module ZXLib::Gfx::Clip::Macros

ZXLib::Gfx::Clip Macros for clipping lines to viewport rectangles.

Public Instance Methods

gfx_clip_calculate_8bit_dx_dy_exx(xx=bc, yy=de, full_range_delta:true) click to toggle source

Creates a routine that calculates dx and dy. Used by: Macros.gfx_clip_line.


Swaps bc, de, hl registers with their alternative counterparts (EXX).

The routine expects (before EXX):

  • x0 in xx',

  • y0 in yy',

  • x1 in xx,

  • y1 in yy.

The routine returns (after EXX):

h  = abs(x1 - x0) / k
l  = abs(y1 - y0) / k
a' = sgn(x1 - x0) XOR sgn(y1 - y0)

Finds such k that h and l does not overflow 8 bits.

sgn is a boolean: 0x00 for positive and 0xFF for negative.

Modifies: af, af', hl and 2 levels of the stack, swaps registers: bc, de, hl.

# File lib/zxlib/gfx/clip.rb, line 160
def gfx_clip_calculate_8bit_dx_dy_exx(xx=bc, yy=de, full_range_delta:true)
  raise ArgumentError unless [bc,de].include?(xx) and [bc,de].include?(yy) and xx != yy
  isolate do
                        push yy           # y1
                        push xx           # x1
                        pop  hl           # x1
                        xor  a            # a: 0, CF: 0
                        sbc  hl, xx       # hl: dx = x1 - x0
    if full_range_delta
                        jp   PO, dx_fits_range
                        jp   M, dx_positive
                        jr   dx_negative
      dx_fits_range     label
                        jp   P, dx_positive

    dx_negative         cpl               # a: -sgn
                        ex   af, af
                        neg16 h, l        # dx = -dx
                        ex   af, af

    dx_positive         ex   [sp], hl     # hl: y1, sp -> dx
                        ora  a            # CF: 0
                        sbc  hl, yy       # hl: dy = y1 - y0
    if full_range_delta
                        jp   PO, dy_fits_range
                        jp   M, dy_positive
                        jr   dy_negative
      dy_fits_range     label
                        jp   P, dy_positive

    dy_negative         cpl               # a: -sgn
                        ex   af, af
                        neg16 h, l        # dy = -dy
                        ex   af, af

    dy_positive         ex   de, hl       # hl: xx or yy, de: dy
                        ex   [sp], hl     # hl: dx, sp -> xx or yy
                        ex   af, af       # a': sgn
                        ld   a, d
                        ora  h
                        jr   Z, fits      # bit8 fit
    fitloop             srl  d
                        rr   e            # dy = dy / 2
                        srl  h
                        rr   l            # dx = dx / 2
                        ld   a, d
                        ora  h
                        jr   NZ, fitloop
    fits                ld   h, e         # h: dy, l: dx
                        pop  de           # xx or yy
gfx_clip_compute_outcode(outcode, xx=bc, yy=de, xmax:ixh, xmin:ixl, ymax:iyh, ymin:iyl, jump_rel:true, subroutine:false) click to toggle source

Creates a routine that computes the Outcode bits for the xx, yy point and the clipping region. Stores result in outcode. Used by: Macros.gfx_clip_line.

Modifies: af, outcode.

# File lib/zxlib/gfx/clip.rb, line 104
def gfx_clip_compute_outcode(outcode, xx=bc, yy=de, xmax:ixh, xmin:ixl, ymax:iyh, ymin:iyl, jump_rel:true, subroutine:false)
  raise ArgumentError unless [bc,de,hl].include?(xx) and [bc,de,hl].include?(yy) and xx != yy
  xh, xl = xx.split
  yh, yl = yy.split
  raise ArgumentError if [xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, outcode].any? {|mm| [xh,xl,yh,yl,a].include?(mm) }
  isolate do |eoc|
                        ld  outcode, Outcode::INSIDE
                        cmp_i16r xh, xl, 0, xmin, gt: x_fits_xmin, eq: x_fits_xmin, jump_rel:jump_rel
                        set Outcode::LEFT_BIT, outcode
      if jump_rel
                        jr  x_fits_xmax
                        jp  x_fits_xmax
      x_fits_xmin       cmp_i16r xh, xl, 0, xmax, lt: x_fits_xmax, eq: x_fits_xmax, jump_rel:jump_rel
                        set Outcode::RIGHT_BIT, outcode
      x_fits_xmax       cmp_i16r yh, yl, 0, ymin, gt: y_fits_ymin, eq: y_fits_ymin, jump_rel:jump_rel
                        set Outcode::BOTTOM_BIT, outcode
      if subroutine
      elsif jump_rel
                        jr  eoc
                        jp  eoc
      y_fits_ymin       label
      if subroutine
                        cmp_i16r yh, yl, 0, ymax, lt: :ret, eq: :ret, jump_rel:jump_rel
                        cmp_i16r yh, yl, 0, ymax, lt: eoc, eq: eoc, jump_rel:jump_rel
                        set Outcode::TOP_BIT, outcode
                        ret if subroutine
gfx_clip_coords_to_draw_line_args(xx=bc, yy=de, args_type: :zxlib) click to toggle source

Converts clipped 16-bit coordinates to the “draw line” routine arguments.

The line endpoints are 16-bit signed integers: x0, y0 and x1, y1.

This routine should be used after clipping the coordinates e.g. with Macros.gfx_clip_line.


This routine expects the line endpoints to be clipped (each in the range: 0..255).


the 16-bit register pair that holds x1 in the main and x0 in the alternative set: bc or de.


the 16-bit register pair that holds y1 in the main and y0 in the alternative set: de or bc.

When routine is over the alternative and main registers will be swapped.

Option args_type can be one of:

  • :zxlib

    Prepares arguments for the Gfx::Draw::Macros.draw_line routine (default).

  • :rom

    Prepares arguments for the rom.draw_line_1 routine (at 0x24BA):

    h|l: the starting y|x point - should be put into vars.coords
    b|c: abs(dy)|abs(dx) - absolute distances from the starting point
    d|e: sgn(dy)|sgn(dx) - the directions (-1 or 1) of the distances

T-states: 24 + ( zxlib: 60 or rom: ~65 [54/65/65/76] )

Modifies: af, af', hl', bc', de', swaps registers: bc, de, hl.

# File lib/zxlib/gfx/clip.rb, line 53
def gfx_clip_coords_to_draw_line_args(xx=bc, yy=de, args_type: :zxlib)
  raise ArgumentError unless [bc,de].include?(xx) and [bc,de].include?(yy) and xx != yy
  _, xl = xx.split
  _, yl = yy.split
  isolate do |eoc|                    # xx: x1, yy: y1
                        ld   a, xl    # x1
                        ex   af, af
                        ld   a, yl    # y1
                        exx           # xx: x0, yy: y0
                        ld   h, yl    # y0
                        ld   l, xl    # x0
    case args_type
    when :zxlib
                        sub  h        # y1 - y0
                        ld   e, a     # dy
                        sbc  a
                        ld   d, a     # d: sgn(dy)
                        xor  e
                        sub  d
                        ld   e, a     # e: abs(dy)
                        ex   af, af   # x1
                        sub  l        # x1 - x0
                        ld   c, a     # dx
                        sbc  a
                        ld   b, a     # b: sgn(dx)
                        xor  c
                        sub  b
                        ld   c, a     # c: abs(dx)
    when :rom
                        sub  h        # y1 - y0
                        ld   de, 0x0101
                        jr   NC, dy_pos
                        2.times { dec  d }
      dy_pos            ld   b, a     # abs(dy)
                        ex   af, af
                        sub  l        # x1 - x0
                        jr   NC, dx_pos
                        2.times { dec  e }
      dx_pos            ld   c, a     # abs(dx)
      raise ArgumentError, "args_type must be :zxlib or :rom"
gfx_clip_dimension(a0:bc, b0:de, d1:l, d2:h, full_range_delta:true) click to toggle source

Creates a subroutine that clips a single dimension. Used by: Macros.gfx_clip_line.

hl = a0 + sign * d1 * (minmax - b0) / d2


  • minmax in a,

  • sign in a' as a boolean: 0x00 for positive and 0xFF for negative.

Modifies: af, af', hl and 3 levels of the machine stack.

# File lib/zxlib/gfx/clip.rb, line 226
def gfx_clip_dimension(a0:bc, b0:de, d1:l, d2:h, full_range_delta:true)
  raise ArgumentError unless [bc,de].include?(a0) and [bc,de].include?(b0) and a0 != b0
  raise ArgumentError unless [h,l].include?(d1) and [h,l].include?(d2) and d1 != d2
  a0h, a0l = a0.split
  b0h, b0l = b0.split
  minmax = a
  isolate do
                        push a0
                        ld   a0h, d1
                        ld   a0l, d2
                        ld   l, minmax
                        xor  a
                        ld   h, a
                        sbc  hl, b0
                        push b0
    if full_range_delta
                        jp   PO, arg_fits_range
                        jp   M, positive_arg
                        jr   negative_arg
      arg_fits_range    label
                        jp   P, positive_arg
    negative_arg        ex   af, af
                        cpl                   # a: -sgn
                        ex   af, af
                        neg16 h, l
    positive_arg        push a0
                        mul8_24 h, l, a0h, t:a0l, tt:b0, clrahl:true  # a|hl = d1 * (minmax - b0)
                        pop  a0
                        ld   b0l, a
                        divmod24_8 b0l, h, l, a0l, check0:false # divide (a|hl) / d2
                        # TODO check CF, check a0h
                        ex   af, af           # a: sgn
                        ora  a
                        jr   Z, positive_result
                        neg16 h, l
    positive_result     pop  b0
                        pop  a0
                        add  hl, a0
gfx_clip_line(xx=bc, yy=de, xmax:ixh, xmin:ixl, ymax:iyh, ymin:iyl, full_range_delta:true, compact:true) click to toggle source

Creates a subroutine for clipping lines to the rectangle viewport area using Cohen–Sutherland algorithm.

The line endpoints are 16-bit signed integers: x0, y0 and x1, y1. The viewport area is determined by four 8-bit unsigned integers: xmax, xmin, ymax, ymin.

The routine verifies if any part of the line crosses the viewport area. If it does the Z flag is being set to 1. ZF will be 0 if the line does not cross the viewport region. The line endpoints will not be modified if both of them are already in the viewport region.

On input the beginning coordinates: x0, y0 are expected to be held in main Z80 registers, the end coordinates: x1, y1 are expected to be held in the alternative register set (swapped out).

When routine is over the alternative and main registers will be swapped (x1, y1 will be in the main).


the 16-bit register pair that initially holds x0 in the main and x1 in the alternative set: bc or de.


the 16-bit register pair that initially holds y0 in the main and y1 in the alternative set: de or bc.

Each of the viewport options: xmax, xmin, ymax and ymin can be either an 8-bit half of index register: ix, iy (dynamic viewports) or a constant, as an 8-bit integer or a label.

  • full_range_delta can be set to false for a smaller and slightly faster code if you don't

expect values of |x1 - x0| or |y1 - y0| to be exceeding 32767.

  • compact can be set to false to create larger (~143) but slightly faster code.

Modifies: af, af', hl, hl', bc, bc', de, de' and the machine stack.

# File lib/zxlib/gfx/clip.rb, line 295
def gfx_clip_line(xx=bc, yy=de, xmax:ixh, xmin:ixl, ymax:iyh, ymin:iyl, full_range_delta:true, compact:true)
  raise ArgumentError unless [bc,de].include?(xx) and [bc,de].include?(yy) and xx != yy
  xh, xl = xx.split
  yh, yl = yy.split
  isolate do
    if compact
                        call compute_outcode
                        ld   a, l
                        gfx_clip_compute_outcode h, xx, yy, xmin:xmin, xmax:xmax, ymin:ymin, ymax:ymax # h: outcode0
                        ld   a, h                 # outcode0
                        ld   h, a                 # outcode0
    clip_loop1          label
    if compact
                        call compute_outcode
                        gfx_clip_compute_outcode l, xx, yy, xmin:xmin, xmax:xmax, ymin:ymin, ymax:ymax # l: outcode1
                        ld   a, h                 # outcode0
    clip_loop0          ora  l                    # outcode0 | outcode1
                        ret  Z                    # ZF:1 ready, bc:x1, de:y1, bc':x0, de':y0
                        ld   a, h                 # outcode0
                        anda l                    # outcode0 & outcode1
                        ret  NZ                   # ZF: 0 nothing to draw, move on
                        # xx: x1, yy: y1, xx': x0, yy': y0, h: outcode0, l: outcode1
                        gfx_clip_calculate_8bit_dx_dy_exx xx, yy, full_range_delta:full_range_delta
                        # xx: x0, yy: y0, xx': x1, yy': y1, h': outcode0, l': outcode1, h: dy, l: dx, a': sgn(dx)^sgn(dy)
                        ld   a, h
                        cp   l                    # dy - dx >= 0
                        jr   C, left_right0       # dx > dy
    # TOP and BOTTOM outcode has priority
    top_bottom0         ld   a, h                 # outcode0
                        ora  a
                        jr   Z, top_bottom1
                        rlca                      # CF: Outcode::TOP_BIT
                        jr   C,
                        rlca                      # CF: Outcode::BOTTOM_BIT
                        jr   C, clip_area0.bottom
                        anda Outcode::LEFT_MASK<<2
                        jr   NZ, clip_area0.left
                        jp   clip_area0.right
    # LEFT and RIGHT outcode has priority
    left_right0         ld   a, h                 # outcode0
                        ora  a
                        jr   Z, left_right1
                        rrca                      # CF: Outcode::LEFT_BIT
                        jr   C, clip_area0.left
                        rrca                      # CF: Outcode::RIGHT_BIT
                        jr   C, clip_area0.right
                        anda Outcode::TOP_MASK>>2
                        jr   NZ,
                        jp   clip_area0.bottom

    ns :clip_area0 do
      {top:ymax, bottom:ymin}.each do |sublabel, yminmax|
        ns sublabel do
                        ld   a, yminmax
                        call clip_x_dimension
                        ld16 xx, hl           # x0 = x0 + sgn * dx * (yminmax - y0) / dy
                        ld   yh, 0
                        ld   yl, yminmax      # y0 = yminmax
                        jp   recomputecode0
      {left:xmin, right:xmax}.each do |sublabel, xminmax|
        ns sublabel do
                        ld   a, xminmax
                        call clip_y_dimension
                        ld16 yy, hl           # y0 = y0 + sgn * dy * (xminmax - x0) / dx
                        ld   xh, 0
                        ld   xl, xminmax      # x0 = xminmax
                        jp   recomputecode0

    # TOP and BOTTOM outcode has priority
    top_bottom1         ld   a, l                 # outcode1
                        rlca                      # CF: Outcode::TOP_BIT
                        jr   C,
                        rlca                      # CF: Outcode::BOTTOM_BIT
                        jr   C, clip_area1.bottom
                        anda Outcode::LEFT_MASK<<2
                        jr   NZ, clip_area1.left
                        jp   clip_area1.right
    # LEFT and RIGHT outcode has priority
    left_right1         ld   a, l                 # outcode1
                        rrca                      # CF: Outcode::LEFT_BIT
                        jr   C, clip_area1.left
                        rrca                      # CF: Outcode::RIGHT_BIT
                        jr   C, clip_area1.right
                        anda Outcode::TOP_MASK>>2
                        jr   NZ,
                        jp   clip_area1.bottom

    ns :clip_area1 do
      {top:ymax, bottom:ymin}.each do |sublabel, yminmax|
        ns sublabel do
                        ld   a, yminmax
                        call clip_x_dimension
                        push hl
                        pop  xx               # x1 = x0 + sgn * dx * (yminmax - y0) / dy
                        ld   yh, 0
                        ld   yl, yminmax      # y1 = yminmax
                        jp   clip_loop1
      {left:xmin, right:xmax}.each do |sublabel, xminmax|
        ns sublabel do
                        ld   a, xminmax
                        call clip_y_dimension
                        push hl
                        pop  yy               # y1 = y0 + sgn * dy * (xminmax - x0) / dx
                        ld   xh, 0
                        ld   xl, xminmax      # x1 = xminmax
                        jp   clip_loop1

    ns :recomputecode0 do
      if compact
                        call compute_outcode
                        ld   a, l
                        gfx_clip_compute_outcode h, xx, yy, xmin:xmin, xmax:xmax, ymin:ymin, ymax:ymax # h: outcode0
                        ld   a, h             # outcode0
                        ld   h, a             # outcode0
                        jp   clip_loop0

    # hl = x0 + a' * dx * (a - y0) / dy
    clip_x_dimension    gfx_clip_dimension a0:xx, b0:yy, d1:l, d2:h, full_range_delta:full_range_delta
    # hl = y0 + a' * dy * (a - x0) / dx
    clip_y_dimension    gfx_clip_dimension a0:yy, b0:xx, d1:h, d2:l, full_range_delta:full_range_delta
    if compact
      compute_outcode   gfx_clip_compute_outcode l, xx, yy, xmin:xmin, xmax:xmax, ymin:ymin, ymax:ymax, subroutine:true