, ... etc
track1            data (track 1 data)
track2            data (track 2 data)
track3            data (track 3 data)

When AYMusic::READ_ONLY_CODE is true make sure to always populate music_control.index_table entry after calling init:

  ld   hl, index_table
  ld   [music.music_control.index_table], hl

Alternatively use Macros.ay_music_init which takes care of the above caveats.

Modifies: af, bc, de, hl, ix.

# File lib/zxutils/ay_music.rb, line 822
ns :init do
                    # clear control data
                    clrmem music_control, +music_control
                    # initialize pointers
                    pop  de             # 3 words must follow: A,B,C track.cursor addresses
                    ld   [music_control.saved_sp], sp
                    ld   [restore_sp_p], sp
                    ld   ix, music_control.chan_a.instrument.flags

                    ld   hl, track_stack_end
                    ld   a, 3           # number of channels
  init_loop         ld   sp, ix         # instrument.flags
                    ld   bc, empty_instrument
                    push bc             # instrument.start
                    push bc             # instrument.track.cursor
                    # mark end of stack with zeroes
                    ld   b, +track_stack_end
  mark_stack_end1   dec  hl
                    ld   [hl], 0
                    djnz mark_stack_end1
                    2.times { dec sp }  # instrument.track.delay
                    push hl             # instrument.track.track_stack

                    ex   de, hl
                    ld   c, [hl]
                    inc  hl
                    ld   b, [hl]        # bc: user supplied track_cursor
                    inc  hl
                    push bc             # track.cursor
                    ex   de, hl

                    ld   bc, -track_stack_size + (+track_stack_end)
                    add  hl, bc         # decrease stack pointer
                    # mark end of stack with zeroes
                    ld   b, +track_stack_end
  mark_stack_end2   dec  hl
                    ld   [hl], 0
                    djnz mark_stack_end2
                    2.times { dec sp }  # track.delay
                    push hl             # track.track_stack

                    ld   b, (-track_stack_size + (+track_stack_end)) >> 8
                    add  hl, bc         # decrease stack pointer

                    ld   bc, +channel_control
                    add  ix, bc
                    dec  a
                    jr   NZ, init_loop
                    ld   sp, [music_control.saved_sp]
    restore_sp      ld   sp, 0
    restore_sp_p    as   restore_sp + 1
                    ex   de, hl
                    jp   (hl)
play() click to toggle source

Call this routine, in turns, to play the music.


Stop interrupts (di) first before calling this routine. Because it modifies all of the available Z80 registers (except I and R), care must be taken to restore registers: IY and H'L' when calling from the ZX Spectrum's Basic.


forever           ei
                  push iy
                  pop  iy
                  jr   forever
# File lib/zxutils/ay_music.rb, line 899
ns :play do
                    ld   [music_control.saved_sp], sp
                    ld   [restore_sp_p], sp
                    ld   sp, ministack
                    xor  a                       # a=0
                    ld   hl, music_control.ay_registers # output registers' values
  rloop             ld   e, [hl]
                    inc  hl
                    ay_set_register_value(a, e, bc_const_loaded:true)
                    inc  a
                    cp   +music_control.ay_registers
                    jr   C, rloop

                    inc  [hl]                    # update counter_lo
                    jr   NZ, skip_high
                    inc  hl
                    inc  [hl]                    # update counter_hi
  skip_high         label
                    ld   de, music_control.chan_a
                    call track_progress
                    ld   de, music_control.chan_b
                    call track_progress
                    ld   de, music_control.chan_c
                    call track_progress

  sound_progress    label
                    ld   hl, music_control.noise_envelope
                    call envelope_progress       # a: current value
                    3.times { rrca }
                    anda 0x1F                    # noise mask
                    jr   NZ, skip_min_noise
                    inc  a                       # min noise pitch=1
  skip_min_noise    exx
                    ld   hl, music_control.ay_registers.tone_pitch_a
                    ld   de, music_control.ay_registers.noise_pitch
                    ld   [de], a                 # noise_pitch
                    inc  de                      # mixer
                    inc  de                      # volume_a/next volume
                    ld   a, 0b00110110           # channel counter and mixer mask
  channel_prog_loop exx
                    ex   af, af                  # save counter and mixer mask
                    call envelope_progress       # a: current value
                    4.times { rrca }
                    ld   b, 0xF0
                    call apply_mask_de           # volume
  tone_progress     do_tone_progress             # if ZF:NZ then bc: tone period
                    jr   Z, skip_tone_progr      # it's no-op or at target
                    ld   de, +ChordControl + 1
                    add  hl, de                  # skip chord_progress and current_note
                    jr   vibrato_ctrl_ck         # bc: tone period
  skip_tone_progr   call chord_progress          # a: note offset
                    add  a, [hl]                 # current_note + note offset
                    inc  hl
                    ex   de, hl
                    call get_note_tone_period_bc # bc: tone period
                    ex   de, hl
  vibrato_ctrl_ck   ld16 de, bc                  # save tone period
                    call vibrato_progress        # bc: tone period delta
                    ex   de, hl
                    jr   NC, skip_vibr_progr
                    add  hl, bc                  # hl: tone period + delta
  skip_vibr_progr   push hl                      # save tone period
                    ex   de, hl
                    pop  bc
                    ld   [hl], c                 # tone_pitch
                    inc  hl
                    ld   [hl], b                 # tone_pitch
                    inc  hl                      # next tone pitch
                    call mask_progress           # mask_ay_env_ctrl
                    ld   b, 0b11101111           # env mask
                    call apply_mask_de           # volume
  skip_mask_env     call mask_progress           # mask_tone_ctrl
                    ld   b, 0b11111000
                    call apply_mixer_mask
  skip_mask_tone    call mask_progress           # mask_noise_ctrl
                    ld   b, 0b11000111
                    call apply_mixer_mask
  skip_mask_noise   ld   bc, channel_control[1] - (channel_control.track)
                    add  hl, bc                  # skip track control
                    inc  de                      # next ay_register.volume_(a|b|c)
                    ex   af, af
                    sll  a                       # rotate left mixer mask <- 1
                    jp   NC, channel_prog_loop
                    ld   sp, [music_control.saved_sp]
    restore_sp      ld   sp, 0
    restore_sp_p    as   restore_sp + 1

  ns :track_progress do
                    ld16 ix, de                  # music_control.chan_X
                    ex   de, hl
                    ld   bc, channel_control.track.track_stack
                    add  hl, bc                  # music_control.chan_X.track.track_stack
                    call track_item_proc         # hl -> channel_control.track.track_stack
                    inc  hl                      # skip instrument.track.cursor_hi
                    call track_item_proc         # hl -> channel_control.instrument.track.track_stack

  ns :track_item_proc do                         # ix: music_control.chan_X
                    push hl                      # hl: music_control.chan_X.track.track_stack
                    pop  iy                      # iy -> track_control.track_stack
                    2.times { inc hl }           # hl -> track_control.delay
    track_item_loop ld   a, [hl]                 # delay_lo
                    inc  hl                      # hl -> track_control.delay_hi
                    ora  [hl]                    # delay_hi
                    jr   NZ, countdown
                    inc  hl                      # hl -> track_control.cursor_lo
                    ld   e, [hl]                 # cursor_lo
                    inc  hl                      # hl -> track_control.cursor_hi
                    ld   d, [hl]                 # de: cursor
                    push hl                      # hl -> track_control.cursor_hi
                    call process_item
                    pop  hl                      # hl -> track_control.cursor_hi
                    ld   [hl], d
                    dec  hl                      # hl -> track_control.cursor_lo
                    ld   [hl], e
                    2.times { dec hl }           # hl -> track_control.delay
                    jr   track_item_loop

    countdown       ld   b, [hl]                 # track_control.delay_hi
                    dec  hl
                    ld   c, [hl]                 # track_control.delay_lo
                    dec  bc                      # delay -= 1
    set_delay       ld   [hl], c                 # track_control.delay_lo
                    inc  hl
                    ld   [hl], b                 # track_control.delay_hi
                    2.times { inc hl }           # hl -> track_control.cursor_hi
                    ret                          # delay in process

    end_of_track    ld   sp, iy                  # sp: track_control.track_stack
                    pop  hl                      # track return address pointer
                    inc  hl                      # skip over counter
                    ld   e, [hl]
                    inc  hl
                    ld   d, [hl]                 # de: return track cursor
                    inc  hl
                    ld   a, e
                    ora  d                       # is it though?
                    jr   Z, nowhere_to_go
                    push hl                      # put back track_control.track_stack
    nowhere_to_go   ld   sp, ministack[-4]
                    ret  NZ                      # return from sub track
                    pop  hl                      # pop return address from process_item
                    pop  hl                      # pop track_control.cursor_hi
                    ret                          # return back from track_item_proc

    # de: track cursor (arg/return)
    process_item    ld   a, [de]                 # a: track item
                    anda a
                    jr   Z, end_of_track         # end of track
                    inc  de                      # advance track cursor
                    cp   97
                    jr   C, play_note
                    cp   176
                    jr   NC, wait_some
                    cp   160
                    jr   NC, set_volume
                    cp   128
                    jr   NC, set_noise
                    ld   hl, cmd_table1 - 97
                    ld   c, a
                    ld   b, 0
                    add  hl, bc
                    ld   c, [hl]
                    add  hl, bc
                    jp   (hl)                    # b: 0, de: track cursor

  # Commands #

  ns :wait_some do # a: delay + 175
                    sub 175
                    3.times { dec hl } # delay_lo
                    ld  [hl], a

  ns :set_volume do # a: volume + 160
                    sub  160
                    ld   c, a
                    4.times { add a, a }
                    ora  c
                    ld   [ix + channel_control.volume_envelope.current_value], a

  ns :set_noise do # a: pitch + 128
                    sub  128
                    ld   c, a
                    3.times { add  a, a }
                    srl  c
                    srl  c
                    ora  c
                    ld   [music_control.noise_envelope.current_value], a

  # current_tone_progress = (note*256*32/12)
  # delta = (target - current) / counter
  ns :play_note do # a: note + 1
                    dec  a
                    ld   [ix + channel_control.current_note], a
                    ld   hl, note_to_cursor
                    call get_hl_table_entry_bc   # bc: target cursor
                    ld   a, [ix + channel_control.instrument.note_progress]
                    cp   1
                    jr   C, skip_progress             # completely ignore progress
                    jr   NZ, calc_progress
                    ld   [ix + channel_control.tone_progress.current_lo], c
                    ld   [ix + channel_control.tone_progress.current_hi], b
                    ld   bc, 0
                    jr   set_counter                  # just store current value and clear progress
    calc_progress   ld   l, [ix + channel_control.tone_progress.current_lo]
                    ld   h, [ix + channel_control.tone_progress.current_hi]
                    sbc  hl, bc                       # current - target
                    ld   c, a                         # counter (note_progress)
                    sbc  a                            # a: 0 if current >= target, -1 if current < target
                    ld   e, a                         # e: sgn
                    call complement16_hle             # hl: -hl if e == -1
                    ld   a, e
                    cpl                               # a: -1 if current >= target, 0 if current < target
                    ld   e, a                         # e: sgn
                    call divmod_hl_c
                    call complement16_hle             # hl: -hl if e == -1
                    ld   [ix + channel_control.tone_progress.delta_lo], l
                    ld   [ix + channel_control.tone_progress.delta_hi], h
    set_counter     ld   [ix + channel_control.tone_progress.counter_lo], c
                    ld   [ix + channel_control.tone_progress.counter_hi], b # b: 0 after divmod_hl_c
    skip_progress   exx
                    bit  InstrumentControl::NO_RESTART_ON_PLAY_NOTE_BIT, [ix + channel_control.instrument.flags]
                    ret  NZ                           # don't reset instrument

                    ld   sp, ix
                    ld   hl, channel_control.instrument.start_lo
                    add  hl, sp
                    ld   sp, hl
                    pop  bc  # ix + channel_control.instrument.start
                    ld   sp, hl
                    push bc  # ix + channel_control.instrument.track.cursor
                    ld   bc, 0
                    push bc  # ix + channel_control.instrument.track.delay
                    ld   sp, ministack[-4]

                    # ld   a, [ix + channel_control.instrument.start_lo]
                    # ld   [ix + channel_control.instrument.track.cursor_lo], a
                    # ld   a, [ix + channel_control.instrument.start_hi]
                    # ld   [ix + channel_control.instrument.track.cursor_hi], a
                    # xor  a
                    # ld   [ix + channel_control.instrument.track.delay_lo], a
                    # ld   [ix + channel_control.instrument.track.delay_hi], a

  ns :wait_more_continue do
                    ld   a, [de]        # arg1
                    inc  de
                    cp   80             # a >= 80
                    jr   NC, no_2nd_arg
                    ld   b, a           # a < 80
                    inc  b              # (arg + 1) * 256
                    ld   a, [de]        # arg2
                    inc  de
    no_2nd_arg      ld   c, a           # bc: 0|arg1 or (arg1+1)|arg2
                    pop  hl             # pop return address from process_item
                    pop  hl             # hl -> track_control.cursor_hi
                    ld   [hl], d        # cursor_hi
                    dec  hl             # hl -> track_control.cursor_lo
                    ld   [hl], e        # cursor_lo
                    2.times { dec hl }  # hl -> track_control.delay
                    jp   track_item_proc.set_delay

  cmd_table1        label
                    data :pc,  set_instrument  # track only
                    data :pc,  wait_more
                    data :pc,  set_play_mode_1
                    data :pc,  set_play_mode_2
                    data :pc,  set_envelope_duration
                    data :pc,  set_envelope_shape
                    data :pc,  set_volume_envelope_index
                    data :pc,  set_noise_envelope_index
                    data :pc,  set_chord_index
                    data :pc,  set_mask_env_index
                    data :pc,  set_mask_tone_index
                    data :pc,  set_mask_noise_index
                    data :pc,  set_vibrato_step
                    data :pc,  set_vibrato_angle
                    data :pc,  set_vibrato_amplitude
                    data :pc,  disable_vibrato
                    data :pc,  set_note_progress
                    data :pc,  set_tone_progress
                    data :pc,  set_ay_envelope_ctrl_on_off
                    data :pc,  set_ay_envelope_ctrl_on_off
                    data :pc,  set_tone_off_on
                    data :pc,  set_tone_off_on
                    data :pc,  set_noise_off_on
                    data :pc,  set_noise_off_on
                    data :pc,  sub_track
                    data :pc,  loop_next
                    # data :pc,  reserved0
                    # data :pc,  reserved1
                    # data :pc,  reserved2
                    # data :pc,  reserved3
                    # data :pc,  reserved4
                    # here be dragons

  # track only
  ns :set_instrument do
                    call get_index_table_entry_bc
                    jr   NZ, skip_empty
                    ld   bc, empty_instrument
    skip_empty      ld   [ix + channel_control.instrument.start_lo], c
                    ld   [ix + channel_control.instrument.start_hi], b

  # assert b == 0
  # arg1: 0..79 -> ticks = ((arg1 + 1)<<8)|arg2 [delay: 257..20736]
  # arg1: 80..255 -> ticks = arg1 (no arg2)     [delay: 81..256]
  # doesn't decrease delay before returning from track_item_proc so virtually delay = ticks + 1
  ns :wait_more do
                    jr   wait_more_continue

  # track only
  ns :set_play_mode_1 do
                    res  InstrumentControl::NO_RESTART_ON_PLAY_NOTE_BIT, [ix + channel_control.instrument.flags]

  # track only
  ns :set_play_mode_2 do
                    set  InstrumentControl::NO_RESTART_ON_PLAY_NOTE_BIT, [ix + channel_control.instrument.flags]

  ns :set_envelope_duration do # envelope duration
                    ex   de, hl
                    ld   e, [hl]
                    inc  hl
                    ld   d, [hl]
                    inc  hl
                    ex   de, hl
                    ld   [music_control.ay_registers.envelope_duration], hl

  ns :set_envelope_shape do # envelope shape
                    ld   a, [de]
                    inc  de
                    ld   [music_control.ay_registers.envelope_shape], a

  ns :set_volume_envelope_index do
                    push ix # channel_control.volume_envelope
                    jr   set_noise_envelope_index.init_envelope

  ns :set_noise_envelope_index do
                    ld   hl, music_control.noise_envelope
                    push hl
    init_envelope   call get_index_table_entry_bc
                    pop  hl
                    jr   Z, disable_ctrl
                    ld   [hl], 1 # counter
                    inc  hl      # current_value
                    inc  hl      # cursor
                    ld   [hl], c # cursor_lo
                    inc  hl
                    ld   [hl], b # cursor_hi
                    inc  hl      # loop_at
                    ld   a, [bc] # loop_offset
                    adda_to b, c # cursor + loop_offset
                    inc  bc      # cursor + loop_offset + 1
                    ld   [hl], c # loop_at_lo
                    inc  hl
                    ld   [hl], b # loop_at_hi
    disable_ctrl    ld   [hl], a # counter - disables ctrl, a==0

  ns :set_chord_index do
                    ld   hl, channel_control.chord_progress
    init_ctrl       ld16 bc, ix
                    add  hl, bc
                    push hl
                    call get_index_table_entry_bc
                    pop  hl
                    jr   Z, set_noise_envelope_index.disable_ctrl
                    ld   [hl], 1 # counter
                    inc  hl      # current_offs/current_mask
                    inc  hl      # cursor
                    ld   a, [bc] # loop_offset
                    inc  bc      # cursor += 1
                    ld   [hl], c # cursor_lo
                    inc  hl
                    ld   [hl], b # cursor_hi
                    inc  hl      # loop_at
                    adda_to b, c # cursor + loop_offset
                    ld   [hl], c # loop_at_lo
                    inc  hl
                    ld   [hl], b # loop_at_hi

  ns :set_mask_env_index do
                    ld   hl, channel_control.mask_ay_env_ctrl
                    jr   set_chord_index.init_ctrl

  ns :set_mask_tone_index do
                    ld   hl, channel_control.mask_tone_ctrl
                    jr   set_chord_index.init_ctrl

  ns :set_mask_noise_index do
                    ld   hl, channel_control.mask_noise_ctrl
                    jr   set_chord_index.init_ctrl

  ns :set_vibrato_step do
                    ld   hl, channel_control.vibrato_control.step
    enable_set_vib  ld16 bc, ix
                    add  hl, bc

                    ex   de, hl
                    ex   de, hl

                    # ld   a, [de]
                    # inc  de
                    # ld   [hl], a
                    # inc  hl
                    # ld   a, [de]
                    # inc  de
                    # ld   [hl], a

    enable_vibrato  ld   [ix + channel_control.vibrato_control.enabled], -1

  ns :set_vibrato_angle do
                    ld   hl, channel_control.vibrato_control.angle
                    jr   set_vibrato_step.enable_set_vib

  ns :set_vibrato_amplitude do
                    ld   a, [ix + channel_control.current_note]
                    call get_note_tone_period_bc
                    dec  hl
                    dec  hl
                    ld   a, [hl]
                    dec  hl
                    ld   l, [hl]
                    ld   h, a
                    ora  a       # CF: 0
                    sbc  hl, bc  # notes[note-1] - notes[note]
                    ld   a, [de] # amplitude
                    inc  de
                    mul  l, a, tt:bc, clrhl:true, signed_k:false
                    ld   [ix + channel_control.vibrato_control.amplitude], h
                    jr   set_vibrato_step.enable_vibrato

  ns :disable_vibrato do
                    ld   [ix + channel_control.vibrato_control.enabled], b # b: 0

  ns :set_note_progress do
                    ld   a, [de]
                    inc  de
                    ld   [ix + channel_control.instrument.note_progress], a

  ns :set_tone_progress do
                    ld   [ix + channel_control.instrument.note_progress], b # b: 0
                    ld   hl,
                    ld16 bc, ix
                    add  hl, bc
                    ex   de, hl
                    ld   bc, 4
                    ex   de, hl
                    # ld   a, [de]
                    # inc  de
                    # ld   [ix + channel_control.tone_progress.delta_lo], a
                    # ld   a, [de]
                    # inc  de
                    # ld   [ix + channel_control.tone_progress.delta_hi], a
                    # ld   a, [de]
                    # inc  de
                    # ld   [ix + channel_control.tone_progress.counter_lo], a
                    # ld   a, [de]
                    # inc  de
                    # ld   [ix + channel_control.tone_progress.counter_hi], a

  ns :set_ay_envelope_ctrl_on_off do # a: head
                    sbc  a, a
                    ld   [ix + channel_control.ay_envelope_on], a

  ns :set_tone_off_on do # a: head
                    sbc  a, a
                    ld   [ix + channel_control.tone_off], a

  ns :set_noise_off_on do # a: head
                    sbc  a, a
                    ld   [ix + channel_control.noise_off], a

  ns :sub_track do # index
                    jr   sub_track_continue

  ns :loop_next do # count(1), -jump_relative(1)
                    ld   sp, iy                  # track.track_stack
                    pop  hl                      # hl: loop stack address
                    ld   sp, hl                  # sp -> track_stack.counter
                    inc  sp                      # sp -> track_stack.signature
                    pop  bc                      # bc: signature
                    ld   a, c
                    cp   e
                    jr   NZ, add_level           # not our loop, add another one
                    ld   a, b
                    cp   d
                    jr   NZ, add_level           # not our loop, add another one
                    dec  [hl]                    # counter -= 1 on track_stack.counter
                    jr   Z, loop_over
                    ld   sp, hl                  # sp: track_stack.counter
    jump_to_addr    ex   de, hl
                    inc  hl
                    ld   e, [hl]                 # rel_jump
                    ld   d, -1                   # extend rel_jump as negative -256..-1
                    2.times { dec hl }           # relative to beggining of command
                    add  hl, de                  # jump to current - rel_jump (extended twos complement negative value)
                    ex   de, hl                  # de -> looped to instruction address
    loop_over_back  label                        # ld   [iy], sp (iy: track.track_stack)
                    ld   hl, 0
                    add  hl, sp
                    ld   sp, iy
                    pop  bc
                    push hl
                    ld   [store_sp + 2], iy      # set target sp address (iy: track.track_stack)
      store_sp      ld   [channel_control.track.track_stack], sp
                    ld   sp, ministack[-4]
    add_level       ld   sp, hl                  # loop stack address
                    ld   a, [de]                 # counter
                    anda a
                    jr   Z, jump_to_addr         # loop forever
                    push de                      # signature
                    push af                      # [sp] = a; sp-= 2
                    inc  sp                      # sp += 1
                    jr   jump_to_addr
    loop_over       label                        # end loop
                    2.times { inc  de }          # skip over counter, jump_rel
                    jr   loop_over_back

  ns :sub_track_continue do # index
                    call get_index_table_entry_bc
                    ret  Z                       # sub 0 does nothing
                    ld   sp, iy                  # track.track_stack
                    pop  hl                      # hl: track stack address
                    dec  hl
                    ld   [hl], d
                    dec  hl
                    ld   [hl], e                 # save de as a return track pointer
                    dec  hl
                    ld   [hl], 0                 # "not a loop" marker (loop.counter)
                    push hl                      # puts sub stack address back
                    ld16 de, bc
                    ld   sp, ministack[-4]

  # Subroutines #

  ns :apply_mixer_mask do # a: value, b: ~mask, a': channel ~mask 0b00110110
                      ex   af, af
                      ld   c, a                    # save channel ~mask
                      ora  b                       # channel ~mask | ~mask
                      ld   b, a                    # b: channel ~mask | ~mask
                      ld   a, c                    # restore channel ~mask
                      ex   af, af
                      ld   de, music_control.ay_registers.mixer

  ns :apply_mask_de do # de: target address, a: value, b: ~mask (bits = 0 - new value, 1 - preserve)
                      ld   c, a                    # c: value to set
                      ld   a, [de]
                      xor  c                       # original ^ value
                      anda b                       # (original ^ value) & ~mask
                      xor  c                       # ((original ^ value) & ~mask) ^ value
                      ld   [de], a

  ns :get_index_table_entry_bc do
                      ld   a, [de] # instrument index 0..128
                      inc  de
                      anda a # index is 0
                      ret  Z # assume HL is >= 256, see below: adda_to h, l
                      dec  a
                      ld   hl, [music_control.index_table]
    index_table_a     ld   hl, index_table
    index_table_p     index_table_a + 1
                      jr   get_hl_table_entry_bc

  ns :get_note_tone_period_bc do
                      ld   hl, notes
  ns :get_hl_table_entry_bc do
                      add  a, a
                      adda_to h, l # ZF: 0 if (hl + a) & 0xFF00 <> 0
                      ld   c, [hl]
                      inc  hl
                      ld   b, [hl]

  complement16_hle    twos_complement16_by_sgn(h, l, e, th:h, tl:l)

  ns :divmod_hl_c do
                      divmod h, c, check0:false, check1:false, optimize: :size
    divmod_rem_l_c    divmod l, c, clrrem:false, optimize: :size

  # inp hl: envelope control (moves hl past it, updates current value)
  # out a: current value
  ns :envelope_progress do
                    ld   sp, hl
                    pop  bc               # b: value, c: counter
                    ld   a, c
                    anda a                # check counter
                    ld   a, b             # current_value
                    jr   Z, no_change
                    pop  hl               # cursor
                    dec  c                # counter =- 1
                    jr   Z, cursor_next
    restart         push hl               # cursor
                    add  a, [hl]          # -> current + delta
                    bit  7, [hl]          # check delta sign
                    jr   NZ, minus_delta
                    jr   C, clip_value
    minus_delta     jr   C, set_value
    clip_value      sbc  a, a
    set_value       ld   b, a             # new value
    no_change       push bc               # set counter and value, move sp to beginning
                    ld   hl, +EnvelopeControl
                    add  hl, sp           # hl: sp + sizeof EnvelopeControl
                    ld   sp, ministack[-1]
    cursor_next     inc  hl               # cursor+=1 -> counter
    get_cursor      ld   a, [hl]          # -> next counter
                    anda a
                    jr   Z, cursor_reset
                    ld   c, a             # new counter
                    ld   a, b             # current value
                    inc  hl               # cursor+=1 -> delta
                    jr   restart
    cursor_reset    pop  hl               # loop_at
                    push hl               # back at cursor
                    jr   get_cursor

  # inp hl: tone chord control (moves hl past ChordControl)
  # a: current note offset
  ns :chord_progress do
                    ld   a, [hl]
                    anda a
                    jr   Z, adjust_exit
    proceed         dec  [hl]         # counter
                    jr   Z, cursor_next
                    inc  hl
                    ld   a, [hl]      # current_offs
                    dec  hl
    adjust_exit     ld   bc, +ChordControl
                    add  hl, bc
    cursor_next     ld   sp, hl
                    pop  af           # move sp to cursor
                    pop  bc           # cursor
    restart         ld   a, [bc]      # delta<<5|note_offset
                    anda a
                    jr   Z, reset_cursor
                    inc  bc
                    push bc           # cursor
                    ld   c, a
                    anda 0x1F
                    ld   b, a         # b: note offset
                    xor  c            # counter
                    3.times { rlca }  # reposition counter
                    ld   c, a         # c: counter
                    push bc           # note offset|counter
                    ld   a, b         # a: note offset
                    ld   sp, ministack[-1]
                    jr   adjust_exit
    reset_cursor    pop  bc           # loop_at
                    push bc           # back at loop_at
                    jr   restart

  # inp hl: envelope control (moves hl past VibratoControl)
  # CF:1 out bc: current tone period delta
  ns :vibrato_progress do
                    ld   a, [hl]
                    anda a
    raise "sanity: chord control size differs from vibrato control size" unless ChordControl.to_i == VibratoControl.to_i
                    jr   Z, chord_progress.adjust_exit
                    inc  hl
                    ld   sp, hl
                    pop  bc                 # step
                    pop  hl                 # angle
                    add  hl, bc
                    push hl                 # angle
                    ld   a, h               # angle
                    sincos_from_angle(sincos, h, l)
                    ld   c, [hl]
                    inc  l
                    ld   b, [hl]
                    inc  sp                 # move sp past angle (next will pop hi angle byte and ampl)
                    pop  af                 # a: ampl, f: ignore angle hi, sp: VibratoControl[1]
                    mul8 b, c, a, tt:bc, clrhl:true, double:false
                    ld   c, h
                    sla  h
                    sbc  a
                    ld   b, a
                    ld   hl, 0
                    add  hl, sp
                    ld   sp, ministack[-1]

  # inp hl: envelope control (moves hl past MaskControl and constant mask boolean value byte)
  # out a: current mask value 0|-1
  ns :mask_progress do
                    ld   a, [hl]
                    anda a
                    jr   Z, adjust_exit
                    ld   sp, hl
                    pop  bc               # c: counter, b: current
                    dec  c                # c: counter -= 1
                    jr   Z, cursor_next
    restart         rlc  b                # rotate mask left
                    sbc  a, a             # 0 or -1
                    push bc               # put c: counter + b: current
                    ld   hl, +MaskControl + 1 # skip constant mask value
                    add  hl, sp           # hl: sp + sizeof MaskControl
                    ld   sp, ministack[-1]

    adjust_exit     ld   bc, +MaskControl
                    add  hl, bc
                    ld   a, [hl]          # get constant mask value instead
                    inc  hl

    cursor_next     pop  hl               # cursor
    get_cursor      ld   a, [hl]          # -> next counter
                    anda a
                    jr   Z, reset_cursor
                    ld   c, a             # c: counter
                    inc  hl               # cursor+=1
                    ld   b, [hl]          # -> next mask
                    inc  hl               # cursor+=1
                    push hl               # put back cursor
                    jr   restart
    reset_cursor    pop  hl               # loop_at
                    push hl               # back at cursor
                    jr   get_cursor
