module Z80Lib3D::Matrix3D::Macros


Macros for applying 3D matrix to vertices.

Public Instance Methods

apply_matrix(matrix, vertices:hl, scrx0:128, scry0:128, scrz0:128, persp_dshift:7, optimize: :time) click to toggle source

Applies a transformation matrix to vertices and calculates screen coordinates (xp, yp) for each one.

X = M[0]*vx + M[1]*vy + M[2]*vz
Y = M[3]*vx + M[4]*vy + M[5]*vz
Z = M[6]*vx + M[7]*vy + M[8]*vz

XP =  ((X << persp_dshift) / (Z + scrz0)) + scrx0
YP = -((Y << persp_dshift) / (Z + scrz0)) + scry0

Vertices list must be terminated with a (-128) octet and must not be empty.

Vertices are represented by Primitives::Vertex struct.

Matrix is represented by Primitives::Matrix struct.

Each matrix element should be a 16-bit fixed point twos complement signed number with an 8-bit fractional part.

NOTE: The routine uses stack pointer to read matrix data, so disable interrupts first.


An address of matrix data as a label or a pointer.


  • vertices

    An address of object vertices or hl.

  • scrx0

    A X coordinate adjustment used for calculating screen coordinates.

  • scry0

    A Y coordinate adjustment used for calculating screen coordinates.

  • scrz0

    A Z coordinate adjustment used for calculating screen coordinates.

  • persp_dshift

    A screen coordinates perspective adjustment: 0-7.

When the routine completes:

  • hl will point to an address immediately following the vertices end marker.

  • sp will point to an address immediately following the matrix.

Notable run-time labels:

  • matrix_p can be used to change the address of the matrix.

  • adjust_x_p points to scrx0.

  • adjust_y_p points to scry0.

  • adjust_z_p points to scrz0.

  • matrix_loop enter to skip reading first Z coordinate, can be used to pre-check if vertices are empty. Expects Z coordinage already in b and hl pointing to the next coordinate.

Modifies: sp, af, af', hl, bc, de, hl', bc', de'.

# File lib/z80lib3d/matrix.rb, line 61
def apply_matrix(matrix, vertices:hl, scrx0:128, scry0:128, scrz0:128, persp_dshift:7, optimize: :time)
  raise ArgumentError, "apply_matrix: invalid arguments" unless [scrx0, scry0, scrz0].all?{|l| direct_address?(l) }
  mx_optimize = case optimize
  when :time_alt then :time
  when :unroll_alt then :unroll
  check0_far = (optimize == :unroll || optimize == :unroll_alt)
  isolate do
                    ld   hl, vertices unless vertices==hl
                    ld   b, [hl]                # b: z
                    inc  hl                     # hl: -> y
    matrix_loop     ld   sp, matrix
    matrix_p        as matrix_loop + 1          # a label pointer to a matrix argument
                    ld   d, [hl]                # d: y
                    inc  hl                     # hl: -> x
                    ld   e, [hl]                # e: x
                    # af: x = qxx*x + qxy*y + qxz*z
                    apply_matrix_row e, d, b, optimize:mx_optimize
                    ex   af, af                 # a': new x
                    # af: y = qyx*x + qyy*y + qyz*z
                    apply_matrix_row e, d, b, optimize:mx_optimize
                    ld   c, a                   # c: new y
                    # af: z = qzx*x + qzy*y + qzz*z
                    apply_matrix_row e, d, b, optimize:mx_optimize
                    inc  hl                     # hl: -> xp
    # calculate xp, yp
    adjust_z_a      add  scrz0            # a: z + 128 (make Z positive)
    adjust_z_p      as adjust_z_a + 1     # a label pointer to scrz0
                    ld   c, a             # c: z
    # xp = ((x << PERSP_DSHIFT)/(z + 128)) + scrx0
                    ex   af, af           # a: x
                    anda a                # clear CF, change SF
                    jp   P, pos_x
                    neg                   # CF: 1
    pos_x           ld   e, a             # x
                    ex   af, af           # f': CF: z sign
                     # (x << PERSP_DSHIFT) / z
                    sll8_16 persp_dshift, d, e # de: x << PERSP_DSHIFT
                    divmod16_8 d, e, c, check0:x_overflow, check0_far:check0_far, check1:false, ignore_cf:true, optimize:optimize
                    # jr   C, x_overflow    # z=0
                    ld   a, d
                    anda a
                    jr   NZ, x_overflow   # de >= 256
                                          # de < 256
                    ex   af, af           # f: CF: sign
    adjust_x_a      ld   a, scrx0         # x to screen coordinates
    adjust_x_p      as adjust_x_a + 1     # a label pointer to scrx0
                    jr   C, x_negative

    x_positive      add  e                # x  >= 0
                    jr   NC, skip_neg_x   # xp <  256
                                          # xp >= 256
    x_overflow      ld   a, 255           # store xp=255, yp=255 (out of screen)
                    ld   [hl], a
                    inc  hl
                    jp   skip_overflow_x

    x_negative      sub  e                # x  <  0: x to screen coordinates
                    jr   C, x_overflow    # xp <  0
    skip_neg_x      exx
                    ld   [hl], a          # store xp
                    inc  hl
    # yp = -((y << PERSP_DSHIFT)/(z + 128)) + scry0
                    ld   a, c             # y
                    anda a
                    jp   P, pos_y
    pos_y           ld   e, a             # y
                    ex   af, af           # f': CF: sign
                    # (y << PERSP_DSHIFT) / z
                    sll8_16 persp_dshift, d, e # de: y << PERSP_DSHIFT
                    divmod16_8 d, e, c, check0:y_overflow, check0_far:check0_far, check1:false, ignore_cf:true, optimize:optimize
                    # jr   C, y_overflow    # z=0
                    ld   a, d
                    anda a
                    jr   NZ, y_overflow   # de >= 256
                                          # de < 256
                    ex   af, af           # f: CF: sign
    adjust_y_a      ld   a, scry0         # y  >= 0
    adjust_y_p      as adjust_y_a + 1        # a label pointer to scry0
                    jr   C, y_negative

    y_positive      sub  e                # y to screen coordinates
                    jr   NC, skip_neg_y   # yp <  256

    y_overflow      ld   a, 255           # yp >= 256
                    jr   skip_neg_y

    y_negative      add  e                # y  <  0: y to screen coordinates
                    jr   C, y_overflow    # yp <  0
    skip_neg_y      exx
    skip_overflow_x ld   [hl], a          # store yp
                    inc  hl               # -> z
                    ld   a, [hl]          # a: z
                    inc  hl
                    cp   -128             # is end marker?
                    ld   b, a             # b: z
                    jp   NZ, matrix_loop
apply_matrix_element(x, clrhl:false, optimize: :time) click to toggle source

Applies a matrix element of the transformation matrix to a scalar.

Matrix element should be a 16-bit fixed point twos complement signed number with an 8-bit fractional part.

The address of a matrix element should be present in the stack pointer (sp) register.

NOTE: The registers hl|bc|de are being swapped with alternatives before the multiplication, however x is read into the accumulator before swapping.

A result is returned in the hl as a twos complement signed 16-bit integer:

HL <-> HL'
HL = [SP]*x
HL = HL + [SP]*x

On completion sp points to the next matrix element (+2 bytes).


A signed 8-bit integer representing scalar as an 8-bit register or an address.


  • clrhl

    Whether the result should be set (true) or added to the previous value (false).

Modifies: sp, af, hl', bc', de', optionally preserves x, swaps registers.

# File lib/z80lib3d/matrix.rb, line 231
def apply_matrix_element(x, clrhl:false, optimize: :time)
  isolate do |eoc|
                ld   a, x unless x == a
                pop  bc     # bc: qxx = iiiiiiiiffffffff
    if optimize == :size
      multiply  mul8_signed(b, c, a, tt:bc, t:e, clrhl:clrhl, double:false, optimize: :size)
      unless clrhl
                ex   de, hl # de: sum
      multiply  mul16_signed(b, c, a, tt:bc, optimize:optimize)
      unless clrhl
                add  hl, de # hl: add previous value
apply_matrix_row(x, y, z, optimize: :time) click to toggle source

Applies a row of the transformation matrix to a 3D vector.

Each matrix element should be a 16-bit fixed point twos complement signed number with an 8-bit fractional part.

The address of a matrix row should be present in the stack pointer (sp) register.

A rounded result is returned in the accumulator as a twos complement signed 8-bit integer:

A = INT(([SP]*x + [SP+2]*y + [SP+4]*z + 128) / 256)

On completion sp points to the next matrix row elements (+6 bytes).


A signed 8-bit integer representing x coordinate as an 8-bit register or an address.


A signed 8-bit integer representing y coordinate as an 8-bit register or an address.


A signed 8-bit integer representing z coordinate as an 8-bit register or an address.


  • tt

    A 16-bit temporary register de or bc from the alternative register set.

  • t

    An 8-bit temporary register from the alternative register set.

Modifies: sp, af, hl', bc', de', preserves x, y, z.

# File lib/z80lib3d/matrix.rb, line 189
def apply_matrix_row(x, y, z, optimize: :time)
  raise ArgumentError, "apply_matrix_row: invalid arguments" if y == a or z == a
  isolate do
                apply_matrix_element x, clrhl: true,  optimize:optimize #  qxx*x
                apply_matrix_element y, clrhl: false, optimize:optimize # +qxy*y
                apply_matrix_element z, clrhl: false, optimize:optimize # +qxz*z

                xor  a
                sla  l
                adc  h                                 # (sum+128)/256

copy_sincos_from_angle(target, angle=a, sincos:self.sincos, mask:nil) click to toggle source
# File lib/z80lib3d/matrix.rb, line 272
def copy_sincos_from_angle(target, angle=a, sincos:self.sincos, mask:nil)
  isolate do
                ld    a, angle unless angle == a
                sincos_from_angle sincos, h, l, mask:mask
                ld    sp, hl
                pop   hl
                ld    [target.sin], hl
                pop   hl
                ld    [target.cos], hl
course_to_rotation(rotation, yaw=a, pitch=b, roll=c, sincos:self.sincos, restore_sp:true, save_sp:true) click to toggle source
# File lib/z80lib3d/matrix.rb, line 251
def course_to_rotation(rotation, yaw=a, pitch=b, roll=c, sincos:self.sincos, restore_sp:true, save_sp:true)
  isolate do
                ld    [restore_sp_p], sp if save_sp && restore_sp
    select(sincos & 0x00FF, &:zero?).then do |_|
                ld    de, (sincos & 0xFF00)|0b11111100
    end.else do
        raise ArgumentError, "sincos address must be aligned to 256 bytes"
    [yaw,   rotation.yaw,
     pitch, rotation.pitch,
     roll,  rotation.roll].each_slice(2) do |angle, target|
                copy_sincos_from_angle(target, angle, sincos:d, mask:e)
    if restore_sp
      restore_a     ld    sp, 0
      restore_sp_p  as restore_a + 1
rotation_to_matrix(matrix, rotation, inline_mul:false, subroutine:true, optimize: :time) click to toggle source

cosa*cosb cosa*cosc cosa*sinb=csiab cosa*sinc cosb*cosc cosb*sinc sina*cosb sina*cosc sina*sinb=sinab sina*sinc sinab*sinc sinab*cosc csiab*sinc csiab*cosc

[cosa*cosb, cosa*sinb*sinc-sina*cosc, cosa*sinb*cosc+sina*sinc,

sina*cosb, sina*sinb*sinc+cosa*cosc, sina*sinb*cosc-cosa*sinc,
-sinb    , cosb*sinc               , cosb*cosc]
# File lib/z80lib3d/matrix.rb, line 302
def rotation_to_matrix(matrix, rotation, inline_mul:false, subroutine:true, optimize: :time)
  multiply = if inline_mul
    proc do
      isolate do |eoc|  # b|hl = bc * de
                  sra   b # 0 -> 0 1 -> 0(C) -1 -> -1(C)
                  jr    NC, mult.posmul
                  jp    NZ, mult.negmul # b != 0x01
        m_is_1    ld    l, 0
                  ld    h, e
                  ld    b, d
                  jr    eoc
        mult      mul16_signed9(d, e, c, s: b, tt:de, m_overflow:m_is_1, m_neg_cond:nil, optimize:optimize)
      # isolate do |eoc|  # b|hl = bc * de
      #             ld    a, b
      #             dec   a     # b == 1 ?
      #             jp    NZ, k_is_no_1
      #   k_is_1    ld    b, d
      #             ld    h, e
      #             ld    l, a  # a: 0
      #             jp    eoc   # b|hl = d|e|0
      #   m_is_1    ld    h, c
      #             ld    l, d  # d: 0
      #             jp    eoc   # b|hl = b|c|0
      #   km_is_1   ld    b, 1  # b|hl = 1|0|0
      #             jp    eoc
      #   k_is_no_1 dec   d     # d == 1 ?
      #             jr    Z, m_is_1
      #             inc   d     # d: 0 (+)  !0 (-)
      #             mul_signed9(b, c, e, tt:de, m_neg_cond:NZ, k_overflow:km_is_1, optimize:optimize)
      # end
    proc do
                  call  multiply_sub
  isolate do |eoc|
                ld    hl, [rotation.sin_b]
                neg16 h, l
                ld    [matrix.zx], hl
    [rotation.cos_a, rotation.cos_b, matrix.xx,
     rotation.sin_a, rotation.cos_b, matrix.yx,
     rotation.cos_b, rotation.sin_c, matrix.zy,
     rotation.cos_b, rotation.cos_c, matrix.zz].each_slice(3) do |k_pt, m_pt, target|
                ld    bc, [k_pt]
                ld    de, [m_pt]
               # b|hl: k_pt * m_pt
                ld    c, h
                ld    [target], bc    # cos_a * cos_b
    [rotation.cos_a, rotation.sin_c,  rotation.sin_a, rotation.cos_c, matrix.xy,  matrix.xz,
     rotation.sin_a, rotation.cos_c,  rotation.cos_a, rotation.sin_c, matrix.yz,  matrix.yy
    ].each_slice(6) do |k_pt, m_pt, n_pt, j_pt, target_sub, target_add|
                ld    bc, [k_pt]
                ld    de, [rotation.sin_b]
                # b|hl: cos_a * sin_b
                ld    c, h
                push  bc               # [sp]: cos_a * sin_b
                ld    de, [m_pt]
                # b|hl: cos_a * sin_b * sin_c
                ld    a, b
                ex    af, af           # a':   msb(cos_a * sin_b * sin_c)
                push  hl               # [sp]: lsb(cos_a * sin_b * sin_c)
                ld    bc, [n_pt]
                ld    de, [j_pt]
                # b|hl: sin_a * cos_c
                ex    de, hl           # b|de: sin_a * cos_c
                ex    af, af           # a:    msb(cos_a * sin_b * sin_c)
                pop   hl               # a|hl: cos_a * sin_b * sin_c
                anda  a
                sbc   hl, de
                sbc   a, b             # a|hl: cos_a * sin_b * sin_c - sin_a * cos_c
                ld    l, h
                ld    h, a
                ld    [target_sub], hl # cos_a * sin_b * sin_c - sin_a * cos_c

                pop   bc               # bc: cos_a * sin_b
                ld    de, [j_pt]
                # b|hl: cos_a * sin_b * cos_c
                ld    a, b
                ex    af, af           # a':   msb(cos_a * sin_b * cos_c)
                push  hl               # [sp]: lsb(cos_a * sin_b * cos_c)
                ld    bc, [n_pt]
                ld    de, [m_pt]
                # b|hl: sin_a * sin_c
                ex    de, hl           # b|de: sin_a * sin_c
                ex    af, af           # a:    msb(cos_a * sin_b * cos_c)
                pop   hl               # a|hl: cos_a * sin_b * cos_c
                add   hl, de
                adc   a, b             # a|hl: cos_a * sin_b * cos_c + sin_a * sin_c
                ld    l, h
                ld    h, a
                ld    [target_add], hl # cos_a * sin_b * cos_c + sin_a * sin_c
                ret if subroutine
    unless inline_mul
                jp    eoc unless subroutine

      ns :multiply_sub do |eoc|  # b|hl = bc * de, k and m in range: (-256..256)
                  sra   b # 0 -> 0 1 -> 0(C) -1 -> -1(C)
                  jr    C, m_is_neg1
                  # sign_extend(b, d)
                  ld    b, d
                  sra   b
                  ld    a, c
                  anda  a    # test zero
                  jr    Z, m_zero
                  mul16(d, e, a, tt:de, optimize:optimize)
        m_zero    ld    b, a # clear sign
                  ld    h, a
                  ld    l, a
        m_is_neg1 jr    Z, m_is_1 # b = 0x01
                  neg16 d, e
                  sign_extend(b, a)
                  xor   a
                  sub   c          # a: -m
                  jr    NC, m_is_1 # m == 256
                  mul16(d, e, a, tt:de, optimize:optimize)
        m_is_1    ld    l, 0 # b|h|l = d|e|0
                  ld    h, e
                  ld    b, d
      # ns :multiply_sub do # b|hl = bc * de
      #           ld    a, b
      #           dec   a         # b == 1 ?
      #           jr    Z, k_is_1
      #           dec   d         # d == 1 ?
      #           jr    Z, m_is_1
      #           inc   d         # d: 0 (+)  !0 (-)
      #           mul_signed9(b, c, e, tt:de, m_neg_cond:NZ, k_overflow:km_is_1, optimize: :size)
      #           ret   # b|hl
      #   k_is_1  ld    b, d
      #           ld    h, e
      #           ld    l, a      # a: 0
      #           ret   # b|hl = d|e|0
      #   m_is_1  ld    h, c
      #           ld    l, d      # d: 0
      #           ret   # b|hl = b|c|0
      #   km_is_1 ld    b, 1
      #           ret   # b|hl = 1|0|0
      # end